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Why Won't The Liberals Answer The Question?


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"If the Conservatives gain the most votes will you support them in a hung parliament?"


I've now seen two Liberal MP's shirk and waffle and not answer this reasonable question. Clegg said he would form a coalition with the party with the biggest mandate from the electorate. Under proportional representation - which the Liberals have banged on about for years - the party with the most votes has the mandate. So why now are Liberals refusing to answer a perfectly reasonable question that the electorate are perfectly entitled to know the answer to?


So much for the "new politics" that they are talking about. I'm glad that Labour, the Conservaties and the political commentators are now putting the Liberals under pressure because with every day that passes they are being exposed as a party that is no different to any of the others.


Perhaps the Liberals on here could justify why the British public are not entitled to know the answer to the question.

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Cameron will keep you in your submarine, the Liberals will scrap them. Big difference from your point of view.

liberals will scrap trident...big difference..


although I agree in keeping it, if it goes, then it goes..


they will all cut spending (afghan apart) and it will hit the forces big time

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liberals will scrap trident...big difference..


although I agree in keeping it, if it goes, then it goes..


they will all cut spending (afghan apart) and it will hit the forces big time


Ever heard the saying "the thin end of the wedge" - The Liberals given the opportunity will scrap nuclear subs.

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"If the Conservatives gain the most votes will you support them in a hung parliament?"


I've now seen two Liberal MP's shirk and waffle and not answer this reasonable question. Clegg said he would form a coalition with the party with the biggest mandate from the electorate. Under proportional representation - which the Liberals have banged on about for years - the party with the most votes has the mandate. So why now are Liberals refusing to answer a perfectly reasonable question that the electorate are perfectly entitled to know the answer to?


So much for the "new politics" that they are talking about. I'm glad that Labour, the Conservaties and the political commentators are now putting the Liberals under pressure because with every day that passes they are being exposed as a party that is no different to any of the others.


Perhaps the Liberals on here could justify why the British public are not entitled to know the answer to the question.


Hmm, are you demanding that Peter Robinson MP answers the same question?


Personally think your making much of a to do about a nothing... if there is a debated mandate (say Tory's get most votes; Labour get more seats), then the election will be in dispute in much the same way Dubya was tarnished with Florida. The Lib Dems are quite simply keeping their options open, (it's called 'Politics'). In this situation they would be able to increase the benefit to their own voters by playing hardball for liberal agreements from the other two parties. I'd happily have Right wing economics, if they were coupled with investment in environment, scapping ID cards, Vince in no 11 etc, scrapping of many CCTV cameras etc

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Hmm, are you demanding that Peter Robinson MP answers the same question?


Personally think your making much of a to do about a nothing... if there is a debated mandate (say Tory's get most votes; Labour get more seats), then the election will be in dispute in much the same way Dubya was tarnished with Florida. The Lib Dems are quite simply keeping their options open, (it's called 'Politics'). In this situation they would be able to increase the benefit to their own voters by playing hardball for liberal agreements from the other two parties. I'd happily have Right wing economics, if they were coupled with investment in environment, scapping ID cards, Vince in no 11 etc, scrapping of many CCTV cameras etc


So in a nutshell Nick Clegg is a LIAR when he talks about the liberals being the new face of politics.


They have been well and truely exposed on this issue.

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So in a nutshell Nick Clegg is a LIAR when he talks about the liberals being the new face of politics.


They have been well and truely exposed on this issue.


In a nutshell, Nick Clegg is a Tory. The liberals aren't the new face of politics, just a heck of a lot more refreshing than the others...


The public hasn't really noticed any exposure on this topic, perhaps because it isn't an issue?

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So apart from a deterrent why do we need nuclear weapons anyway. There is no logical reason to keep them as if they were ever used we'd all be fecked anyway.


so what clegg won't answer who he backs. Maybe he will back the policies he agrees with and not back the one's he does not. No problem in that.


I do find it funny though the th tories and labour a crapping themselves in the light of 1 program.


Especially if you asked most of the population who nick clegg was about a month ago no one would of known.

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Ever just made something up?


Given the attitude of the partys rank and file then this is the conclusion I come to about the direction the of Liberals in regard to the armed forces.


