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the only place were going is mid table in league 1 and when we get their the average age of the team will be 17 if this blokes still in charge


It is not the the bloke in charge who is the problem,its the dickhead who appointed him,and the tossers who have made this necessary...


Please lets not start a crusade against Poortvliet there is a whole legion of people more culpable in our downfall than him.

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We allowed to ask for the manager to buck his ideas up?


1 win from 7 games isn't the greatest start to a season is it, especially with a team that is reputedly 'going places'???



They never promised you a team to win games just "Total Football "....What do you expect for £25 a game ?

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They never promised you a team to win games just "Total Football "....What do you expect for £25 a game ?


that sums it up really......... they say you get what you pay for, but we're certainly not getting anywhere near what we pay for :(

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We allowed to ask for the manager to buck his ideas up?


1 win from 7 games isn't the greatest start to a season is it, especially with a team that is reputedly 'going places'???


We are going places, places down the table and fast ;)

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I don't blame Portvliet at all. I heap every last ounce of blame onto the shoulders of Lowe and the Quisling, apportioning the blame mostly on Lowe, as unless I have evidence to the contrary, I suspect that the mad experiment was all his idea and Wilde merely endorsed it with his share support.


In the same way that Lowe would be hailed by British football as a daring and imaginative innovator if it succeeded against all expectations, likewise he will be derided if it fails miserably. Whereas it could still be turned around at the moment, every game played where it fails is making it more likely that it will not succeed and that even if we appeared on his radar at all, Alan Hansen will have ammunition to back up his assertion that you don't win anything with kids.

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All those people who said they'd give the set-up 10 games please take note :


We are at 7 games, and things are deteriorating...


You really are a prat. Keep sniping from half way across Europe you know little of what is happening here and even less about the way the team is shaping up.


For me we have found out how to attack as we did earlier in the season and yesterday we proved we could defend the reality is we need to find a balance between the two.


But whilst there are idiots out there staying away from the club because of beer quality, seating arrangements or a pathetic social class issue with the current CEO then things will not get any better.


Here is the REAL reason - WE HAVEN'T GOT ANY MONEY!!!!


We have to make do with what we have. Please do not roll out the line about Lowe getting us into this mess because after 3 seasons that does not wash.


The kids will get better but booing them off the pitch isn't going to help, the Northam stand was brilliant yesterday trying to support the side and from where I sat most of the booing came from the Kingsland.


That says to me that so called hard line supporters know a little bit more than those who are supposed to have a more balanced view.

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You really are a prat. Keep sniping from half way across Europe you know little of what is happening here and even less about the way the team is shaping up.


For me we have found out how to attack as we did earlier in the season and yesterday we proved we could defend the reality is we need to find a balance between the two.


But whilst there are idiots out there staying away from the club because of beer quality, seating arrangements or a pathetic social class issue with the current CEO then things will not get any better.


Here is the REAL reason - WE HAVEN'T GOT ANY MONEY!!!!


We have to make do with what we have. Please do not roll out the line about Lowe getting us into this mess because after 3 seasons that does not wash.


The kids will get better but booing them off the pitch isn't going to help, the Northam stand was brilliant yesterday trying to support the side and from where I sat most of the booing came from the Kingsland.


That says to me that so called hard line supporters know a little bit more than those who are supposed to have a more balanced view.


So should we leave it longer than 10 games?

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We allowed to ask for the manager to buck his ideas up?


1 win from 7 games isn't the greatest start to a season is it, especially with a team that is reputedly 'going places'???


Almost as good as Pearsons record then.


And in answer to your question, he is building a completely new side a little longer than 7 games.


I just wish people would be a little more supportive, unfortunately the goings on over the last 5 years at this club has left nothing but cynics and idioits stating their views.

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We allowed to ask for the manager to buck his ideas up?


1 win from 7 games isn't the greatest start to a season is it, especially with a team that is reputedly 'going places'???


Give the Golden Duo time, for god's sake. We are building something special, a blend of youth and total football that needs time, support and to be nurtured.


This season is our time to rebuild following Crouch's reign of terror.

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So should we leave it longer than 10 games?



Yes as a minimum, this is a season long experiment. Jan can only choose a team from what he has got and whilst i was dissapointed with him yesterday, any new manager would have the squad. There is no money to bring anybody else in and given the wages we are offering, we could only attract someone who would be another gamble. Jan is here to stay and must be given a chance

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Almost as good as Pearsons record then.


