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Pardew to Hull?! Not true surely?


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Every time there is a "big" club in desperate straits, usually on their uppers, looking for a manager to sort out the mess created by the board room, then AP is going to be mentioned, because he is successful in L1. The thoughts must go "surely he would love to manage in the PL".


This is dreamt up on sports desks by people who knows nothing about either Saints or L1. Spot how much is written about L1 in any of the nationals and it will tell you how much knowledge they've got.


If AP waltzes off to Hull then he is truely so limited in his thinking so that we should be glad to see the back of him.

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Every time there is a "big" club in desperate straits, usually on their uppers, looking for a manager to sort out the mess created by the board room, then AP is going to be mentioned, because he is successful in L1. The thoughts must go "surely he would love to manage in the PL".


This is dreamt up on sports desks by people who knows nothing about either Saints or L1. Spot how much is written about L1 in any of the nationals and it will tell you how much knowledge they've got.


If AP waltzes off to Hull then he is truely so limited in his thinking so that we should be glad to see the back of him.


It's a Skate wind up and he's not being mentioned by the press (Curbishley. Megson, Coppell and Jewell are favourites).


They shouldn't throw stones IMO because they might find that Avram Grant "doesn't have the stomach for the fight!"

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in 18 months we'll be above Hull in league places, so he'd be a bit silly if he did go there.


plus they're skint.


I wonder if they'll go into admin before the season is out if they get relegated before the last match?


I think their finances have almost been as dodgy as the skates, what with the auditors not signing off on last years accounts and Pearson coming back to try and steady the ship.

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I wonder if they'll go into admin before the season is out if they get relegated before the last match?


I think their finances have almost been as dodgy as the skates, what with the auditors not signing off on last years accounts and Pearson coming back to try and steady the ship.


there was a lot of talk before Pompey went into admin that another club was on the brink of folding completely, and people were speculating Hull.


wouldn't surprise me, they've obviously spent well above their means to get to this position - and without any rich benefactor pumping in the cash, they were always going to crash and burn after a few years.

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there was a lot of talk before Pompey went into admin that another club was on the brink of folding completely, and people were speculating Hull.


wouldn't surprise me, they've obviously spent well above their means to get to this position - and without any rich benefactor pumping in the cash, they were always going to crash and burn after a few years.


Exactly. Didn't they say they had to cut 6 million (!) off the wage bill in January? Not sure how far they got with that. I think if they go down, they will be in serious problems.

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