Now can you answer the question this thread is about - why don't the public deserve the Liberals to come clean?

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So apart from a deterrent why do we need nuclear weapons anyway. There is no logical reason to keep them as if they were ever used we'd all be fecked anyway.



because we keep a seat at the worlds top table and influence world politics more


and the fact we have not used them could mean they have worked..


mean while, more nations are developing nukes

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So apart from a deterrent why do we need nuclear weapons anyway. There is no logical reason to keep them as if they were ever used we'd all be fecked anyway.


so what clegg won't answer who he backs. Maybe he will back the policies he agrees with and not back the one's he does not. No problem in that.


I do find it funny though the th tories and labour a crapping themselves in the light of 1 program.


Especially if you asked most of the population who nick clegg was about a month ago no one would of known.


I notice you won't answer the question.


Is it because the public not worthy of some honesty from Clegg and his cronies?

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Precisely, so it has exposed Clegg and his rabble as frauds and fakes. All this talk of the liberals being the "new politics" was a lie.


Anybody - absolutely ANYBODY - who thinks that politicians don't dodge and squabble is a complete nutter.

Have to say, it's f*cking hilarious seeing the Tories squirm like this.

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Nick Clegg has not given a 100% confirmation either way. But thats life maybe he is waiting to see the outcome. If he turned around now and said he would back the tories then that is basically saying there is no chance of us winning go vote for these guys. That is political suicide.


Also personally I think it will be a case of they will support the Tories because well he's never been the biggest fan of Peter Mandelson and his lap dog now has he.


But as I said it could be done on a policy by policy decision.

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In a nutshell, Nick Clegg is a Tory. The liberals aren't the new face of politics, just a heck of a lot more refreshing than the others...


The public hasn't really noticed any exposure on this topic, perhaps because it isn't an issue?


Last night it was discussed, this morning it has again been discussed on the TV. Both times the Liberal MP squirmed and smirked and waffled and dodged and was repeatedly asked to answer the question. They refused.


The more people see of the Liberals the more they will realise that a vote wasted on them is a vote to keep Gordon Brown in a job.

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Anybody - absolutely ANYBODY - who thinks that politicians don't dodge and squabble is a complete nutter.

Have to say, it's f*cking hilarious seeing the Tories squirm like this.


I'm not squirming - far from it, i'm enjoying seeing the Liberals credibility ripped apart.

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Last night it was discussed, this morning it has again been discussed on the TV. Both times the Liberal MP squirmed and smirked and waffled and dodged and was repeatedly asked to answer the question. They refused.


The more people see of the Liberals the more they will realise that a vote wasted on them is a vote to keep Gordon Brown in a job.


Mountain, molehill.


I personally think Clegg would prefer to be in a coalition with Cameron than with Brown, as he wouldn't be tarnished by association with the waddling failure. Not that being associated with the prancing toff is much better.


Recent polls show that the movement towards the Lib Dems is mainly the under 35s and women votes who were previously undecided. These voters have been brought up being told by their peers that the Torys are evil, and by their own experience that Labour are incompetent. These voters actively dislike both the two big parties, and now seem to be opting to back the Lib Dems.


The 'vote for Lib Dems is a vote for Brown' catchphrase just won't work - the swing voters don't see much difference between the two big parties. Still it's good to see the Tory's worried enough to start panicing.

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Mountain, molehill.


I personally think Clegg would prefer to be in a coalition with Cameron than with Brown, as he wouldn't be tarnished by association with the waddling failure. Not that being associated with the prancing toff is much better.


Recent polls show that the movement towards the Lib Dems is mainly the under 35s and women votes who were previously undecided. These voters have been brought up being told by their peers that the Torys are evil, and by their own experience that Labour are incompetent. These voters actively dislike both the two big parties, and now seem to be opting to back the Lib Dems.


The 'vote for Lib Dems is a vote for Brown' catchphrase just won't work - the swing voters don't see much difference between the two big parties. Still it's good to see the Tory's worried enough to start panicing.


