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For Daily Mail Haters!!


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Liked that. Didn't LOL, but just chuckled a bit.


Tbh, I'm not sure I actually like any newspapers. The Guardian is a good read though. All I want is news, not opinon, and I can get that off the radio or news websites.

I only like one page and thats page 3 of the sun, page 3 of the star is not in the same league, they really are cracking the Sun page 3 birds.
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I read a paper on my 10 minute lunch break in my van, it normally consists of a packet of bacon wheat crunchies, a packet of Mccoys salt and vinegar crisps and a crunchie or a packet of fruit gums.


Nothing like a nice healthy lunch to boost your brain power !

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I always think the guardian is as bad as the mail, but because it's on the left it's always considered acceptable.


But at least it doesn't post 'non' stories. Nor do its headlines ask provocative questions that it doesn't go on to answer / gainsay.


The Guardian is often very critical of the current government but it does post facts rather than diatribe.

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...but it does!


Exchange the Guardian for the Mirror and you have a point.


I read the national newspapers every night for my job (and, after three years, f*cking hate every one of them) and never seen the Grauniad/Independent/Times deliberately mislead readers in the same way as the Mail/Express/Mirror routinely does.

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at least the guardian did not support hitler, like the mail did during the war,its a nasty hate paper .


Apparently Hitler is all OK now because people can vote for any policy they agree with without thinking about it first - see General election thread - Who Im going to vote for...

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at least the guardian did not support hitler, like the mail did during the war,its a nasty hate paper .


Before not during, to be fair to said horrible rag.


Kind of had to tone down the fascism in the late 30s - only because a lot of its advertisers were Jewish and threatened to withdraw their business, mind.

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I always think the guardian is as bad as the mail, but because it's on the left it's always considered acceptable.


What, because it's written by intelligent men and women with a world view which is broad enough to go beyond thinking that immigrants are responsible for all this country's ills and that MI5 killed the "People's Princess"??

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What, because it's written by intelligent men and women with a world view which is broad enough to go beyond thinking that immigrants are responsible for all this country's ills and that MI5 killed the "People's Princess"??


I don't know you from Adam, Invicta Saint, but I would be very surprised if you don't have left leanings and/or vote for Labour? Purely, because a newspaper agrees with your line of thinking doesn't make it less of a rag.


The Mail is reactionary, opinionated and has an agenda, in exactly the same way that the Guardian does, but like my first point it is considered more acceptable because it leans to the left. A lot like happens in other events when comparing the left and the right.



Sun - a bit of a joke and a comedy read. Never take anything seriously.

Mirror - dangerous because it seems to think it's actual credible, but quite often laughworthy.

Times - don't like the journalistic style, and sport is rubbish also tends to be a little bit too left for me

Telegraph - would buy it and enjoy but it's too bloody big. Tabloid version would be awesome!

Guardian - very lefty orientated and has obvious agenda. Uses comment to portray view of paper by trying to say this is independent speech from the author.

Mail - reactionary and has agenda but good sport and a good read.

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Torygraph - would buy it and enjoy but it's too bloody big. Tabloid version would be awesome!


Forgot just how **** this is...used to be a much better standard before I'm sure. Reads a bit like a tabloid funnily enough.


(Anyway, note to self...don't be a cheapskate just cos you get a free water with it at Gatwick!)

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But at least it doesn't post 'non' stories. Nor do its headlines ask provocative questions that it doesn't go on to answer / gainsay.


The Guardian is often very critical of the current government but it does post facts rather than diatribe.


Absolutely true.


If I want news and some slightly lefty opinion, I go to the Guardian.


If I want lies from a racist Australian, shameless publicity about some sh1te talent show I’ll never watch, gay-bashing opinion passed off as news and pictures of half naked women so airbrushed that they look like rubber dolls then I’ll…I’ll…nope. It’s never once happened. But I understand I can get all of these things in spades from the joke press.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Sorry, saw this article online:




...the Guardian is gutter press as much as the rest. The title is misleading, and the sources are dubious at best.




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Surely that's just emphasising my point?!? They're all as bad as each other but the Daily Mail gets more stick because it is right of centre.


DM gets more stick because it's a poorly written, reactionary, OTT rag. The Guardian, it's (less extreme) political leanings aside, is not.

Edited by LVSaint
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Surely that's just emphasising my point?!? They're all as bad as each other but the Daily Mail gets more stick because it is right of centre.

no its the nutty little englander paper not far of being a bnp propaganda sheet.

remember this is the traitor paper which wanted hitler to win the war.

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I hate all of our dailies with a vengeance, the echo included, but the mail is the one which revolts me the most. The endless whining about how the immigrants and lefties are c*cking up the country and if theyd all just f*ck off we'd be living in a Eutopian dream world brings the bile to my throat. The only newsrags I get are The Week, which is staunchly apolitical and devoid of editorial opinion, and when Im abroad, the IHT.

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DM aside which as Scotty astutely pointed out is not far off a BNP w*nk mag, I dont normally have any problem with papers having and editorial bias politically - you know which is which and if you read more than one its often useful to get different perspectives on the same issues - BUT what I cant fecking stand about some of the Red tops on all sides is when they are used by owners to sway the ignorant voters - eg the Sun... it has absolutely no integrity politically because it cares not for a particular editorial political slant, but for whatever Murdoch feels will get him the best result for his own personal gain...I dont know who to hate more...Murdoch or the ignorant who are swayed by that 'The Sun Says' ....


Politcal bias is one thing, the media having the power to dictate who is in government is a whole different ballgame and requires a level of responsibilty that is clearly missing from Murdoch's make up...

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This site must have a bigger percentage of Guardian readers than anywhere else Lol.

Or that Guardian readers are so up themselves and think that they are right and the message it portrays is always right.

All newspapers have an agenda, perhaps that the Guardians agenda is so subtle it has managed to brainwash its readers.

If I was Cameron I'd make sure that Government waste was first directed at the Civil servant jobs section pages of that paper, the only thing that has kept it alive for decades is the Government publishing its ludicrous jobs in it.

It would be amusing having those adverts put into the Mial so all the sniffy readers would have to pick up a copy Lol

Ps I dont get any newspaper, but the Times would be the one of my choice, the Sun for a cheer up, and the DM for stressing myself up after reading about spongers

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Or that Guardian readers are so up themselves and think that they are right and the message it portrays is always right.

All newspapers have an agenda, perhaps that the Guardians agenda is so subtle it has managed to brainwash its readers.


Who has ever said that the Guardian is devoid of an agenda? It's just that their agenda is toned down and doesn't scream at you and is better written. (Brainwashed?...please... save it for the sheep who buy into everything the tabloids and middlebrows spout) The Guardian, as has been pointed out, have been just as critical of NuLabour you will find...well any paper with an ounce of integrity would do the same! :)


But my point goes much further than the political stories it covers, I'm talking the quality in general of it's media, travel, sport sections, etc, etc.

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I hate all of our dailies with a vengeance, the echo included, but the mail is the one which revolts me the most. The endless whining about how the immigrants and lefties are c*cking up the country and if theyd all just f*ck off we'd be living in a Eutopian dream world brings the bile to my throat. The only newsrags I get are The Week, which is staunchly apolitical and devoid of editorial opinion, and when Im abroad, the IHT.


Two fine publications which knock hell out of any of our dailies, including the better ones (that is, the Indy and to a lesser extent the Times or Grauniad).

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