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Jack Cork-huh?


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Outstanding at right back for 20 minutes (albeit against a lethargic and woeful Derby) excellent against the most potent attacking unit in the division on Tuesday at CB. Bent and Phillips/McSheffrey did not get a shot in all game on Tuesday. Blackpool could (should?) have scored 6 today.


I think we kept the winning team from the wrong game, Derby are rubbish Birmingham are not.


If we are to play this system we need someone to play the ball out of defence surely?


Our biggest weakness in this system has to be the full backs who offer nothing going forward. With two holding mids they should be up and down those flanks like a couple of Brazilians on crystal meth, as it is I think they may be on a valium/mogadone mix.


Perhaps thats just the alcohol talking.....

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Outstanding at right back for 20 minutes (albeit against a lethargic and woeful Derby) excellent against the most potent attacking unit in the division on Tuesday at CB. Bent and Phillips/McSheffrey did not get a shot in all game on Tuesday. Blackpool could (should?) have scored 6 today.


I think we kept the winning team from the wrong game, Derby are rubbish Birmingham are not.


If we are to play this system we need someone to play the ball out of defence surely?


Our biggest weakness in this system has to be the full backs who offer nothing going forward. With two holding mids they should be up and down those flanks like a couple of Brazilians on crystal meth, as it is I think they may be on a valium/mogadone mix.


Perhaps thats just the alcohol talking.....

I must admit that I was surprised that he played no part today. He was MoM on Tuesday.

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I can apprecaite not wanting to change a winning team. However we had already lost two league games, and the last winning team was Tuesday night. I think we all got a bit too excited about the Derby result-they were terrible.


Cork seems to have spent most of his time at holding mid at S****horpe, Chelsea and England. Maybe that may be the best solution?? I remember him playing there last year at SMS-best player on the park that day.

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Jack Cork is patently not a footballer but a lovable rogue set in a nineteenth century novel. He grew up in a London slum and ran away to sea where he had many adventures.


lol. When I saw his interview on Saints tv I thought he looked like an extra from 'Oliver'.

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Good to see that the GB supporters are out in force.


Let's change it every week, and that worked how well last year?


White had a mare in the first half and had to go, the Gillett/Spiderman axis wasn't working either and went early in the 2nd half, JP bought on two attackers and somebody who has played well in DM.


Cork hasn't played as DM for us YET. Pretty logical really, shame we couldn't pass the ball more than the substitutions.


2 weeks to get the new boys better bedded in to the system in training and to know their role in the team. Expect to see changes for QPR

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we need full backs who understand their position.




Many of us warned that we would be weak at the back if we did not have a specialist, experienced back four. Blackpool could have scored four. Others will.


Jp has good ideas, and his young squad are playing exciting football. But all to no avail if our defence is a bottomless bucket.


Cork was brilliant on Tuesday however, and could be part of the solution.

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we need full backs who understand their position.


I had a good laugh on the way home from the Blackpool match while listening to the 'Third Half' on Radio Hampshire ; I heard Jimmy Hard Case come perilously close to claiming that all Full Backs were thick compared to central midfielders and that the position was a doddle to play :smt082 .

You might say that Jimmy , I couldn't possibly comment .

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