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Games of 2013


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The end of the year is almost in sight. Most of the big games have now been released, as have two new prime real estate consoles. That all being the case, what are your games of 2013?


Personally, I've spent a lot of time on my 3DS. Fire Emblem Awakening would be my starter for ten. Over to the gaming collective...

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Of all the games released this year, two stick in the mind.


Runner up: Tomb Raider.


A brilliant-brilliant game, a series I didn't have much time for that has produced a thrilling, exciting exploration/puzzle/action game that controlled smoothly and looked truly stunning. If you havn't played it make sure you correct that as soon as possible.


First Place: GTA 5/Online.


A technical marvel, the best game of the generation. Enough has already been said.


Those two titles make me wonder just how much are the new consoles really needed?

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In no particular order:


GTA V, truly was as epic as everyone hoped it would be.


The Last Of us, stunning looking game, with a very good story to boot, set the bar for all future survival horror games.


Tomb Raider, breathed new life into a very tired franchise, highly enjoyable.


and even though its had mixed reviews i'm still really enjoying Arkham Origins. Look forward to seeing what the next gen holds for the franchise.

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Fary Cry 3 was this year? Jesus feels like ages ago.

Don't think it's been that great a year for gaming to be honest, nothing that's really going to last in the memory. The Last of Us was very good, but seemed a little too easy and not quite what the pre-production had promised.

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Fary Cry 3 was this year? Jesus feels like ages ago.

Don't think it's been that great a year for gaming to be honest, nothing that's really going to last in the memory. The Last of Us was very good, but seemed a little too easy and not quite what the pre-production had promised.


Far Cry 3 was released last year (December 2012).


As for your statement about The Last of Us I can only :facepalm:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've just finished the main plot of GTA V. Excellent game, easily supplanting San Andreas from its place as fave GTA game ever. There is so much to like about Grand Theft Auto in general. Getting to play the movie "Heat" several times in a row is really smart.


The three characters thing worked superbly, making the story more of an ensemble piece than ever before. And yes, Trevor Phillips is a very smart character.

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  • 3 months later...

A late late entry, but probably the winner.


Super Mario 3D World.


Released last year on Wii U. Kids recently bought this for me (and them, of course).


It's outstanding, and what is perhaps most impressive is that Nintendo have had bits of this game lying around in various places for ages. The structure comes straight from the older Mario games, but perhaps having learned from the chaos of the multiplayer 2D games, the 2D plane has been abandoned. Gameplay reminds me of the mini-games in Mario Party, but tagged onto the Super Mario structure. The result is something that hits the retro spot, works in multiplayer and in all honesty, is probably the gold standard for this sort of game moving forward.


Superb stuff.

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