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Half way through the season........its going to get worse I fear!!!


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Well 23 games through and what can you say?


One win at home with 5 draws and 5 losses, we have scored scored 8 and conceded 13


Away has been a little better won 4, Drawn 2, Lost 6, scoring 13 but letting in 22.


So 5 wins, 7 Draws, 11 Losses


21 Scored and conceded 35


All this with the "talented" squad of young players we have.


Now come January, I suspect we will lose more players such as Adam, Drew, Kelvin, Jason, Rudi as well as the loans we have such as cork, pearce etc. So for me the remaining half of the season isnt going to be pretty as our team will get weaker and as other teams may have the money to strengthen their sides will will not.


Suggestions that our break even on attendence is about 22k because the likes of Jason, Rudi etc are still on the payroll does not help the matter and come January I can see the SBU at Barclays not agreeing to continue new loan deals, especially if they to compensate for the first half of the season


So personally I feel the remaining 50% of the season will be more dire then the first. I know there are some optimists out there saying things will get better, but with a weakened team and basically a new team as the core of talent will be gone they will have to learn to play together against teams that are gelling. I know we are not in the bottom 3 yet but I dont think it will be long.


But believe me I really hope Im wrong and we survive, but head over heart I dont think we will, and as said before we are in a catch 22 situation here. If we dont sell the talent we have at the moment adminisration is looming, if we do sell them the 3rd tier is looming and that will certinaly dump us in administration.


Roll on a sugar daddy! or a manager that understands this league, who knows maybe they will both come but I dont think so :(

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One of the problems of scoring those two goals is that it papers over the huge cracks we have in our team (although of course it is a bonus for our goal difference!!!!) and it will allow the blind optimists in their rosey specs to try and convince us that we are so close to turning the corner.


We need to face facts and accept that we are in a huge relegation battle, and regardless of how good we play in patches, we are the shyitt big time.


As you say, I think we will be weakened in the January transfer window and what worries me is that one of our rivals, in Charlton, will get stronger as they do have the benefit of one last parachute payment.


Halfway through the season is too far gone for the "we're turn this around", "we're close to being a good team", particularly when prior to every game we get the usual trotted out by the manager and players, omly to be let down miserably.


My half season report would not make pleasant reading!!!

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saddest thing about everything is after 49 years of support ' date=' home, away and europe, bring 2 sons into the faith (20 and 14) I AM SLOWLY BUT SURELY REACHING THE POINT WHERE I DO NOT CARE[/quote']


That's the point though, 10/15 years ago I would have been sickend by the position we find ourselves in, but now I just find myself shaking my head and laughing.............it's all self inflicted and the numpty who caused it all is still there :rolleyes:

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saddest thing about everything is after 49 years of support ' date=' home, away and europe, bring 2 sons into the faith (20 and 14) I AM SLOWLY BUT SURELY REACHING THE POINT WHERE I DO NOT CARE[/quote']


Mike, I feel your pain. Whilst my allegiances to the red and white may only stretch back 20 years or so, I too am beginning not to care. We could all talk on here ad infinitum about the rights and wrongs of the last few administrations, but the bottom line is that we are stuck with a man who owns less than 6% of the parent company and who presided over - nay, allowed - the start of this great club's decline, which has seen us slide to our current, sorry state. And all the signs are that he is going to lead us into the abyss. Even in the darkest days of Branfoot, there was solidarity and a feeling we could change things for the better. Now, we feel utterly powerless, whilst Rupert and Michael pontificate about how wonderful the football is and how everybody admires us as we slide ever lower.


Very, very sad.

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On another thread someone was slated for saying that he wanted Saints to lose matches, when I heard we were 3 nil down I said to the missus we could do with losing this match heavily, after all what difference does it make losing 7-0 to 3-2 apart from the goal difference, perhaps it would have woke people up to see what a mess we are in. After supporting the Saints since the 60s I dont think I have ever been so depressed as I am these days.

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I fully agree with you Exit. Before the start of the season a few of us were saying we would be in a relegation fight while a lot of people were caught up in the hype. They believed what Wilde and Lowe were spouting before the first game of the season.

Now i hate to say i told you so to those people but i told you so.

The way i see it the 1st half of the season has been error after error from the coaching staff and the board. We have players in this squad who are simply **** and offer nothing at all to the team. The loans we have this year are mostly pure garbage. The Gasmi and Pullis deals are a shining example of where our decisions are at. We would rather take 2 players who are injured. I hate slagging off players, i don't agree with it and if you read my posts will know 99% of the time i will stick up for players even after poor performances. But of the squad i would say DMG,Wotten,Gobern,Lancashire,Svensson,Euell,Gasmi,Robertson,BWP,Smith,Peckhart,Bart have all been poor overall in their games they have played. Of the entire squad the only players i feel who can hold their head up high are Davis,Surman,Perry,James,Lallana and so far in my view the outfield player of the season so far Cork. The rest who have not been mentioned have been average at best.