How will the Liberal rank and file react to going into government with the Conservatives - it'd split the party. I can't see it happening. But we do deserve to know the answer. The fact Clegg and his cronies don't think the public deserves to know the answer will have an effect on the Tory swing voters. But the Labour swing voters will see the probability of a LIB-LAB alliance as not such a bad thing.

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"If the Conservatives gain the most votes will you support them in a hung parliament?"


I've now seen two Liberal MP's shirk and waffle and not answer this reasonable question. Clegg said he would form a coalition with the party with the biggest mandate from the electorate. Under proportional representation - which the Liberals have banged on about for years - the party with the most votes has the mandate. So why now are Liberals refusing to answer a perfectly reasonable question that the electorate are perfectly entitled to know the answer to?


So much for the "new politics" that they are talking about. I'm glad that Labour, the Conservaties and the political commentators are now putting the Liberals under pressure because with every day that passes they are being exposed as a party that is no different to any of the others.


Perhaps the Liberals on here could justify why the British public are not entitled to know the answer to the question.

why should they-the consertives are just as bad for has labour for keeping this rubbish voteing system going and voted with labour many times to keep their cosy arrangement going .

lets see consertives commit themselves to changeing the voteing system so it represents how people vote in the country and council elections.


lets see the consertives make a commiment to change the voteing system

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They wont answer the question not out of any principle just an electrol judgement.


If they say they are prepared to work with Labour, then that'll scare off Tory voters and if they say they'll work with Torys vias-versa. This is how the conduct their campaigns locally, right wing agenda in Tory areas, left in Labour. They try to be all things to all men.


As a Party that was so oppossed to the "illigal" (their words) Iraq war, then surely they wont form a coalition with the Party that took us into it.


If their mantra of fairness, of every vote counting, and PR, then surely they will only offer to share power with the Party that polled the most votes, not gained the most seats.

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why should they-the consertives are just as bad for has labour for keeping this rubbish voteing system going and voted with labour many times to keep their cosy arrangement going .

lets see consertives commit themselves to changeing the voteing system so it represents how people vote in the country and council elections.


lets see the consertives make a commiment to change the voteing system


Some people, including the Torys, believe our system is just fine and doesn't need changing.Even when they were losing election after election they believed in our system, unlike Mr Brown, who seems to have had a death bed conversation since he looks like losing power.


We do have PR elections in this Country, for the European elections. The Lib/Dems came 4th.

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no your getting desperate:D and it shows.


Getting desperate lol. This a forum viewed by 10 or 15 people TOPS at any given time. It makes zero difference what's written on here. I'm commenting on what i have seen on the television and quite clearly the Liberals are being exposed. A few days ago i was concerned, but now the tide is turning and the choice that everyone has is becoming clearer by the day - Vote Liberal and it's a Vote for brown, vote conservative and it's a vote for change.


The Tory vote will bounce back, the Labour vote won't.

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"If the Conservatives gain the most votes will you support them in a hung parliament?"


I've now seen two Liberal MP's shirk and waffle and not answer this reasonable question. Clegg said he would form a coalition with the party with the biggest mandate from the electorate. Under proportional representation - which the Liberals have banged on about for years - the party with the most votes has the mandate. So why now are Liberals refusing to answer a perfectly reasonable question that the electorate are perfectly entitled to know the answer to?


So much for the "new politics" that they are talking about. I'm glad that Labour, the Conservaties and the political commentators are now putting the Liberals under pressure because with every day that passes they are being exposed as a party that is no different to any of the others.


Perhaps the Liberals on here could justify why the British public are not entitled to know the answer to the question.


Do you honestly think David Cameron would answer the question if it were asked to him? Or indeed any politician from any mainstream political party?


It is not in any politicians interest to give an answer to that question as it shows a sign of weakness and defeat before the election has even taken place. Yes, the Liberals won't win, but it isn't the sign of a good leader to be saying what they will do in the event of a loss. That may end up influencing the election against them and lose them seats/votes.


The time for discussing who they will support should and will come only in the event of a hung parliament. Until that point it is futile discussing it in public as it may harm your parties own chances and why would they do that?


If Clegg said he'd support Labour then Tory/Liberal swing voters may not vote Liberal.

If Clegg said he'd support the Conservatives then Labour/Liberal swing voter may not vote Liberal.


