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That gum you like is going to come back in style..

Edmonton Saint

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Anyone else super excited that we are getting season 3 of Twin Peaks? Remember watching this as a 14 year old when it was shown on BBC 2, way before spoilers and the Internet as we know it today... The ending haunted me. . Rewatched it when the Gold Box set was released a few years back and fell in love with it again, and even went to the Twin Peaks Festival in North Bend, Washington. The ending still haunted me...


Thank god, after 25 years I am finally going to find out what happened to Dale Cooper....

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Hugely. The best thing about it is Lynch and Frost directing and writing every episode.


It's one of the rare occassions when something that will be massively hyped deserves it. As far as I'm concerned it's still the best tv show of all time, even the second series when the Americans fell out of love with it is supreme.


This show paved the way for tv drama as it is now. It showed that there was room in the schedule for the best writers, producers, directors and actors to move away from film and make risk taking, bizarre, sublime television where storylines could be interwoven over a long period to stunning effect.


I wonder how Annie is?

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Think I tried to watch a couple because, apparently, there were tits in it.


That may have been 'Fire Walk With Me', not the series. Plenty of hot girls though.


I would love to see this done right.

If they can convince David Bowie to make another cameo, even better...

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