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Favourite goal celebration from afar.


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Basically covering all games that you didn't attended, but still managed to celebrate a Saints goal like a lunatic. Rickie's equalizer on Saturday was certainly well received at Melbourne's #1 football pub, The Imperial Hotel. As a side, we had 25-30 fans in attendance, while poor ol City only had 6. Here's the video of our SRL celebrations!

Anyway, there's nothing like being there, but this is about those moments that you weren't there for. Perhaps you were on holiday, caught at work, or watching a match from the comfort of your home. Over to you lot..

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2 that I can think of.


Steven Davis against Man City away last season. Was in Avondale and the place got trashed during the celebrations.


James Beattie against Man Utd in the last minute in 2004ish. Was on holiday in Spain and watching it with a Manchester family in a bar. The game on afterwards was Man City V Arsenal so the place started to fill with their fans. When Beattie scored the place went nuts and I was the only Saints fan in there. Got a lot of free pints which was more than I could handle at 16.


As a bonus, Rickie Lamberts goal against Scotland. Watched it in the Winston. There was beer on the ceilings.

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When we beat Man U 6-3, I'd been playing in the afternoon and only just got back in time to hear the score before the end - I celebrated the 6th by tripping over in my nan's lounge and destroying a pile of cassette tapes I'd left on the floor.

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2003. West Ham away, Beattie scored in the last minute to win it 1-0. I was in a pub in Aylesbury. The bar man had a Hammers shirt on and was giving me stick all match. Went nuts when the goal went in, climbed onto the bar to make sure I got properly in his face, plus I had Beatts and 1-0 to win £50. Mate dragged me away before the guy lost his cool.

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Ken Monkou, 5-4 against Norwich at Carrow Road. What a game. If I remember we were 3-1 down with 20 minutes to go and Monkou's winner came in the dying seconds of extra time. It was a turning point for us during a difficult season.


where were you / what celebration? The OP asked about celebrations when not in attendance.


BTW the above was truly mad at Carrow Road, one of my favourite games

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Matty's FairyTale last goal at The Dell.


Listening to Power FM and the commentater Hook (?) going absolutely wild and me running around like a loon screaming my head off - gawd knows what the neighbours must have thought!!




Still sends shivers down my spine now.


..... "and if that's not a good reason to go out and celebrate then I don't know what is"!!


You just got to love impartial local radio station commentary.


SRL England debut was a good un as well, as about half a dozen Dubai Saints went ballistic, in sharp contrast to the previous goals for both teams were met with a smattering of applause around the bar.

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Went pretty mental in an Irish bar in Barcelona when Lallana got our second against Reading last season. Quite a few people watching the game but I was the only one with any real interest it seems! Few bemused looks afterwards.


Rasiak in the last minute in the Derby play-off game as well. Was watching that one at home and lept across the living room when that one went in!

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Watched J Rod's goal against Liverpool last year in an Apres ski bar in Val D'Isere. There were at least 6 random Saints in there and we outnumbered the Liverpool fans.


Sunderland away this January, was the only English man in another alpine bar, in La Plagne. Got a few looks from the natives celebrating Lovern's goal.


Wolves 6-0 game, I had just moved to the USA. Having woken up at 3am and gone for a swim thanks to jet lag, I then watch us score 6 on some live score website.


Southend 4-1 game we needed to win to make the playoffs. Still living in USA I set my alarm for 7am to listen to the game on Saints player. Celebrated that alone in bed (not a euphamism).


Watched the Hull away win on a stream from a hotel bar in Oslo this year.

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Was sat in a Starbucks in the middle of Mexico watching the Derby playoff on my laptop (only place I could get wifi) with headphones on so none of the customers were at all prepared for a crazed white bloke screaming and swearing at the top of his voice when Rasiak scored. Sent coffee cups flying, down on my knees, proper balls out celebration. Got a round of applause when I finally calmed down. That was quite sweet.

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2005 Last minute equaliser from Higginbotham against Palace 2-2.


In a pub in Hythe, (the only one we could find in the Southampton area showing the game) it was absolutely packed and went crazy when we scored, tables overturned, beer everywhere.


Not Saints, but Beckhams penalty v Argentina. In Hotshots, beer everywhere again.

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2005 Last minute equaliser from Higginbotham against Palace 2-2.


In a pub in Hythe, (the only one we could find in the Southampton area showing the game) it was absolutely packed and went crazy when we scored, tables overturned, beer everywhere.


This. Apart from I was watching it on a screen in the concourse at St Mary's.

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