It is in Clegg's interest to ignore the question. As would also be the case if Cameron was asked the same question.

Edited by Matthew Le God
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I wouldn't answer this question either.


This is a question of tactics. If the Liberal declare for one side then the shunned party will go after them in a big way. As we approach the election and if the liberals look like they will hold the balance of power then both the tories and labour will be cosying up to them.

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Some people, including the Torys, believe our system is just fine and doesn't need changing.Even when they were losing election after election they believed in our system, unlike Mr Brown, who seems to have had a death bed conversation since he looks like losing power.


We do have PR elections in this Country, for the European elections. The Lib/Dems came 4th.

i believe in every vote counting and it will stop people losing interest in politics despite which party you vote for unlike the diehards who seem to have the mindset of the communist party of no change.

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Getting desperate lol. This a forum viewed by 10 or 15 people TOPS at any given time. It makes zero difference what's written on here. I'm commenting on what i have seen on the television and quite clearly the Liberals are being exposed. A few days ago i was concerned, but now the tide is turning and the choice that everyone has is becoming clearer by the day - Vote Liberal and it's a Vote for brown, vote conservative and it's a vote for change.


The Tory vote will bounce back, the Labour vote won't.


vote for what change:confused: oh yes lord ashdown will be telling his pet dogs what to do.

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How will the Liberal rank and file react to going into government with the Conservatives - it'd split the party. I can't see it happening. But we do deserve to know the answer. The fact Clegg and his cronies don't think the public deserves to know the answer will have an effect on the Tory swing voters. But the Labour swing voters will see the probability of a LIB-LAB alliance as not such a bad thing.


Problem is Dune, Clegg is damned whatever he does.


I'd say it's still most likely that the Torys will win outright, and if not, that they will hold both the majorty of seats and votes, in which event Clegg would have to work (or try to work) with Cameron.


In the unlikely event that the mandate is split, and Labour have more MPs but fewer votes, Clegg will be in for a rough time whatever he does. In theory he would need to side with Brown, as the current election system is determined by seats. This would also probably be more acceptable to his own party. There would be a minor Tory splutter of 'hypocrite', but it probably won't be taken too seriously. However were he to ignore the number of seats, and side with the number of votes, he'd have to have a very good reason to. The media story would be massive, and he'd need to justify it to the country. If he manages to pull it off convincingly he might just come out of it smelling of roses... but it would be a massive gamble. Additionally, he would probably annoy the majority of his party, setting him up for a rough time. To top it all off the Tory/Lib alliance is likely to be strained, and split, with another election within a couple of years. Lib Dems would be tarnished by the failure, and would probably not poll well.


As such I think it's fairly obvious what Clegg will do:


Tory's win outright: Nothing, other than offer congratulations to Cameron.

Tory's win most seats & votes: Attempt to form a govt with the Torys (probably destined to fail)

Tory's win most votes, Lab most seats: Attempt to form a govt with Labour (probably ideal result for the Lib Dems. Brown will need to make huge concessions ot the Lib Dems, because Clegg could (but probably won't) switch to try and work with the Torys.


So should Clegg come out an expain it all in this level of detail? No. It's obvious what he will do, and it doesn't really need spelling out. If he talks about it directly he can only lose votes.


Are the liberals whiter than white? No, but they are certainly less tarnished than the others.


Would sideing with Brown (even if the Torys received more votes) be hypocritical? A little, but not hugely. Clegg is far more likely to be able to get liberal views championed if he sides with Labour. It would certainly be less damaging to do this, than for Clegg to try to form a risky coalition with Cameron.

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Anybody - absolutely ANYBODY - who thinks that politicians don't dodge and squabble is a complete nutter.

Have to say, it's f*cking hilarious seeing the Tories squirm like this.


Its absolutely priceless :lol:


Over in Tory HQ they're melting down over what to do next, and now the anti-Dave elements of the blue few are starting to speak out against him.


Its very likely the Libdems will still finish third, but they'll stop the Tories getting a majority, and Dave 'normal bloke' Cameron will always be the guy who couldn't beat Brown, probably the worst prime minister ever. Its all too beautiful :smt050

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I wouldn't answer this question either.