The sad thing is as Exit mentioned a lot of that group will not be here in January. Surman is as good as gone. Davis i doubt will remain and Lallana is also unlikely to remain. If those 3 players go it will be the fatal blow to our club. Add to that Cork could be recalled and your left with Perry and James as the 2 shinning lights in the team....That is a very scary thought.


The 2nd half of the season cannot be any worse then the 1st. The only reason were not dead and burried is because the teams below us are equally as poor and not gained on our slip ups. We have 3 points out of the last 15 on offer. How we are not in the bottom group from that ratio is pure luck.

If we lose/draw the Forest game that will surely have to be it for the regime. We will then go into a tough run of games to finnish the year and start the next. If we are to change things that has to be the time. The last thing we want is to have 4-5 games left and having to rely on our players getting something because they won't. We have 23 games left and we can no longer have the attitude of always next week. We can't get a new manager with a few games to go and expect them to change it round like last year (even though they did). We have to start winning games pure and simple.

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saddest thing about everything is after 49 years of support ' date=' home, away and europe, bring 2 sons into the faith (20 and 14) I AM SLOWLY BUT SURELY REACHING THE POINT WHERE I DO NOT CARE[/quote']


The quote which sums up our plight. The stadium? The academy? The catering? No, this is Rupert Lowe's legacy.

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Well 23 games through and what can you say?


One win at home with 5 draws and 5 losses, we have scored scored 8 and conceded 13


Away has been a little better won 4, Drawn 2, Lost 6, scoring 13 but letting in 22.


So 5 wins, 7 Draws, 11 Losses


21 Scored and conceded 35


All this with the "talented" squad of young players we have.


Now come January, I suspect we will lose more players such as Adam, Drew, Kelvin, Jason, Rudi as well as the loans we have such as cork, pearce etc. So for me the remaining half of the season isnt going to be pretty as our team will get weaker and as other teams may have the money to strengthen their sides will will not.


Suggestions that our break even on attendence is about 22k because the likes of Jason, Rudi etc are still on the payroll does not help the matter and come January I can see the SBU at Barclays not agreeing to continue new loan deals, especially if they to compensate for the first half of the season


So personally I feel the remaining 50% of the season will be more dire then the first. I know there are some optimists out there saying things will get better, but with a weakened team and basically a new team as the core of talent will be gone they will have to learn to play together against teams that are gelling. I know we are not in the bottom 3 yet but I dont think it will be long.


But believe me I really hope Im wrong and we survive, but head over heart I dont think we will, and as said before we are in a catch 22 situation here. If we dont sell the talent we have at the moment adminisration is looming, if we do sell them the 3rd tier is looming and that will certinaly dump us in administration.


Roll on a sugar daddy! or a manager that understands this league, who knows maybe they will both come but I dont think so :(


Completely agree.


That's why all this "Rupert and Jan building for the long term future" is COMPLETE BOLLLOCKS


Its got to the point now where we should be seriously thinking about administration, so we can at least start next season in the third division on zero points.

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Completely agree.


That's why all this "Rupert and Jan building for the long term future" is COMPLETE BOLLLOCKS


Its got to the point now where we should be seriously thinking about administration, so we can at least start next season in the third division on zero points.



Cracking. Funniest post I've read in ages. Watch out though, as I expect some will take you seriously!

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Unfortunately I think exit's post is spot on. I suspect we'll have trouble selling enough players in Jan to avoid administration even before relegation.


I hope I'm wrong too.


And you base this opinion on what evidence?


Lets say our overdraft at Barclays is at 2% over base rate - 4% in total. Assume the o/d is down to £4m. Interest cover is £160k pa - just over £3k per week (compare that to player wages). Barclays have no interest in seeing us go under. So long as we are covering interest and making some reduction they'll be happy in the current climate. Apparently the Stadium loan is not in arrears. No moans on here about local suppliers not getting paid (remember pompey 12/15 or so years ago?). That just leaves HMR&C - RL would be mad to **** them around. The credit crunch may have done us a huge favour.


If, and none of us know this, the exodus of players has already taken the wage bill to a sustainable level, Administration is not a likely scenario. For those that want to see RL gone, the best means would be to get us promoted and bought by a sugar daddy - but even that is not so easy - Everton have been up for sale for yonks.

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Cracking. Funniest post I've read in ages. Watch out though, as I expect some will take you seriously!


Whilst your idea is to :


- Carry on regardless under the delusion that this team will suddenly cut it in the second half of the season, despite half the first 11 and those who have gained "vital experience" over the last 22-odd games being flogged off in a car boot sale in Janurary


- Get relegated anyway


- Go into administration on the back of catastrophic ST sales and attendances, get 10 to 17 points deducted, then struggle to avoid relegation from Division 3 to Division 4.



Wow, truly f**king inspired.....:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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And you base this opinion on what evidence?


Lets say our overdraft at Barclays is at 2% over base rate - 4% in total. Assume the o/d is down to £4m. Interest cover is £160k pa - just over £3k per week (compare that to player wages). Barclays have no interest in seeing us go under. So long as we are covering interest and making some reduction they'll be happy in the current climate. Apparently the Stadium loan is not in arrears. No moans on here about local suppliers not getting paid (remember pompey 12/15 or so years ago?). That just leaves HMR&C - RL would be mad to **** them around. The credit crunch may have done us a huge favour.


