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Good Lad Andrew Davies

Saint Charlie

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True if I was a player I wouldn't want to be anywhere near this club


Clearly you would have been as useful as Rudi Skacel has been then with your complete non-commitment to a cause.


I remember being a captain at football at school and picking players. I always took a guy with commitment over a lily-livered talented guy.

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sorry,but I think the lad is a bit selfish.

he knew we werent going to be promoted last season,so his "desire to play in the PL",is something he just came up with as soon as Stoke offered him big money,IMO.

besides,surely he knows they are going straight back down-another clue as to where his priorities lies.

to me it seems as if he just used Saints as a springboard to get more money,at another club !

I do rate him as a player though,but no such "heart-bleeding" statement is going to get my sympathy. two-faced barsteward..

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Its all a load of bull****. He's hardly going to come out and say 'Saints are ****ed so I'm off is he'? A player of his calibre would have stayed around and waited for a better offer to come in if things were'nt so bad here. He's jumped ship at the first opportunity for a reason IMO, and as much as it hurts me to say it I can't really say I blame the bloke. :(

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See if Kevin Phillips had said somethinmg like that when he left instead of slagging us off he wouldn't have been given so much stick on Saturday so in turn he wouldn't have scored and we would have had our first point !!!!!!!................................


no ?...alright then : - )

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sorry,but I think the lad is a bit selfish.

he knew we werent going to be promoted last season,so his "desire to play in the PL",is something he just came up with as soon as Stoke offered him big money,IMO.

besides,surely he knows they are going straight back down-another clue as to where his priorities lies.

to me it seems as if he just used Saints as a springboard to get more money,at another club !

I do rate him as a player though,but no such "heart-bleeding" statement is going to get my sympathy. two-faced barsteward..


Lol - I'm not sure how old you are Rod, but I assume you haven't got a job yet. To players (all players) this is just a job - a bloody great one, but just a job.


Getting a chance, whenever that arrives, to play in the top league is like getting a promotion at work. In my experience people will almost always take it unless a) they've no ambition b) they don't have confidence in their ability or c) personal circumstances.


Loyalty rarely comes into it - personally I think Le Tis fell into a) and c), he was only loyal to Saints because it was convenient to be so.


For Davies, clearly he's confident (as are we of him, otherwise we wouldn't be unhappy) and it's probably closer to his family and friends 'op Norf. No brainer really.

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it always baffles me when this situation arises....


If you were personally offered more money at a different company would you leave... most people would...


We are no longer a premier league club and are in deep deep financial ****e.. people have to realise this.


Fair play to the lad, always gave his all for the Saints, would have liked to have seen him alongside Killer but we need the money to keep the club afloat!!. Good Luck to him.

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You mean like your post above.


Really ?


Seems to me you've got into a habit of stalking me and writing contrary drivel in response to my every post.


You never offer an opinion, or comment on issues affecting the club; all you do is react to other peoples opinion or comments.


Hey, if you need to seek the attention, go fill yer boots..

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That's a bit OTT, mate.


I have more respect for Kevin Phillips for being honest about it.


I think the reality is that Davies was forced to leave once Stoke made a cash offer, and he felt it would be the best offer he was going to get, when he knew he couldn't stay with Saints

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I think the reality is that Davies was forced to leave once Stoke made a cash offer, and he felt it would be the best offer he was going to get, when he knew he couldn't stay with Saints


So why didnt he say "you're a great bunch of fans, but your club has driven into the ground and consequently sucks big-time. You deserve better" ??


Honesty that keeps the fans onside. Only its spin and BS put out by the Lowe PR machine........

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Really ?


Seems to me you've got into a habit of stalking me and writing contrary drivel in response to my every post.


You never offer an opinion, or comment on issues affecting the club; all you do is react to other peoples opinion or comments.


Hey, if you need to seek the attention, go fill yer boots..


I offer an alternative opinion to which you always disagree with, nothing to do with stalking. If you want to post drivel expect flak back, if you don't want the response don't post drivel in the first place. Go fill your boots..

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I hope Stoke get relegated and Saints get promoted personally.


while I also hope Saints get promoted this season (can't see it happening) I would quite like Stoke to do well.


Oh how we all laughed at stoke when they took Danny (hoof) Higginbotham, Rory (he can throw it far, but that's about it) Delap & Ricardo (sk@te) Fuller.


When I see Stoke in the Prem, it gives me hope that we can get back there.

I could be wrong but I dont think Stoke are loaded (or were when the finished just behind us 2 years ago) but they built & improved & got automatic promotion last year.


why do we constantly look like we are "doing a leeds" and not follow stokes path?


I know there will be cries of "lord Lowe will sort it out with his financial prudence" but that is sh*te, Lowe's cheap option's will do nothing but send us towards league 1. I really hope I am wrong, but I cant see the new Management team lasting very long.


Lowe IMHO made only 1 good decision when bringing in a manager & that was in 2001.


We were "happy" punching above our weight in the prem, willing to accept the small club tag. Are we now a small club in the CCC?

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So why didnt he say "you're a great bunch of fans, but your club has driven into the ground and consequently sucks big-time. You deserve better" ??


Honesty that keeps the fans onside. Only its spin and BS put out by the Lowe PR machine........



My guess is because he's:


a) adult


b) professional


c) has a compromise agreement preventing him so doing.


Ah, but I forgot, in 'Alpine-ville' (unlike planet earth) footballers act irrationally and football chairmen ask bank manages to fund a 3-goal-a-season striker to save them from the big bad relegation and administration monsters... ;)

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My guess is because he's:


a) adult


b) professional


c) has a compromise agreement preventing him so doing.


Ah, but I forgot, in 'Alpine-ville' (unlike planet earth) footballers act irrationally and football chairmen ask bank manages to fund a 3-goal-a-season striker to save them from the big bad relegation and administration monsters... ;)


I suspect point c) has hit the nail on the head. After all, Lowe has a real thing about ex-employees coming out and giving him grief in public, doesnt he ??

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Good on him leaving on good terms, good player with a good attitude and had the decency to say a few kind words.


Good luck to him I say.


All Kevin Phillips said was that it never felt right here and maybe he made a mistake.


Yet he gets a horrific amount of abuse from so-called Saints fans.

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I suspect point c) has hit the nail on the head. After all, Lowe has a real thing about ex-employees coming out and giving him grief in public, doesnt he ??


Oh come, come Alps, I've not met a wealthy banker-cum-farmer-cum-football chairman yet who didn't silence his critics. Some I know have used a little more persuasion than compromise agreements too...

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Hillarious. Phillips was here longer and did more for us, but Davies goes on good terms with the fans for coming out with a couple of banal run-of-the-mill platitudes.


That's a bit OTT, mate.


I have more respect for Kevin Phillips for being honest about it.


All Kevin Phillips said was that it never felt right here and maybe he made a mistake.


Yet he gets a horrific amount of abuse from so-called Saints fans.



If you love him so much why don't you marry him ;)

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sorry,but I think the lad is a bit selfish.

he knew we werent going to be promoted last season,so his "desire to play in the PL",is something he just came up with as soon as Stoke offered him big money,IMO.

besides,surely he knows they are going straight back down-another clue as to where his priorities lies.

to me it seems as if he just used Saints as a springboard to get more money,at another club !

I do rate him as a player though,but no such "heart-bleeding" statement is going to get my sympathy. two-faced barsteward..


Who else on this board if offered a job with bigger money would turn it down and say I'll stay on crap wages because i'm like here at this job. We all go to where the money is plain and simple fact of life.


He's gone now so next time we meet up I'll be screaming for Killer to do him and do him hard when Killer goes up for a corner.

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