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Teh rate your weekend fred *Sponsored by infraction points*


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Fri- Went to 70th bday. Left early and went to my old man's local for a few beers.

Sat- Sat around all day. Saw that Saints won!! :) Went to town in the evening and then to a mate's house after 'til teh sun came up.

Sun- Lazy day. Watched footeh and formula 1.


9/10 due to Hamilton and Saints

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Friday; Got smashed in Essex and went to an African club; (obscure).


Saturday; lots of beer n playstation with my boy. Checked SSN and fell over.


Sunday; Pool n beer down the pub.




Incidentally anyone see Jeff Stellings opening line for soccer Saturday? A proper lol.x

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Fri - Hammered in Ocean Village, went to Casino & lost £110


Sat -Worked all day, went to Casino again - won £85.

BJ off girlfriend. She then moaned all night about me eating spicy foods the day before a BJ. It doesn't taste too good apparantely


Sun - Worked all day, followed by a Madras, just to pizz her off



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Thursday - Flew to Sarajevo to stay with a mate who works out there. Landed at lunchtime, looked around the old town, chilled outside a cafe watching the quality local clacker (soooo much better than back here), went up to the mountains around the town for some spectacular views, grub, booze, turkish bong, bed.

Friday - Drove to Jablonica lake - superb scenery, went onto Blagaj and then to Mostar bridge and the old town. Back to Sarajevo after dark, fabulous food then a night on the raging lash until 3am.

Saturday - Up early, museums, cepavpi, Basarsicja, Jahorina for some mountain air (no snow atm though). more quality grub and a few quiet brews.

Sunday - flew back to blighty.


Terrific place to go. City of contrasts with the mix of religions and ethnicity, the still obvious war damage and new development, the poor and the wealthy. Humbling and inspiring at the same time. Very friendly people. All round top weekend - 10/10.

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Fri ... saw Bob Marley's old band The Wailers (pretty good old stylee reggae) followed by Paul Weller who was absolutely the dogs nuts. Best gig I've been to in a long time. Only down side they ran out of beer (but seeing as they only had Fosters maybe that wasn't such a bad thing!! and took ages to get a cab back home)


Sat .... Pottered about in the garden drinking beer and then listened to The Saints match commentary, managed to avoid slitting my wrists at halftime and opened another beer instead!! Couldn't beleive the 2nd half turn around. Very happy chappy post match for the first time in ages. Evening made even better with Skatesmuffs last minute capitulation to Donkey Heskey of all people :D More beer, had to be careful my face didn't split in half, due to the size of my permanent grin ..


Sun ... more pottering about in the garden, more beers consumed to cope with the beautiful 35c sunny afternoon heat. :cool: Made a superb Chicken Curry, Basmati Rice, Poppadums, Mint Raita and Paratha breads washed down with copious amounts of beer. Watched the Grand Prix and its incredible climax. The commentary was in Arabic so I didn't have a clue what had happened on that last corner and was trying to figure out why The Williams team were going barmy till I registered that it showed Hamilton in 5th and not 6th place. What the **** happened there ... but who cares, more beers were in order :D . Evening rounded off nicely watching Alonso's sour faced mug in the post race interviews .. ha hah what a ****. You'd have thought it was him and not Massa who'd just had gone thru the roller coaster of victory and defeat in a matter of seconds.


Superb weekend, I'll give it a 9/10 in the hope that there are even better ones on the horizon ;)

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This morning - went to the vet with my mum and the cat and got it put down :(


Great - 3/10


Sorry to hear that Jilleh. Not one of the Bengals???


I had a bad cat experience over the weekend too as mentioned below.


Fri: Night in with teh Mrs, take away Chinese which I mostly didnt eat, so saved it for Breakfast on Saturday. Watched 'The Rocker' with Dwight Shrute from the Yank version of the 'Office'. T'was ok.


Sat: Reheated Chinese breakfast, played FM08 for a bit. Parents came over to give advice on damp/condensation probelm in the lobby/porch. Mrs highlighted my hair - looks pretty good (and there was me thinking you cannot better perfection?). Was completely surprised at Saints result - get in! Over to Abshot Country Club in teh evening for a mates Mrs 25th bday party. Got smashed on £24 mainly due to the amount I drank at a mates before and that my parents were at the party too so free drinkage. And knowing the barman helps too for 'stronger' drinks at a cheaper price! Picked up by teh Mrs at 1am, secksing till 3am without the 'happy ending' due to amount of booze in me.


Sun: Woke up early for yet more teh sex - this time with a happy ending. Went back to sleep. Bummed around for the day playing FM08 while watching footy. Over Parents in evening to watch last bit of F1 - twas immense and for a nice roast and back home to watch Fringe in bed.


Up until 3am this morning 8.88/10.


3:30am this morning, was woken up by our 2.5yr old cat having an epileptic fit. She was diagnosed with it 1.5 years ago and thankfully, hadnt had a fit since we started her medication, however, we havent been giving her as much med as her doseage suggests in the hope she had got better and up until last night it was apparently working.


She was foaming and dribbling from the mouth quite badly shaking loads and twitching a lot. Had to rectally administer Diazipan (sp) which is like a tranquilizer for the muscles (to stop them spasaming) and then the cat went really floppy and sleepy. She nearly fell down the stairs as her back legs werent working much. Managed to get to sleep at about 5:30 with my morning alarm going off at 6:10. Teh Mrs stayed up with the cat. Took 2 hours flexi from work so managed to get a bit more sleep and by the time I left the house at 9:30, the cat was up about and moving fine again, very tired though. Teh Mrs has a half day so hopefully can look after her.


