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The most blatant violation of the terms of UN resolution 1973 yet. There will be a lot of backlash about this I reckon. While ultimately I believe that the removal of Gadaffi is morally the best option, the allies are now playing a dangerous game by openly trying to kill him using air strikes as it will only generate sympathy for him from so far neutral states.


This isn't going to end quickly or easily.


It's justified as he is a dictator and therefore he is directly responsible for the orders given to attack civilians in Misrata. The UN mandate is very broad and a British Conservative government were instrumental in drawing it up.

Posted (edited)
It's justified as he is a dictator and therefore he is directly responsible for the orders given to attack civilians in Misrata. The UN mandate is very broad and a British Conservative government were instrumental in drawing it up.

The UN mandate states :

"Protection of civilians

4. Authorizes Member States that have notified the Secretary-General,

acting nationally or through regional organizations or arrangements, and acting in

cooperation with the Secretary-General, to take all necessary measures,

notwithstanding paragraph 9 of resolution 1970 (2011), to protect civilians and

civilian populated areas under threat of attack in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya,

including Benghazi, while excluding a foreign occupation force of any form on any

part of Libyan territory, and requests the Member States concerned to inform the

Secretary-General immediately of the measures they take pursuant to the

authorization conferred by this paragraph which shall be immediately reported to

the Security Council;

5. Recognizes the important role of the League of Arab States in matters

relating to the maintenance of international peace and security in the region, and

bearing in mind Chapter VIII of the Charter of the United Nations, requests the

Member States of the League of Arab States to cooperate with other Member States

in the implementation of paragraph 4"


( http://daccess-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N11/268/39/PDF/N1126839.pdf?OpenElement )


Nothing about taking overt aggressive action against Gaddafi or any other target not directly threatening civilians.


The "British Conservative Government" are pushing things way beyond what they are authorised to do.

Edited by badgerx16
Take proper account of Dunce's obsessive delusion
It's justified as he is a dictator and therefore he is directly responsible for the orders given to attack civilians in Misrata. The UN mandate is very broad and a British Conservative government were instrumental in drawing it up.


We haven't got a Conservative government - it's a coalition.


Where next then? Bahrain? Syria? Saudi? There's plenty of dictatorships to choose from.

We haven't got a Conservative government - it's a coalition.


Where next then? Bahrain? Syria? Saudi? There's plenty of dictatorships to choose from.


Indeed, if we had a blanket policy to install democracies across the world, however unworkable that might be, it'd at least be an ethos. Who we get into it with depends largely on what they're giving us at the time.


I think the arguement is that Gaddafi is instructing his tropps to kill the civilians and so we have the right to target him.

I was against destabilising Libya as I felt it would open a can of worms. Al Queeda will love this new opportunity to get in.


The best tactic to end this quickly would be to kill Gadaffi, f*ck the UN resolution.


If any other countries are so bothered about how it's implemented why don't they chip in and help as well instead of sitting on their arses watching the mugs of the UK do everyone else's dirty work.

The best tactic to end this quickly would be to kill Gadaffi, f*ck the UN resolution.


If any other countries are so bothered about how it's implemented why don't they chip in and help as well instead of sitting on their arses watching the mugs of the UK do everyone else's dirty work.


What happens then? Who takes over? Some fundamentalist Muslim group?

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