And in answer to your question, he is building a completely new side a little longer than 7 games.


I just wish people would be a little more supportive, unfortunately the goings on over the last 5 years at this club has left nothing but cynics and idioits stating their views.

Then we get Scooby posting straight after you to give us the balanced view we all needed. :lol: I suppose you mentioned idiots, and Scooby thought it was his cue.

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Give the Golden Duo time, for god's sake. We are building something special, a blend of youth and total football that needs time, support and to be nurtured.


This season is our time to rebuild following Crouch's reign of terror.



To achieve the results of the building block for the future you need good workmen, solid foundations and good quality materials and a carefull plan....we have none of those things

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Almost as good as Pearsons record then.


And in answer to your question, he is building a completely new side a little longer than 7 games.


I just wish people would be a little more supportive, unfortunately the goings on over the last 5 years at this club has left nothing but cynics and idioits stating their views.


Sounds like another "i am a better fan than you" , post.


I was one of the 14k yesterday , were you ?


I do not entirely blame the manager as others have said but the idiot who appointed him, the last few weeks has shown how Jan fails to understand CCC football but even more worrying appears to be his inabilty to get players to perform the roles he wanted, DMG and BWP yesterday basically played where they wanted and how they wanted.


People keep trotting out he have got no money , what else could we do.

Well check out the finances of most CCC teams and guess what they have no money either but they are not playing a youth team.


I actually feel sorry for the younger players because imo we will be harming their future development by over playing them. In addition many , including the club, have built them up to be world beaters whereas the facts are they were what was left of our youth set up , the good players had already gone.


I will support this club , and go to every home game until i die BUT ALL of ourv problems stem from Lowes and Askham's mis mangement in 1997 when they built a club on sand with an inadequate capital base.

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Almost as good as Pearsons record then.


And in answer to your question, he is building a completely new side a little longer than 7 games.


I just wish people would be a little more supportive, unfortunately the goings on over the last 5 years at this club has left nothing but cynics and idioits stating their views.


To be fair he has now had 14 games [including pre season] in which to build this team, and the results suggest that we still have a VERY long way to go, if we are going to be competitive at all.


So instead of throwing insults at people just because you don't like their point of view, can you please be a little more specific with the kind of timeline that YOU [no-one else], expect things to start improving??

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Almost as good as Pearsons record then.


And in answer to your question, he is building a completely new side a little longer than 7 games.


I just wish people would be a little more supportive, unfortunately the goings on over the last 5 years at this club has left nothing but cynics and idioits stating their views.


Into which category do you fall? ;)

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You really are a prat. Keep sniping from half way across Europe you know little of what is happening here and even less about the way the team is shaping up.


For me we have found out how to attack as we did earlier in the season and yesterday we proved we could defend the reality is we need to find a balance between the two.


But whilst there are idiots out there staying away from the club because of beer quality, seating arrangements or a pathetic social class issue with the current CEO then things will not get any better.


Here is the REAL reason - WE HAVEN'T GOT ANY MONEY!!!!


We have to make do with what we have. Please do not roll out the line about Lowe getting us into this mess because after 3 seasons that does not wash.


The kids will get better but booing them off the pitch isn't going to help, the Northam stand was brilliant yesterday trying to support the side and from where I sat most of the booing came from the Kingsland.


That says to me that so called hard line supporters know a little bit more than those who are supposed to have a more balanced view.


So good to categorize. Do the idiot fans get a discount to sit in certain areas of the ground?

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Sounds like another "i am a better fan than you" , post.


I was one of the 14k yesterday , were you ?


I do not entirely blame the manager as others have said but the idiot who appointed him, the last few weeks has shown how Jan fails to understand CCC football but even more worrying appears to be his inabilty to get players to perform the roles he wanted, DMG and BWP yesterday basically played where they wanted and how they wanted.


People keep trotting out he have got no money , what else could we do.

Well check out the finances of most CCC teams and guess what they have no money either but they are not playing a youth team.


I actually feel sorry for the younger players because imo we will be harming their future development by over playing them. In addition many , including the club, have built them up to be world beaters whereas the facts are they were what was left of our youth set up , the good players had already gone.


