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Jupiter & Venus


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I saw they were getting close yesterday, but forgot and now they have slipped below the horizon where I live. Try again tomorrow...


We live only about 4miles from the Austrian-Slovenian border so are much further south than the UK (therefore too far south to see the additional conjunction to Mercury.), and we live in such a secluded spot that there are only about 20 other houses in a 10 mile radius. Therefore no street lights, and lots of dark forests and mountains. Means the stars are incredible here. Though I missed Jupiter and Venus tonight, Orion is currently stunning, showing Galaxy M42 to the naked eye and a little haze around the left star of the belt which is supposed to be the Horsehead Nebula. Sirius and Aldebaran are also stunning tonight.


Useful site : http://fourmilab.ch/yoursky/

Edited by alpine_saint
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Orion is currently stunning, showing Galaxy M42 to the naked eye and a little haze around the left star of the belt which is supposed to be the Horsehead Nebula.


M42 is the Orion nebula (the middle 'star' of Orion's sword), not a galaxy.

You're lucky though that the Horsehead is visible with the naked eye. We have to journey several hours out of the Vegas valley to see such treats.


Hope it stays clear in the next few nights so to see Jupiter and Venus in the same wide field view eyepiece.


In June, Venus is in conjunction with us and Sun which is rare.

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Last week, Mercury was also visible in the west, I managed to get a picture with Mercury , Venus and Jupiter in it. Also, Mars is visible at the moment as well.


And Saturn about an hour later in the east. Easy to spot...doesn't twinkle (as planets do not).

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