Needless to say, we will be following the doseage to the T now. Just put a whole downer on the weekend though.


And there you have a minute by minute re-cap of my weekend.

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Friday - Halloween party with a group of friends.

Saturday - Training, watched Saints claw a great comeback, found out the girl I liked for ages likes me, down town till early hours.

Sunday - Dad's birthday the old dog, watched grand prix, then footie. Early night.



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Rate your Monday


Just been lazing around in bed mainly, waiting for the delivery of my new MacBook and watching daytime tv.


Would've been around 6/10 for sheer relaxation and restfulness; but after hearing some funny cat tales and stories of cat deaths that made me laugh, I'm changing my rating to 9/10. Not bad for a Monday.

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Friday: Felt crappy. Went home and watched darts. Went to bed early-ish.


Saturday: Still felt crappy. Watched TV recorded fro Thurs and Fri. Watched darts, bit of rugby, gp qualifying and yet more darts. Got annoyed as I decided not to go to Preston. Then remembered I should be happy when we win.


Sunday: Felt a little bit crappy, and then had to go and play in goal in poor weather conditions. Had a couple in the pub, then went home to watch darts and GP.


Rating: 6/10. Been ages since I had a lazy weekend.

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She was foaming and dribbling from the mouth quite badly shaking loads and twitching a lot. Had to rectally administer Diazipan (sp) which is like a tranquilizer for the muscles (to stop them spasaming) and then the cat went really floppy and sleepy. She nearly fell down the stairs as her back legs werent working much.


Rule 1?

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Thursday started the weekend for me as there were no trains to southampton so I ended up staying at my mates.

Friday - had to pay over £17 to get from mates to uni and back for one seminar and a tutor meeting (still wondering if that was worth it)

Saturday - spent the day looking for somewhere to live in portsmouth. There was a lot of traffic and i felt quite sad on the way back. But I did find somewhere.

Sunday - Nothing special in the morning (something to do with a part for a car) then fireworks at legoland in the afternoon/evening. Going on the log flume in the dark was quite cool.


5/10 - I know i need to move (and i certainly want to!!!) but it's a lot of effort and I have 3 presentations to do for uni atm so have limited time available.

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Yes, it is, as I put a strobe light in your Cats face, sufferrrrrrrrrrrrr.


Do remember this is not b-anter, its TMS and albeit there are elements of **** taking, the majority of members have morals and some decency, unlike b-anter, so your attention seeking comments wont win you fans here. Besides, you dont have to suck up to Baj/Steve or any other admins, as they dont care.

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Do remember this is not b-anter, its TMS and albeit there are elements of **** taking, the majority of members have morals and some decency, unlike b-anter, so your attention seeking comments wont win you fans here. Besides, you dont have to suck up to Baj/Steve or any other admins, as they dont care.


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meh f*ck it.


If someone came on here saying their pet or even family member was ill or died, I would send my condonances, not take the peace. Although, I guess thats where some people have morals and know TMS is only just a forum.


And before you come back saying TMS is just a forum, dont take it so seriously, we know certain topics are not to be joked about, for example racism. So if you can comprehend this, then surely those same morals can be used when someone is clearly upset/uncomfortable with something?


You wouldnt take the peace out of your mate down the pub if his cat/dog got ill would you? So why different here?

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Whenever I have someone near and dear to me pass away or get seriously ill it's always a priority of mine to tell people that I don't know on the innernets about it.


However, when my Cat has an epileptic fit I don't tell people on the innernets about it, as if I gave a detailed description of the event it'd make them laugh and take the p!ss out of me.


My Cat is at home with nice smelling breath though, as he had his backteeth out on Friday. he has go faster stripes on both of his front legs, as they shaved a bit off of them for some reason. When I kiss him I can give him tongues, so the £238 was well worth it.

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Rate your Monday


Just been lazing around in bed mainly, waiting for the delivery of my new MacBook and watching daytime tv.


Would've been around 6/10 for sheer relaxation and restfulness; but after hearing some funny cat tales and stories of cat deaths that made me laugh, I'm changing my rating to 9/10. Not bad for a Monday.


On of my step-daughters guinea pigs died this weekend. I told her I buried the poor little thing in the woods, I hadn't, it's in the bin. :-)



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Whenever I have someone near and dear to me pass away or get seriously ill it's always a priority of mine to tell people that I don't know on the innernets about it.


However, when my Cat has an epileptic fit I don't tell people on the innernets about it, as if I gave a detailed description of the event it'd make them laugh and take the p!ss out of me.


My Cat is at home with nice smelling breath though, as he had his backteeth out on Friday. he has go faster stripes on both of his front legs, as they shaved a bit off of them for some reason. When I kiss him I can give him tongues, so the £238 was well worth it.


Having teeth extracted is slightly different to a fit though TBF AV. A fit is uncontrollable, comes out of the blue and is part of an illness. Which in all fairness is not fully understood. Therefore, I worry that one day, she may not fully recover, or worse still pass away.


Arranging for teeth to be extracted is an operation, whereby 99% of the time, everything goes as planned so nothing has to be worried about.


I mentioned it, as it was a significant part of my weekend and I was contributing to teh weekend fred. I did not start another thread about it and expect comments to be passed on regarding it. I also mentioned it to show Jill, she was not alone in having a sheet weekend due to an unfortunate event regarding a pet.


The 'go faster stripes' as you call them are where he either had a blood sample taken, or they gave him aneasthitic (sp).


And while we all have our innernet personas, I for one, would never joke about someone elses pet being ill or dying, for fear of Karma making it happen to one of mine (if Karma is such a thing)

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