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Ross Kemp wants me to vote Labour


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Anyone else received the leaflet with no less than 8 celebrity endorsements for the labour party. Funny i've received it on the day Gordon comes out and says this election isn't about celebrities when told Simon Cowell is voting for the conservatives.

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Anyone else received the leaflet with no less than 8 celebrity endorsements for the labour party. Funny i've received it on the day Gordon comes out and says this election isn't about celebrities when told Simon Cowell is voting for the conservatives.


That is bloody priceless!


Don't forget that the Lib Dems have got Harry Potter as their 'celebrity endorser'. Now, I have nothing against school-boy wizards with crap spectacles but I would take the Tories hard-man Michael Caine over a pre-pubescent little twerp with a wand any day. ;)

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That is bloody priceless!


Don't forget that the Lib Dems have got Harry Potter as their 'celebrity endorser'. Now, I have nothing against school-boy wizards with crap spectacles but I would take the Tories hard-man Michael Caine over a pre-pubescent little twerp with a wand any day. ;)



TBF, that is a little unfair on Nick, if you ask me.

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To be honest I'm not sure people give two hoots about endorsements. I can't see many politican's gain much, but I can see them becoming tarnished by association... Alan Sugar might lose votes for Labour, Simon Cowell & Phil Collins could lose some for the Tories.


I guess the people with most to lose are the celebrities themselves, I'm not sure I will look at Ranulph Fiennes in the same light now I'm aware of his political allegiance.

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I heard my MP Chris Hune on the radio yesterday banging on about how it's so wrong for Labour and the Tories to say we should vote tactical and we should vote for what you believe.


Then through the door drop his leaflet saying "vote Lib Dem, Labour can't win here".


All a bunch of tossers.

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It was funny seeing him do his serious face yesterday in the political broadcast.

"You might think that voting Lib Dem is a good alternative, after all, what can go wrong with that?"


"Well, a lot can go wrong with that"


I lol'd :D

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I heard my MP Chris Hune on the radio yesterday banging on about how it's so wrong for Labour and the Tories to say we should vote tactical and we should vote for what you believe.


Then through the door drop his leaflet saying "vote Lib Dem, Labour can't win here".


All a bunch of tossers.


What a hypocrite. I got a letter through my door (well, a printed letter, mimicking his handwriting).


It was addressed Dear Neighbour, even though his address is a few miles away.


After blowing his own trumpet about what a good chap he is and how he helps little old ladies cross the road, he gets down to the nitty gritty.


"Everyone can see that the Labour Government has let us down. We need a big change in Britain. Here in Eastleigh, we can't vote out the Labour Government because there is no Labour MP to defeat.

Labour is already in a poor third place. But we can elect a hard working local champion to be our voice in Parliament and to deliver real reform. The choice here is between the Conservative candidate and me.

Many people have told me that they don't like the nasty and negative campaigns the other parties are fighting. Politics has a bad name already and that type of campaigning doesn't help at all."


This is the man that stood as one of the three candidates for leader of the Lib/Dems. "Here in Eastleigh we can't vote out the Labour Government"

No, you can't. We are just one constituency out of 646, Chris.


So what does he suggest as the best option to oust Labour from Government? Vote for the party that historically comes third nationally, instead of the one that has the best chance of securing the victory. This is the equivalent of those voters wanting to get rid of Huhne, voting Labour. Then he completely fails to see the irony of the usual statement put out in their local literature in this constituency. Alongside a bar chart showing the results at the last election with Labour on 23% or whatever it was, they state, "Labour cannot win here". This is a two horse race between us and the Conservatives.


Now, Chris, take a deep breath and think for a moment. What would you say if looking at the big picture of the entire UK and scanning the various polls recently published, the Conservatives declared, "This is a two horse race between us and Labour. The Lib/Dems cannot win this election"


Perhaps I ought to tell Clegg that Huhne thinks that they have no chance whatsoever of winning this election and asking him what he thinks their chances are.


Do you see the inconsistency, Chris?


And when those people spoke at their disgust at the nasty and negative campaigns, it went right over your head that some of them might have meant yours. :rolleyes:

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