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Overseas World Cup Coverage

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Do any of you other non-uberfans have to jump through hoops to get this on your local TV/Satellite Systems?


Over here we have 3 service providers, OSN who just lost the PL rights. Star who used to have it but now have most of the cricket rights to World Cups etc and then Al Jazeera who had this seasons CCC & L1 rights.


OSN had shops everywhere so was easy to get subscriptions.


But we only found out about 3 weeks ago that Al Jazeera were showing the WC. Nice planning that.


Then the search started, how the feck do you get that channel? Shops didn't sell subscritions, nobody was selling "Sky Style" pre-programmed boxes. Finally this Wednesday a Journalist finally discovered that they sell Smart cards at Gas stations. All the ads were in Arabic, the station staff have no idea and can't even find the cards forst time round.


We have to pay 120 quid for a card that gives us coverage and also subscription for 12 months.


We finally get that home and hey presto, they don't fit in our existing OSN boxes.


So it's another 300 quid to find an engineer to come and install, tune in and get you up and running.


Annoying as hell but at the end of the day, still a lot cheaper than paying 5 quid a pint to stand in a packed bar full of UAE locals wearing Argentina shirts for every England Game and giving it large


Great, so Football in UK & elsewhere sucks in truck loads of money for the TV rights but the punters around the world get royally screwed with customer service that makes Unite look Consumer Centric.


Anyone else having weird troubles around the rest of the planet?


Rant over

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Well, not having a TV at all I wander down the local bars, so the vital issue is beer prices: €3.50 for a birra media. In fact yesterday I had a letter from the licencing authorities: my reply advised them not to come round to check during England and Italy games as I'd be down the bar.;-)

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SBS over here in Australia. The punditry is shockingly bad though - the anchor chap barely understands the rules of the game and has a terrible tendency to do the oh er ums when trying to link in the studio 'experts'. Makes ITV look classy.



They are bad (really bad) but to be honest they do a better job than the other channels could to. Could you imagine Channel 7 or Nine getting the football and Eddie Maguire being the ancor?

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I'm just gutted that our games in Oz start at 4:30 am. The only midnight game is the last one of the group stages, and frankly if we can't get out of the group, we're sh!thouse. All the post-group games are at 4:30 am - too late to stay drunk, too early to get drunk! Grrrrrrrrrr!

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'Free' courtesy of ESPN and Tommy 'the bastard' Smyth! :)


Just read this!


Glad me and my mates over here are not the only ones that think he is a right ****!

It's not just his accent that ****es us off it's the constant crap that comes out of his gob.


I think Mustoe and Barton do a reasonable job.

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I'm just gutted that our games in Oz start at 4:30 am. The only midnight game is the last one of the group stages, and frankly if we can't get out of the group, we're sh!thouse. All the post-group games are at 4:30 am - too late to stay drunk, too early to get drunk! Grrrrrrrrrr!


Ha! You aren't trying. But if by some amazing stroke of luck England got to the final I can't help thinking you'd make the effort.:-)


Best way i reckon is start slowly and then just keep on a maintenance dosage on the least gassy beer you can find. Dunno Oz beers - Coopers?

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Just read this!


Glad me and my mates over here are not the only ones that think he is a right ****!

It's not just his accent that ****es us off it's the constant crap that comes out of his gob.


I think Mustoe and Barton do a reasonable job.


Smyth is a joke on ESPN. He had the Champions League final and Schneider played the ball to Melito for the first goal. He said that ROBBEN had made the pass FIVE times, despite Robben being on the other side! The other classic was 'he had the defender turning this way and that, like a leaf in a strong wind'. FFS.

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Here I am!


Ho-hoooooooooooooo! Hee!


How on earth did he ever get a job on TV let alone Football?? :mad:


Abouot 9 years ago Orbit won the local rights to the PL and they used ESPN to show the games.


PK's, Offence, Deeefence, GK's - I realise he is trying to explain things to a nation of mongs when it comes to "Soccer" but still

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And don't forget shut outs and goal minders :cool:


I can't get excited about the World Cup, partially because of the Al Jazeera crap, but also I can't watch ANY of the first 3 England games due to work :(



Look on the bright side then, at least you'll be able to watch us all the way to the final......









Hmmm oh well maybe not, have to start cheering on The Magic Kingdom or something

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And don't forget shut outs and goal minders :cool:


I can't get excited about the World Cup, partially because of the Al Jazeera crap, but also I can't watch ANY of the first 3 England games due to work :(


But you'll need to know the scores.. "BA107, cleared for finals, England 3 USA 1"

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