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Rate your weekend Fred sponsored by Evil Women


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Fri: Night in with teh Mrs and packed for weekend away. Burnt Ricky Gervais show onto CD to listen to on way to Bath.

Sat: Got up early to drive to Bath. Was meant to be driven by my Dad, but he forgot his tax and had been fined for this so didnt want to risk driving without tax. Dad paid for petrol which was bonus! Had a quick drink and bite to eat in possibly the worlds most expensive cafe (£17.50 for a bottle of beer, glass of mulled wine and 2 x chicken, bacon & mayo sarnie!). Then went onto Bath Thermae Spa, including the roof Spa pool thing which was good. Had teh secks in hotel (4* Hilton which was nice) before popping over to the pub with a few of the lads while the girls got ready. The out to the restaurant for free 3 course meal and loads of free wine. Highlight was one of the engineers being carted out by the ambulance after throwing up and passing out (see other thread). Back to hotel bar to carry on drinking.

Sun: woke up early to take advantage of the huge free breakfast. Walked around Bath looking at the xmas market and saw a very funny street show involving two blokes doing acrobatics in just thongs while telling jokes/being funny right infront of a very posh tea room (The Pump House) which made it funnier seeing all these biddy's drinking tea seeing two semi naked men. Drove back to teh Mrs parents house to collect cats.

While driving back, got a strong whiff of Smokey Bacon crisps, realised cat had p!ssed herself in her cat box so had to clean her up after we got her back. Vegged on FM09 for a few hours in the afternoon and got to bed for 9pm as very tired.



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Fri: Night in with teh Mrs and packed for weekend away. Burnt Ricky Gervais show onto CD to listen to on way to Bath.

Sat: Got up early to drive to Bath. Was meant to be driven by my Dad, but he forgot his tax and had been fined for this so didnt want to risk driving without tax. Dad paid for petrol which was bonus! Had a quick drink and bite to eat in possibly the worlds most expensive cafe (£17.50 for a bottle of beer, glass of mulled wine and 2 x chicken, bacon & mayo sarnie!). Then went onto Bath Thermae Spa, including the roof Spa pool thing which was good. Had teh secks in hotel (4* Hilton which was nice) before popping over to the pub with a few of the lads while the girls got ready. The out to the restaurant for free 3 course meal and loads of free wine. Highlight was one of the engineers being carted out by the ambulance after throwing up and passing out (see other thread). Back to hotel bar to carry on drinking.

Sun: woke up early to take advantage of the huge free breakfast. Walked around Bath looking at the xmas market and saw a very funny street show involving two blokes doing acrobatics in just thongs while telling jokes/being funny right infront of a very posh tea room (The Pump House) which made it funnier seeing all these biddy's drinking tea seeing two semi naked men. Drove back to teh Mrs parents house to collect cats.

While driving back, got a strong whiff of Smokey Bacon crisps, realised cat had p!ssed herself in her cat box so had to clean her up after we got her back. Vegged on FM09 for a few hours in the afternoon and got to bed for 9pm as very tired.




The devil is in the detail...

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bumming is never bad


friday - town. drunk. good nite apart from ending up in reflex. i wanted to kill myself it was horrible.


saturday - poker tourny, got drunk. played ok, got to last 2 tables but ran out of chips and teh lager was taking effect. went to friends house for more poker, won cash game, walked home cold and drunk.


sunday - watched football between sleeping taime, cooked a wicked lasagne.

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too ****ed to care. He was about 6ft 10 and 16 stone so probably would have been bad.

My wife had to tell him to F-off as I was to incapable of speaking.


It's always useful to have an ally. This is one of three things women are useful for.

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Friday: Nothing

Saturday: Billericay v. Maidstone, which was better than having £30 extorted out of me by they Charlton c*nts. Went home, went out, got fairly tanked, snogged a chubby girl with fairy wings and a camera in her cleavage until her friend got jealous and ****blocked me, everyone else had gone so wandered home.

Sunday: Roast dindins.

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Friday - Ice skating at Hyde Park, Dinner in Knightsbridge, Drinks all paid for by the company.


Saturday - Up to Charlton, pub in Greenwich then back to my local (smashed)


Sunday - Hungover, watching Super Sunday.


8/10, was good weekend apart from not seeing the missus.

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Fri - Dog walk, No alcohol

Sat- Dog Walk, No alcohol

Sun- Interuption to schedule went to Gun wharf, do not like feeding their economy but as it was HER weekend towed the line followed her around the shops like a 12 year old with my coat hanging off my shoulders saying how bored I was at every opportunity followed by a dog walk and still no alcohol.


Had the best sleep ive had in a very long time over this weekend but refuse to believe it was because I had no alcohol, normal service will resume next weekend in order I can make an informed decision on the sleep pattern.


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Friday: Didnt have to move doors that the bf had bought as for once he had managed to put them where i wouldnt fall over them. Quiet evening watching tv.


Saturday: Shopping followed by housework and chilled in the evening. Doors never got hung as the electric planer was throwing out sparks and there was a very strong burning smell coming from it!


Sunday: bf working all day so did the mountain of ironing that had appeared. Took kids to their dads for the day and managed to get the kids xmas present which is under my bed hoping that my youngest cat doesnt decide to start sleeping under there again (hasnt for the last month or so), as one of the kids is bound to want to get him out and then find the xmas present.



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managed to get the kids xmas present which is under my bed hoping that my youngest cat doesnt decide to start sleeping under there again (hasnt for the last month or so), as one of the kids is bound to want to get him out and then find the xmas present.


Put them in the loft. Thats what lofts are meant for. Storing xmas presents. Thats where 'santa' kept ours when we were small!

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Friday: Got tempted to Cov student union by some friends who are still there. Got utterly hammered. Didn't enjoy it too much though.


Saturday: Slept through the entire morning. Stumbled into the city centre while still hanging, bought myself a new suit and spent the evening with the missus.


Sunday: Watched my lads win 5-1 v bottom of the league, highlight being a player who used to play for me last year scoring a bizare own goal. Chilled out afterwards, visited girlfriend (who by now is ill) and had an easy evening.


This morning: Woke up ill with the bug girlfriend has.



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Friday: Drive to Docklands. First time driving through Central London since passing test. Was scary. No food at hotel, so ended up eating some sandwiches we took with us. Exciting.


Saturday: Up early for brekkie and tube to London Bridge. Met bungle, stevegrant and co in pub. Drunk lots across 3/4 different pubs, got train to Charlton. Left hubby at London Bridge station as he had the wrong ticket. Ended up waiting for him in the rain outisde The Valley as I had his match ticket - d'oh. Watched game, went to London Saints do in the evening. Drunk more, ate sandwiches, met Saints players, won a raffle prize. Got ferry to o2 Arena for dinner and more drink, not quite sure how/when got back to hotel. Result.


Sunday: No hangover - huzzah. Brekkie, check out, went to Ikea then Lakeside and Bluewater for shopping. Drove home in ****ing rain.


Entertainment rating: 8/10

Shopping rating: 3/10

Weather rating: 1/10


Overall 7.869/10

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