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Super Powers - what's yours?


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Anyone out there discovered they have a hidden super-power recently?


The reason I ask is that I've just fallen out of my bedroom window. In a wild panic I flapped my arms.


I'm now circling gracefully 200 feet above the house posting on my i phone. Might go for a flap over Exmoor later.

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This is true.


The other day whilst sat on the decking drinking some ****y Baron de Rothschild plonk, I discovered that one actually CAN light one's flatulence. Can't wait to impress the gk's when I see them.


Warning; anyone trying this at home, it singes the hairs on your hand but not your bum ones which funnily enough adds a certain 'Je Ne Se Qua' (sp) to the aroma much like a decent red.

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Anyone out there discovered they have a hidden super-power recently?


The reason I ask is that I've just fallen out of my bedroom window. In a wild panic I flapped my arms.


I'm now circling gracefully 200 feet above the house posting on my i phone. Might go for a flap over Exmoor later.


That's really freaky, last night the movie channel showed The Mystery Men which must be the World's worst ever Super Hero Movie.


I discovered I have an amazing ability to be able to press a reluctant TV remote control button.


(BTW Ron, better cut back on the fresh summer mushrooms from the local forest until you develop X-Ray vision to pick the right ones)

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Guest Dark Sotonic Mills

I can turn liquids to gas, without the addition of heat.


I only have to drink a number of pints of beer or cider and voila, several hours later the liquid is converted...

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The crows have ceased attacking me and seem to have accepted me as one of their own. At the moment I'm sitting on a branch trying not to make eye contact with a large Barn Owl.



My arms ache.


I'll have some of what you were drinking :D

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