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'The Dell Classics' DVD's. Any further ideas for new ones?


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Yes, we've had the two wins v Man Utd and the final game v Arsenal released onto DVD, but what other games would we like to add to this almost stillborn collection?


I would love a copy of the 3-3 draw with Liverpool myself, the one where we fought back from 3-0 down in the second half.

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Quite like to watch that 4-3 against Norwich' date=' when Camara scored in the last minute, again.[/quote']


As would i despite it being at SMS. Terrible defending from both sides. Was a cracking game.


The 3-2 against Chelsea at the dell in 1999 was pretty good. Beattie with a last minute free kick.

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Wouldn't mind seeing the match against Spurs again at The Dell in 94/95? when we won 4-3. That was a tense game with the lead changing between us and Spurs a couple of times during the 90 minutes.

It was a fantastic game at the time but it's been so long now and can only remember Klinsmann peeling away from our back line that I think pulled Spurs level at 2-2 before half time.

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