If, and none of us know this, the exodus of players has already taken the wage bill to a sustainable level, Administration is not a likely scenario. For those that want to see RL gone, the best means would be to get us promoted and bought by a sugar daddy - but even that is not so easy - Everton have been up for sale for yonks.


So are you saying that rupert, as i suspect, has been making the financial position sound worst than it actually is , so that when the half year results are announced early next year he can say look how much i have improved things

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Selling our best players in January would not make footballing or financial sense, it would just be commiting suicide.


The whle future of the club depends on staying in this division, if we need to sell players do it in the summer, not halfway through a season where you are staring relegation in the face. Surman and Lallana are not at their peak, their value will only go up, floging them for a couple of million and condeming your club to admin makes no sense at all.

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I said at the start of the season that since we had; no defence, no leadership in the team and an ill-equipped coach, that relegation was a high probability. I also said I hoped (prayed) that I was wrong.


Halfway through the season and we still have all 3 of these problems.


After January we will have an even weaker team. Exit2 makes the right call with "I feel the remaining 50% of the season will be more dire then the first". Again, I hope that we are wrong, somehow I doubt it.

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So are you saying that rupert' date=' as i suspect, has been making the financial position sound worst than it actually is , so that when the half year results are announced early next year he can say look how much i have improved things[/quote']



Wasn't he quoted recently as saying the footballing side was now on a more sutainable footing?

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Well 23 games through and what can you say?


One win at home with 5 draws and 5 losses, we have scored scored 8 and conceded 13


Away has been a little better won 4, Drawn 2, Lost 6, scoring 13 but letting in 22.


So 5 wins, 7 Draws, 11 Losses


21 Scored and conceded 35


All this with the "talented" squad of young players we have.


Now come January, I suspect we will lose more players such as Adam, Drew, Kelvin, Jason, Rudi as well as the loans we have such as cork, pearce etc. So for me the remaining half of the season isnt going to be pretty as our team will get weaker and as other teams may have the money to strengthen their sides will will not.


Suggestions that our break even on attendence is about 22k because the likes of Jason, Rudi etc are still on the payroll does not help the matter and come January I can see the SBU at Barclays not agreeing to continue new loan deals, especially if they to compensate for the first half of the season


So personally I feel the remaining 50% of the season will be more dire then the first. I know there are some optimists out there saying things will get better, but with a weakened team and basically a new team as the core of talent will be gone they will have to learn to play together against teams that are gelling. I know we are not in the bottom 3 yet but I dont think it will be long.


But believe me I really hope Im wrong and we survive, but head over heart I dont think we will, and as said before we are in a catch 22 situation here. If we dont sell the talent we have at the moment adminisration is looming, if we do sell them the 3rd tier is looming and that will certinaly dump us in administration.


Roll on a sugar daddy! or a manager that understands this league, who knows maybe they will both come but I dont think so :(


nigel pearson anyone??

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We got very lucky on the last day last season, I fear that this season is completely un-repairable to much damage has been done. This is our season to go down all the signs are there. And theres nothing we can do other than sit back and watch the whole sorry mess

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Whilst your idea is to :


- Carry on regardless under the delusion that this team will suddenly cut it in the second half of the season, despite half the first 11 and those who have gained "vital experience" over the last 22-odd games being flogged off in a car boot sale in Janurary


- Get relegated anyway


- Go into administration on the back of catastrophic ST sales and attendances, get 10 to 17 points deducted, then struggle to avoid relegation from Division 3 to Division 4.



Wow, truly f**king inspired.....:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


Mr A, you have plenty enough to say for yourself without putting words in my mouth.


- I do not believe we will/have to sell the best of our crop in January (see post above). That's your view, not mine.


- I do not believe we will get relegated - again I think that's your view


- It is you who is suggesting going into administration as the truly inspired (and probably unnecessary) solution to our woes (such as they are)


Please do me the favour of not suggesting I have in any way endorsed your relentlessly negative stance with regard to this club.


Do you have a constructive (and financially sustainable) alternative strategy?

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Mr A, you have plenty enough to say for yourself without putting words in my mouth.


- I do not believe we will/have to sell the best of our crop in January (see post above). That's your view, not mine.


- I do not believe we will get relegated - again I think that's your view


- It is you who is suggesting going into administration as the truly inspired (and probably unnecessary) solution to our woes (such as they are)


Please do me the favour of not suggesting I have in any way endorsed your relentlessly negative stance with regard to this club.


Do you have a constructive (and financially sustainable) alternative strategy?


According to your quote from earlier post , we do not need one


"Wasn't he quoted recently as saying the footballing side was now on a more sutainable footing? "


My question to you what is the other side to the footballing side of the business.


Or has Rupert been conning us all along and the financial picture NOW is not as bleak as he is painting it.


I for one would not be surprised to see half year results early next year which shows a much better picture which will help Rupert/Michael sing their own praises

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