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Labour Party Leadership


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Just heard on Radio4 that Alan Johnson is NOT standing and is supporting David Milliband.


Happy Days.


A pity as I like Johnson.


I envisage it coming down to a straight fight between Ed Balls and David Milliband but perhaps Ed Milliband could be a compromise as he seems to be from neither the Blair or Brown camps?

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A pity as I like Johnson.


I envisage it coming down to a straight fight between Ed Balls and David Milliband but perhaps Ed Milliband could be a compromise as he seems to be from neither the Blair or Brown camps?


Yes I do like Johnson, but I think Milliband is the better long term option as we may in opposition for a while....


Ed Balls, please god no. I'm sure the left leaning will be hoping for him.

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I despise both Balls and Milliband. I hope Balls gets the job the most though because he'd be the biggest mistake they could make.


Shame about Alan Johnson from Labours point of view because I think he'd have public appeal and I do respect him as a politician. Age is probably not on his side though because you're electing a leader for possibly 5 years down the road and then another 5 years should they win in 2015.

Edited by dune
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They reckon it will take them at least three months to sort it out. Shame about Alan Johnson - I quite liked him - gave straight answers to questions.


Perhaps DC should call a snap election now - Labour would be all over the place.

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I despise both Balls and Milliband. I hope Balls gets the job the most though because he'd be the biggest mistake they could make.


Shame about Alan Johnson from Labours point of view because I think he'd have public appeal and I do respect him as a politician. Age is probably not on his side though because you're electing a leader for possibly 5 years down the road and then another 5 years should they win in 2015.


Milliband is very astute, a very clever politician and has the PR skills, be afraid Dune. ;-)


Balls, would be a balls up (pardon the pun!).

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Milliband is very astute, a very clever politician and has the PR skills, be afraid Dune. ;-)


Balls, would be a balls up (pardon the pun!).


Both the Millibands may be smart, but they're both very smug and smarmy (though not as bad as Balls). I don't see either as a threat - Alan Johnson would have been a threat though.

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Anyway we've got five glorious years of Dave Cam to come so I won't be worrying about Labour a for quite some time.:)


4 years if the Liberals have their way...


If Alan Johnson was a few years younger I feel he may have stood, but with him out of the picture you can't really look beyond David Milliband. It's shame though that Cruddas is one of the few real hard left Labour MPs left, he may be popular with the public but he won't ever get the chance to be leader of the Labour party.

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4 years if the Liberals have their way...


If Alan Johnson was a few years younger I feel he may have stood, but with him out of the picture you can't really look beyond David Milliband. It's shame though that Cruddas is one of the few real hard left Labour MPs left, he may be popular with the public but he won't ever get the chance to be leader of the Labour party.


With a surname like Cruddas he'd never get elected anyway. Harsh and unfair, but it's true. There has been much debate into this sort of thing in the states and politicians with weird names aren't chose for this reason. Imagine if Lembit Opik wasn't a weido and if he hadn't lost his seat - he'd never be a leadership contender because of his name.

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With a surname like Cruddas he'd never get elected anyway. Harsh and unfair, but it's true. There has been much debate into this sort of thing in the states and politicians with weird names aren't chose for this reason. Imagine if Lembit Opik wasn't a weido and if he hadn't lost his seat - he'd never be a leadership contender because of his name.


Haha, perhaps your right: Prime Minister Cruddas or Prime Minister Opik don't really sound like statesmen!

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This coalition is the best scenario for Labour (even if it doesn't feel that way now)


Labour & Brown had become tired and very unpopular. Had they tried to hang on to power, the electorate would have seriously punished them next time round.


Now Labour can rebuild, gain strength during 5 years of opposition, and if the coalition is a disaster they will have a good chance of getting straight back in


I think the Millibands have a real slimy look about them. Ed Balls appears to be a bit confrontational. This is Labour's problem, they don't appear to have a potential Prime Minister waiting in the wings

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Don't rule out a certain Tony Blair deciding to have another bash at renewing Labour. He's still younger than the age 90% of former PM's took on the job. Any farting about amoung the new generation would only strengthen his belief he could do it all over again.

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Don't rule out a certain Tony Blair deciding to have another bash at renewing Labour. He's still younger than the age 90% of former PM's took on the job. Any farting about amoung the new generation would only strengthen his belief he could do it all over again.


Nah, although he'd win them the next election IMO it's not going to happen. He'd have won the last election if the dopey Labour Party and the scheming Brown hadn't shot themselves in the foot. All these whinges about Iraq by those on the far left (and the those on the far right in islamic circles) is simply a case of those with the biggest gobs shouting the loudest. In the real Britain Blair was liked and very electable.

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I would imagine that it will be a straight fight between Balls and Milliband and I'd expect DM to win that contest.


Imagine they would be the front runners - but often they are not the winners. Any dark horse candidates?

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Agree about the Millibands, I'm surprised they are not Tories TBH!


The same goes for Clegg, but I guess now is he is an honourary Conservative. Divide and Conquer, Divide and rule.:)


Everything changes and everything stays the same.

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Anyway we've got five glorious years of Dave Cam to come so I won't be worrying about Labour a for quite some time.:)


The editor of the Spectator magazine, Fraser Nelson, tweets: Bookies say still 50-50 chance of second election this year. Cameron should hope for five years, prepare for five months


Should give ordinary Dave Milliband enough time to bring back some disillusioned LD voters back to the centre left.

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I think that Labour have come out of this OK. They have by no means been wiped out and, many Labour supporters that I know are glad that they don't have to take the extreme measures needed to tackle the deficit.


The Governor of the Bank of England has suggested that the cuts will be so extreme that the party in power could become "unelectable for a generation".


Although the average voter may say that they understand the need for cuts and increased taxes, when it hits them in the pocket, they'll blame the Government.

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Miliband is a clone of Blair, another Tory with a red tie.

Burnham wouldn't stand a chance with the electorate.

Cruddas is the best MP Labour have (since Mo). He stands a good chance.

Balls is a Brown-loving porky ****

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Miliband is a clone of Blair, another Tory with a red tie.

Burnham wouldn't stand a chance with the electorate.

Cruddas is the best MP Labour have (since Mo). He stands a good chance.

Balls is a Brown-loving porky ****


I would vote for Cruddas. My Burnham comment was just a poke at all those who think looks are more important than values ;)

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Miliband is a clone of Blair, another Tory with a red tie.

Burnham wouldn't stand a chance with the electorate.

Cruddas is the best MP Labour have (since Mo). He stands a good chance.

Balls is a Brown-loving porky ****

Balls only kept his seat oop north by a handful of votes, didn't he? Or was that his missus?

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I would vote for Cruddas. My Burnham comment was just a poke at all those who think looks are more important than values ;)


Prob with Cruddas as leader it would give him the idea that he would get away with writing a very left wing manifesto that would become another "longest suicide note.." situation.


It will be D Milliband, his little piece today seemed good, sensible but not dour, informative while not patronising. He also talked of being a beacon for the centre and centre left now the libs joined the cons which was a good move.

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I've said before on here Blair changed the face of politics. I also siad before that Cameron = Blair Mk II


Interesting to see Blair Mk III (as i suggested he would - though it was rather obvious) has declared his candidacy for leadership.

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