I will support this club , and go to every home game until i die BUT ALL of ourv problems stem from Lowes and Askham's mis mangement in 1997 when they built a club on sand with an inadequate capital base.


Yes I was at yesterdays game and if you want to get into a p1ssing contest have been to all but the Exeter game this season what about you?


The fact tat the players do not do as they are told is not JP's fault, in the case of BWP he has never done what the manager has asked of him and in DMcG case he is not good enough and already believes he is Charlie big balls now he is in the first team. His tantrum yesterday shows he is not as good as he thinks he is.


I would like to see one more senior pro in the team for sure possibly Euell when fit in the midfield.


With regard to our finances and others in this league I think you need to compare like with like. We have a great stadium, a great academy and training facilities, they cost money. Our income may be similar to the others but w have neither a rich leader like the Gold Brothers at Birmingham or those at QPR and a few others in this league, or the cheap facilities like Bristol City, Colchester, Barnsley etc so in that respect we have the worst of both worlds.


I disagree with your view about the younger players, they will either prove themselves good enough like Lallana, Gillet, Schniderlin etc or be found out like McGoldrick, Dyer and BWP. They may need to be rotated out where possible to give them a break physically but this league is as much about mental toughness as it is physical.


You may well be right about why we are in this mess, however I will also cite the ridiculous divide between Premiership and CCC, meaning a self sustaining club like Saints has a narrow window of opportunity to succeed, one wrong move which I believe was the failure to improve after the Cup Final can lead to an uncontrollable downward spiral. I also believe that we made huge errors in judgement after that as well both in the boardroom and managerially. The list of blame is endless and to just lay it at Lowe's door is ridiculous, I accept he was the man who made some of the decisions and the buck stopped with him, but the incomptence of others like Redknapp and the players should not be brushed over lightly.


As fans we proved last season what out and out support could do against Shefff utd, and as I said earlier the Northam are doing their best to recreate that atmosphere, we need people in the ground to satisfy the bank balance and to cheer the team on. The misery's who sit near me in the Kingsland need to take a look at themselves as well and understand that this process is going to take some time, and the sooner we get a couple of wins together the sooner the belief will come in the system.

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The fact tat the players do not do as they are told is not JP's fault, in the case of BWP he has never done what the manager has asked of him and in DMcG case he is not good enough and already believes he is Charlie big balls now he is in the first team. His tantrum yesterday shows he is not as good as he thinks he is.


Is the manager picking the team?

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Is the manager picking the team?


Of course he is but he has little control once they cross the white line other than to shout at them - perhaps he could utilise the great depth we have in the squad. :confused:


To me he is more than capable at the man management stuff and the like of BWP and McGoldrick will be summoned to the office today or asked questions when they review the video of the game.


Perhaps a bit of blind faith is needed by both the fans and the players over the next 6-8 weeks!!

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We allowed to ask for the manager to buck his ideas up?


1 win from 7 games isn't the greatest start to a season is it, especially with a team that is reputedly 'going places'???



Yes, it's pretty poor really .............. almost as bad as when Nigel Pearson was saving us last season


PSSSST ..... How's Pearson doing Rupert ????????

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Of course he is but he has little control once they cross the white line other than to shout at them - perhaps he could utilise the great depth we have in the squad. :confused:


To me he is more than capable at the man management stuff and the like of BWP and McGoldrick will be summoned to the office today or asked questions when they review the video of the game.


Perhaps a bit of blind faith is needed by both the fans and the players over the next 6-8 weeks!!


So our Manager has no control over formation once the game starts , and cannot get players to play how he wants them to once a game has start.


We have shown Blind Faith since his appointment, a whole pre season and nearly 2 months of the season, people are voting with their feet because they cannot see or believe that Jan can actually improve our performances in this division

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Yes, it's pretty poor really .............. almost as bad as when Nigel Pearson was saving us last season


PSSSST ..... How's Pearson doing Rupert ????????


Dead right Pearson had 1 win in his first 9 games despite being able to bring in a host of expensive loan signings

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So our Manager has no control over formation once the game starts , and cannot get players to play how he wants them to once a game has start.


We have shown Blind Faith since his appointment, a whole pre season and nearly 2 months of the season, people are voting with their feet because they cannot see or believe that Jan can actually improve our performances in this division


I think you are being a little pedantic, but in reality no. If the players fail to be disciplined or good enough to follow his instructions what can he do about it. FWIW I would say his error has been pivcking his best 11 rather than the best team.


