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How much **** will NC get from the fans?

Cestrian Saint

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Obviously there will be a contingent of morons (there usually is) acting like morons (they usually do) in the Northam stand (where they hang out).


Most sensibly minded fans (there are usually plenty there) will wait until the situation is resolved before deciding whether or not persecution is the way forward.

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Re NC, I think there is more to come. NC is set at 'making his mark' at SFC. I foresee changing names of the stands during the next 12 months. In my view, he is set on putting the club on a more 'business footing'.

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There is a weight of comment slowly emerging that NC is not the villain here.


I would hope our fans refrain from such moronic activity this evening. If NC were to walk away, we are really in the sh*t then.


Totally agree. Some people need to see the bigger picture here. I hope the vocal few do not make the same mistake as they did in 2004 !

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None I hope as we don't know the full story and we really don't need to hack off anyone at the moment. Leave diapproval for when we have a real problem and then it might be taken seriously,don't you think the booing already this season has helped events some of you would have prefered not to happen?

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Just wondered what the fans reaction to NC will be like on Tuesday? Will people boycott the game? Will the fans chants and songs be aimed directly at him, or will they let it lie and get behind the team?


I don't think anyone's boycotting, we'd only sold a few thousand tickets even before the sacking.


I'd happily join in with a few, albeit pointless, pro-Pardew songs.


I'm unwilling to specifically make Cortese-annoying noises in the ground because I've seen the kind of havoc megalomaniacal Chairmen can wreak at other clubs when the fanbase turns against them. I'd rather he just sodded off now before he does some serious damage and left someone competent in charge of our "trust fund", unlikely as that is.

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