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Things Mo has to improve for next season


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Whether it be with us or at Spurs.


I'll kick things off with Mo needing to stop losing so many points from winning positions. For me that was the most disappointing part of last season. We took the lead in many games and did not convert that advantage into 3 points in as many games as we should or what the average top half side would do.


It was a good season but I feel that Mo still has plenty to learn. Not sure Spurs fans will be so forgiving.

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Whether it be with us or at Spurs.


I'll kick things off with Mo needing to stop losing so many points from winning positions. For me that was the most disappointing part of last season. We took the lead in many games and did not convert that advantage into 3 points in as many games as we should or what the average top half side would do.


It was a good season but I feel that Mo still has plenty to learn. Not sure Spurs fans will be so forgiving.


I've also noticed that we lost a lot of points from winning positions, and I'm trying to work out why we have done so. The only explanation I can really come up with consists of this:


- Lack of quality on the bench - without the chance to field strong players later on in the game, it's more likely that Southampton would start dropping points and be unable to retain winning positions.

- Physical ability of first team players - the impression I get is that Pochettino seemed to work the players quite hard in training. Could this have impacted match day fitness?

- General youth of players - Southampton have a young squad and that can lead to naivety in defending. Pochettino was a good defence coach, but no one can cover over individual errors.


Out of all these, I suspect the first point is the most relevant. This means that he won't have the same problem at Spurs considering their depth of squad. It also means that it's not exactly his fault - I'm sure Poch would have brought in squad players stronger than Guly and co. if he could.

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Say what you like about Glasgow but the win percentage was a fact, and mid 30% isn't great at all. MP has a reputation as a great manager yet has only won around a third of his games? Hopefully this stays the same for him at Spurs


Probably because he's never managed outside of top flights. Winning games in League 1 just doesn't count.

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