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Meow Meow banned, Woof Woof launched


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Isn't it a bit depressing to think that you're life is so sh*t that you need to constantly seek out the next "high" to make it worthwhile?


What am I talking about? MDAI is an anti-depressant so I suppose it all cancels itself out.

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Isn't it a bit depressing to think that you're life is so sh*t that you need to constantly seek out the next "high" to make it worthwhile?


What am I talking about? MDAI is an anti-depressant so I suppose it all cancels itself out.


Do you drink Ponty?


Do you smoke Ponty?


The first is a pretty **** high, the second just gives you cancer and you get no high from it at all.

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Do you drink Ponty?


Do you smoke Ponty?


The first is a pretty **** high, the second just gives you cancer and you get no high from it at all.


That's a rubbish argument. You're rejoicing that the next (temporarily) legal high is here. What's so bad that you need to chemically escape from it?

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That's a rubbish argument. You're rejoicing that the next (temporarily) legal high is here. What's so bad that you need to chemically escape from it?


How is it a rubbish agument. If Alcohol wasn't such a part of our culture and it was introduced tomorrow it would be banned. Alcohol causes far more trouble and it causes far more deaths than recreational drug use. So why is your life so bad that you feel the need to drink? And why do you feel the need to smoke cigarettes - do you suffer from your nerves? Are you an occasional smoker or an addict? What makes smoking worth getting cancer for - what are the effects you enjoy?


As to your question I enjoyed M-cat because it was a ****ing good laugh, not because i needed to do it.

Edited by dune
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Do like the way the Daily Heil's highest rated comments are all pro-legalisation; and the lowest rated are anti-drug... Stick that in your crack pipe 4th Viscount Rothermere...


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Not as good as mephedrone, but i've only tried it once. It really does make you feel lovely, but it's not really a dance drug. Some sites are selling it for just £15 aswell, so not too much more than meph. I'm already missing Mephedrone though. The ban is ridiculous. I wish the governmant would ban cigarettes and alcohol too, and see how the public reacts to that. It would be freaking chaos! It's taking away basic human rights. I've never been in any kind of trouble with the law, i've never been in any fights in clubs, i'm always polite and respectful of others. Yet now if i buy mephedrone, which i previously bought perfectly legally, i could face up to five years in prison!? Where is the logic in that, i'm not doing harm to anyone else. I'm not causing any social problems. The ban is the worst thing the government could have done. I am not a child, i have the right to decide what to do with my own body.

- Graham, Leeds, 18/4/2010 14:54



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Not as good as mephedrone, but i've only tried it once. It really does make you feel lovely, but it's not really a dance drug. Some sites are selling it for just £15 aswell, so not too much more than meph. I'm already missing Mephedrone though. The ban is ridiculous. I wish the governmant would ban cigarettes and alcohol too, and see how the public reacts to that. It would be freaking chaos! It's taking away basic human rights. I've never been in any kind of trouble with the law, i've never been in any fights in clubs, i'm always polite and respectful of others. Yet now if i buy mephedrone, which i previously bought perfectly legally, i could face up to five years in prison!? Where is the logic in that, i'm not doing harm to anyone else. I'm not causing any social problems. The ban is the worst thing the government could have done. I am not a child, i have the right to decide what to do with my own body.

- Graham, Leeds, 18/4/2010 14:54




What about the money it costs the NHS to treat the O-D'ing meph heads..........

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Alcohol and tobacco have both been around for hundreds of years. Their effects are well-researched and documented. Tobacco's effects are pretty much all negative and highly addictive. Alcohol in moderation can have beneficial effects.


What sort of effects can you expect from a chemical that was knocked up over the weekend by a chemistry graduate in his kitchen? Or from dodgy vodka cooked up with methanol on a Welsh industrial estate by a bunch of criminals? I'd prefer to know what I'm taking rather than chancing disability or psychosis.


That's the problem with uncontrolled substances bought on the fly - no quality control. At least if they were legalised and regulated you'd have a fair chance of making an informed decision whether or not to take them.


Sorry mate, but my body's a temple.;)

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How is it a rubbish agument. If Alcohol wasn't such a part of our culture and it was introduced tomorrow it would be banned. Alcohol causes far more trouble and it causes far more deaths than recreational drug use. So why is your life so bad that you feel the need to drink? And why do you feel the need to smoke cigarettes - do you suffer from your nerves? Are you an occasional smoker or an addict? What makes smoking worth getting cancer for - what are the effects you enjoy?


As to your question I enjoyed M-cat because it was a ****ing good laugh, not because i needed to do it.


You can say whatever you like, but you are a ****ing mong. Nuff' said.

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Um, I personally don't drink alcohol but tasty liquids that contain it. Quite often I know the guys who grew the grapes that made the juice that then fermented into a gorgeous bottle of wine. I don't smoke and I've been clubbing until 4 in the morning and have never felt the need for anything other than a beer to keep me going and quench my thirst, and the dancing itself keeps me in a good mood. "Just £15?" That'd keep me going all night, although night club loo queues can be a bugger!

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