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Keono's gone Oh

bridge too far

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When you look at the amount of money he has spent, he has to be considered a failure.


Did well to get them promoted, but since then he has spent an absolute fortune and achieved nothing.


Wonder if he'll look to get another job, or if he's decided that management isn't for him.

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I even think his promotion was overrated. He spent quite a lot and was loaned Jonny Evans and Danny Simpson from Man Utd. Evans basically ran their whole defence. When you consider he effectively had a very good CCC squad to start with, it's not an outstanding achievement.


He then spent huge amounts in the prem. £80m to still be in relegation trouble? By my reckoning Sunderland have at least 10 first team strikers on their books, 11 if you count Dwight Yorke. Prem money or not, that must be a huge drain on thier wage bill and is simply far too many.


Did he resign? Anyone think he may have jumped before he was pushed?

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I think Keane will join WGS and Keegan in being an impact manager - you bring him in for 2-3 years to re-invigorate your club with his aura but then he will lose some of that impact from the players. It is his first job though and he'll have learned a lot. I certainly think he'll be a better boss than say Bryan Robson but I think for his next job having to improve players he has without lots of money to spend at another medium-sized club would be good for his development.


Strangely enough, if we got our finances stable we would be that kind of club, not that I'm suggesting replacing JP you understand. Keane would want to be the big fish in a medium-sized pond as WGS and Hoddle (and Lawrie) were for us.

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getting them up the way he did was superb....then keeping them up was equally superb...but he did spend an awful lot and who was to say they would not have stayed up again?..but he has lost his way..


I disagree, he did a decent job getting them promoted and staying in the league. It should be the least the club expect when they spend 80m odd on players. It was only a run of three wins in a row that really saved them. If it wasn't for Fergie loaning them Evans twice then they might not have stayed up.


For a player who was well known for being a midfield hard man his sides really lack any sort of mettle in midfield. Tainio is probably his only player who can put his foot and he's not exactly ideal.


He bought some quality players and just doesn't seem to know his best eleven at all, no suprise imo that he's gone. Someone should take over and do a good job though, the likes of Malbranque, Cisse, Jones, Ferdinand, Richardson, Gordon and Chimbonda are all decent players.


Some of his transfers have been shocking. Chopra, Stokes, McShane, Healy, Cole, Higgingbotham, Etuhu, Harte, Prica etc

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he took over when they were in the bottom 3...did not really spend until half way through the season and still won the league..


made a complete mucg of burley who so many thought was doing a grand job at saints


Took over after four games which they lost IIRC, he did a decen job as a I said but when you're getting half your defence from United, Stokes for 3m from Arsenal etc I don't think he over achieved too much.


He basically done what Burley should have done that same season, I reckon the spending must have been equal and we probably had similar teams.

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Took over after four games which they lost IIRC, he did a decen job as a I said but when you're getting half your defence from United, Stokes for 3m from Arsenal etc I don't think he over achieved too much.


He basically done what Burley should have done that same season, I reckon the spending must have been equal and we probably had similar teams.


difference, burley did all his spending in the summer and had all pre season with most of that team...keane came in under very different circumstances...


burley was supposed to be the best manager out side of the prem....keane had no experience...who is to say they would not have stayed up..


in a space of about 2 weeks..wigan have gone 3rd from bottom to about 9th...

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another interesting point...many say that we would need 'investment' to even try and survive in the prem and litterally buy a new team...keane has done that and they are still there yet he is deemed average by those who claim we would need to do what sunderland have had to achieve what they have...



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