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Season Ticket Renewals


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Just had a phone call from the club informing me that as I haven't renewed my season ticket I could still do so at the renewal rate, despite the deadline for renewals having already passed.


Firstly I had to inform the sweet sounding young lady that I actually had renewed, to which she informed me I had mistakenly been put on the list of non renewals. More interestingly, the fact that the club are actively phoning STHs offering them the renewal rate after the deadline would suggest a poor show in the number of renewals to me.


Anybody else had the call (renewed or not)?

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I had an email yesterday purporting to come from the club asking me to log in and update my details before they would send out my season tickets. Surely this must be a scam?


PM me your details and I'll check for you.

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I had an email yesterday purporting to come from the club asking me to log in and update my details before they would send out my season tickets. Surely this must be a scam?


I had that too. Can't see it being a scam, just a sensible request so tickets don't go to the wrong address.

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I had an email yesterday purporting to come from the club asking me to log in and update my details before they would send out my season tickets. Surely this must be a scam?


Oh, dear, I hope not. I, too, received such an email. I logged in and confirmed my contact details; although I remain resident in the same house as always and have received my ST in the past without any problems.


Maybe I can now expect several emails from that charming man in Nigeria and his associates, offering me all kinds of treats?


What I most miss receiving are offers for those much-required penis extension tablets so frequently advertised several years ago. Where are the old-fashioned scammers when you need them?

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Is that another scam? ;)


I had a quick look through the source text for the page and there seemed to be some odd third-party addresses in there but they may just be the agencies used by the club. I took the view that a significant number of our season ticket holders won't be registered for online trading anyway so I might as well let things take their natural course. I can't see what any scammer would gain apart from a few season tickets. Does the registration process involve giving card details?

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