This is a question of tactics. If the Liberal declare for one side then the shunned party will go after them in a big way. As we approach the election and if the liberals look like they will hold the balance of power then both the tories and labour will be cosying up to them.


Of course they won't answer it, but the political commentators are all saying that the Liberals will side with Labour. This is great news because the Labour vote will remain split but the Tory vote will drift back.

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Do you honestly think David Cameron would answer the question if it were asked to him? Or indeed to any political party?




I thought they were different, I thought Clegg was whiter than white, stright with the public and answering their questions.


Not not trying to tell us that St Nick has made a political calculation and therefore aviods answering the question. You'll be saying the LIb/Dems have had dodgy donations next.

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There seems to be a lack of understanding as to how a government is formed. The government with most seats will get the first chance to try and form a government. They will have to ask the Lib Dems and/or other parties to work with them and then discussions will follow.


If no government can be formed then the 2nd largest party will have a chance to form an alliance, or 1 party could try and run a minority government (likely to lead to autumn election).


In the event the Lib Dems are the largest party, I suppose Clegg would then have the difficult decision of who to speak with first.

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Do you honestly think David Cameron would answer the question if it were asked to him? Or indeed any politician from any mainstream political party?


Of course not, but Camerons not the one proclaiming himself as the man who's going to change politics. Clegg is the one banging on about the old parties and the old ways yet he's been exposed as no different.

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I'm sure they are quaking after reading this thread.


Also nice to see you squirming in panic Stanley. The election isn't as clear cut as you thought.


It will be. The labour vote will split and the Tories will capitalise.

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Of course not, but Camerons not the one proclaiming himself as the man who's going to change politics. Clegg is the one banging on about the old parties and the old ways yet he's been exposed as no different.


Just because you proclaim yourself to be the man that is going to change politics that doesn't mean you would shoot your own chances in the foot. It doesn't mean that for every decision you do the opposite, it some cases the current way is the best way and shouldn't be changed. The Liberals would lose votes if they announced their intentions. You are not going to get far in politics if you lose votes by your actions.


If Clegg said he'd support Labour then Tory/Liberal swing voters may not vote Liberal.

If Clegg said he'd support the Conservatives then Labour/Liberal swing voter may not vote Liberal.


You could copy and paste in Brown and Cameron into that and come to the same result. It is a vote loser to announce intentions before the result is known. Yes, Clegg wants to appear to be whiter than white but he'd have to be insane if that resulted in losing swing voters.

Edited by Matthew Le God
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There seems to be a lack of understanding as to how a government is formed. The government with most seats will get the first chance to try and form a government. They will have to ask the Lib Dems and/or other parties to work with them and then discussions will follow.


If no government can be formed then the 2nd largest party will have a chance to form an alliance, or 1 party could try and run a minority government (likely to lead to autumn election).


In the event the Lib Dems are the largest party, I suppose Clegg would then have the difficult decision of who to speak with first.


Politics is all about hypothetical questions and the question put to the Liberal MP's was quite simple. If Labour get the most seats but the Tories get the most votes who has the mandate to govern and therefore which party would the Liberals (if asked) form a coalition with.


The Lib Dems have banged on about proportional representation for years so why won't they simply come out and say they'll form a coalition with the party that gets the most votes?

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Politics is all about hypothetical questions and the question put to the Liberal MP's was quite simple. If Labour get the most seats but the Tories get the most votes who has the mandate to govern and therefore which party would the Liberals (if asked) form a coalition with.


The Lib Dems have banged on about proportional representation for years so why won't they simply come out and say they'll form a coalition with the party that gets the most votes?


It's not up to the Lib Dems. If Labour get the most seats then they have the right to try and form a government. Likewise the Tories. Both would have to ASK the Lib Dems to join them. If Tories are 20 or so seats short they won't even ask the Lib Dems and will do a deal with UUP, SNP and Plaid.

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The Lib Dems have banged on about proportional representation for years so why won't they simply come out and say they'll form a coalition with the party that gets the most votes?


Of course they won't answer it, but the political commentators are all saying that the Liberals will side with Labour. This is great news because the Labour vote will remain split but the Tory vote will drift back.


There you go... thread resolved.

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