According to many (and I beleive you may have been one Mike, who felt pre season was no barometer) the preseason games were of little consequence. What it did show was that when nothing was on the games the formation was effective. They kids have had a baptism of fire in this league, playing Birmingham, Ipswich, Derby, QPR and Cardiff out of the seven games we have played. Yes some believed that we could achieve a play off place, we may still do so. However we do have to give the kids a chance to find their feet and then push on.


Crystal Palce found themselves in a similar position to us last year, a lot of youngsters and a poor start to the season and look where they finished. Warnock, may be a grizzly old dog in this league but I believe he has as many limitations, if different, to those of JP.


So you can sit in your seat and moan about it or you can try and encourage and applaud the good bits however little and however expected of players at this level and maybe a couple around you will join in, then a few more and so on. This whole club has been surrounded by negativity for years and as with short selling it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Those who have dislijked Lowe for nothing more than his class, have had something to beat the bloke up with and others have jumped on the band wagon looking for a scape goat after relegation and it has got out of hand. So it is time to try and find the smalll positives in the games and magnify those. Then maybe, it will be like the good old days again when we knew we were not going to win the league but the important thing was teams ahd to work to win against us.


That is what is lost at St Marys'. Saints fans supporting the team, and not looking for a political arguement with those in the boardroom.


I challenge you to go back 30 years, and try and remember why you went to the Dell. Ball and Williams weaving magic in midfield (look at some of the one touch stuff now being played by Schnederlin, Gillet and Holmes), the likes of Osgood and McDougall up front (hmm difficult comparison but we all agree we need a finisher), lets see Pickering and ??? (could put any of the current centre halves in here, no big names but the try), Peach/ Nick Holmes, Surman/Dyer, Wells or Davies??? There are a lot of comparisons and with the exception of up front, which I think JP has identified as a problem, there are a lot of comparisons, what has changed is our expectations.


Who has changed those expectations? Well probably Lowe, but the whole world has changed we just need to get back to a bit of reality now.

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I think you are being a little pedantic, but in reality no. If the players fail to be disciplined or good enough to follow his instructions what can he do about it. FWIW I would say his error has been pivcking his best 11 rather than the best team.


According to many (and I beleive you may have been one Mike, who felt pre season was no barometer) the preseason games were of little consequence. What it did show was that when nothing was on the games the formation was effective. They kids have had a baptism of fire in this league, playing Birmingham, Ipswich, Derby, QPR and Cardiff out of the seven games we have played. Yes some believed that we could achieve a play off place, we may still do so. However we do have to give the kids a chance to find their feet and then push on.


Crystal Palce found themselves in a similar position to us last year, a lot of youngsters and a poor start to the season and look where they finished. Warnock, may be a grizzly old dog in this league but I believe he has as many limitations, if different, to those of JP.


So you can sit in your seat and moan about it or you can try and encourage and applaud the good bits however little and however expected of players at this level and maybe a couple around you will join in, then a few more and so on. This whole club has been surrounded by negativity for years and as with short selling it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Those who have dislijked Lowe for nothing more than his class, have had something to beat the bloke up with and others have jumped on the band wagon looking for a scape goat after relegation and it has got out of hand. So it is time to try and find the smalll positives in the games and magnify those. Then maybe, it will be like the good old days again when we knew we were not going to win the league but the important thing was teams ahd to work to win against us.


That is what is lost at St Marys'. Saints fans supporting the team, and not looking for a political arguement with those in the boardroom.


I challenge you to go back 30 years, and try and remember why you went to the Dell. Ball and Williams weaving magic in midfield (look at some of the one touch stuff now being played by Schnederlin, Gillet and Holmes), the likes of Osgood and McDougall up front (hmm difficult comparison but we all agree we need a finisher), lets see Pickering and ??? (could put any of the current centre halves in here, no big names but the try), Peach/ Nick Holmes, Surman/Dyer, Wells or Davies??? There are a lot of comparisons and with the exception of up front, which I think JP has identified as a problem, there are a lot of comparisons, what has changed is our expectations.


Who has changed those expectations? Well probably Lowe, but the whole world has changed we just need to get back to a bit of reality now.


Perhaps you could post the team that played in the third week of September 1978? Would be interesting to see if those you name are on the team sheet?

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