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Anyone still watching this?


Apparently the last ever episode is due to air next week.


I enjoyed the first 2 series then got fed up with it. The producers buggered it up by dragging it out far too long. There were way too many episodes that did no more than fill airtime, and the scriptwriters clearly got themselves lost.


I am curious to know how it will end though, and to know what the island was, how/why the people ended up there, who the others were etc.


So save me the pain of watching it, can anyone give a brief summary?

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Went exactly the same way as Heroes imo. Disappeared up it's own backside after a promising start.


I'm seriously looking forward to the culmination of Ashes to Ashes this week though. Who's real, who isn't. Which reality is real and which isn't, or are they both or neither or............

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Anyone still watching this?


Apparently the last ever episode is due to air next week.


I enjoyed the first 2 series then got fed up with it. The producers buggered it up by dragging it out far too long. There were way too many episodes that did no more than fill airtime, and the scriptwriters clearly got themselves lost.


I am curious to know how it will end though, and to know what the island was, how/why the people ended up there, who the others were etc.


So save me the pain of watching it, can anyone give a brief summary?


TBF it wasn't the producers fault it dragged on so long,they wanted to wrap it up a long time ago but the studio wanted it to go a bit longer,hence the number of filler episodes. Not sure the producers got themselves lost,as most of the stories and theories are all starting to tie together.


As norwaysaint said after a pretty lame third season it did get its act together and has been pretty good since.

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Stopped watching halfway through the third season, picked it up again in the fifth season but i've lost interest now after watching the first few episodes of this season. Might tune in to watch the last one though, although it's pretty obvious that it's going to be a disappointing ending, like they change time so the plane crash never happens and all walk past each other in the airport not knowing each other blah blah blah.

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Glad it comes lumbering to the end next week. Overall, have stuck with it, have enjoyed it on the whole, but agree with everything written above. The way they plodded through the first 5 series with intricate detail and are now rushing through the important climax is crappy.


Anyone watching V?

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Any more detail? They died in the crash and 'dreamt' it all; went to hell? Purgatory?


It's pretty complicated. The crash and all the stuff on the island happened. What we've seen throughout season 6 and thought was an alternate time line, was actually Purgatory. A place where Jack had to get together with the people from the most important time of his life (on the island) before he could move on.

Lots was not explained and part of me feels frustrated by this. However, the writers did say that the story is about the characters and the relationships they develop in the situation they are in. Some of the scenes at the end were pretty moving and a fitting way to bring closure. Personally I'd like to have seen more explanation about the islands existence and the things that made it special.

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Hello fellow citizen of Chester!!!


I understand what you are saying... The island was real and everything that happened there actually happened, and the ALT timeline was their "purgatory" so to speak. That doesnt take away from the fact that everything that happened on the island was completely ridiculous and lots of it was left unexplained. for instance:


Why do these energy pockets exist?

Why can a guy get pushed into one and turn into a smoke monster that kills people and can inhabit dead bodies?

Why does jacob have special powers?

Why can hurley talk to dead people?

What was the real significance of the numbers?

Why can the island jump through time periods at the turn of a wooden wheel?

Why do you appear in Tunisia when you turn said wheel?

Why was Widmore thricked into leaving the island and what was hsi real motive for returning to the island?


and many more ...


The thing I found odd was that certain people like Walt, Michael, Eko weren't in Jack's Purgatory. Yet Penny Widmore (who never visited the island) was.

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I have sat through it all.

The first series started out with such promise; all those enigmatic mysteries were so thought provoking.

But ultimately it turned out to be a crock of shyte and a waste of my time.

Perhaps some people will argue that it was a 'Twin Peaks' for the noughties.......but IMHO David Lynch could have resolved things better by crimping out a large curly turd.

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I have sat through it all.

The first series started out with such promise; all those enigmatic mysteries were so thought provoking.

But ultimately it turned out to be a crock of shyte and a waste of my time.

Perhaps some people will argue that it was a 'Twin Peaks' for the noughties.......but IMHO David Lynch could have resolved things better by crimping out a large curly turd.



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Although the end was touching and resonates well it was a cop out as SFT3 demonstrated with his outstanding quesitons.


Maybe there was more to it or it should have ended earlier, leaving a shedload of questions.


Next show on my list is Dexter - that can keep going for as it likes as long as the seasons are as good as they have been.

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Penny Widmore (who never visited the island) was.


Yeah, not sure why she was there in the church....and many more questions, etc...etc...


Although the final act was quite slick and moving, feel mightily let down (although it had been fairly clear for some time where it was ending up.) Christian Shepherd..... :rolleyes:


Still enjoyed the last six years, been good TV. :p

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Hello fellow citizen of Chester!!!


I understand what you are saying... The island was real and everything that happened there actually happened, and the ALT timeline was their "purgatory" so to speak. That doesnt take away from the fact that everything that happened on the island was completely ridiculous and lots of it was left unexplained. for instance:


Why do these energy pockets exist?

Why can a guy get pushed into one and turn into a smoke monster that kills people and can inhabit dead bodies?

Why does jacob have special powers?

Why can hurley talk to dead people?

What was the real significance of the numbers?

Why can the island jump through time periods at the turn of a wooden wheel?

Why do you appear in Tunisia when you turn said wheel?

Why was Widmore thricked into leaving the island and what was hsi real motive for returning to the island?


and many more ...


The thing I found odd was that certain people like Walt, Michael, Eko weren't in Jack's Purgatory. Yet Penny Widmore (who never visited the island) was.


So they didn't explain the significance of the numbers? THE main line of mystery from day 1. That is very poor.


Did they ever explain how Locke ended up able to walk?


What happened to Walt and his Dad?


How come fatty Hurley never lost weight?


Why did the fit brunette never get her thrupney bits out?

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It's pretty complicated. The crash and all the stuff on the island happened. What we've seen throughout season 6 and thought was an alternate time line, was actually Purgatory. A place where Jack had to get together with the people from the most important time of his life (on the island) before he could move on.

Lots was not explained and part of me feels frustrated by this. However, the writers did say that the story is about the characters and the relationships they develop in the situation they are in. Some of the scenes at the end were pretty moving and a fitting way to bring closure. Personally I'd like to have seen more explanation about the islands existence and the things that made it special.


I think it's ultimately turned out to be a story of redemption. I'm not sure whether they were in Purgatory or just in Limbo, but my take on the ending is that they were all dead already, and their souls were brought to 'The Islands' to be tested and as a way of them redeeming themselves for the mistakes that they had made in life. This would I think explain a lot of the weird stuff that took place on 'The Islands'


I am looking forward to hearing the writers explanation on Friday evening.

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It's pretty complicated. The crash and all the stuff on the island happened. What we've seen throughout season 6 and thought was an alternate time line, was actually Purgatory. A place where Jack had to get together with the people from the most important time of his life (on the island) before he could move on.

Lots was not explained and part of me feels frustrated by this. However, the writers did say that the story is about the characters and the relationships they develop in the situation they are in. Some of the scenes at the end were pretty moving and a fitting way to bring closure. Personally I'd like to have seen more explanation about the islands existence and the things that made it special.



Can you post this on the other Lost thread for the chap that was confused.

Edited by LVSaint
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