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Premier League rejects ?...or

david in sweden

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Rodwell, Hernandez, Zaha........and a list as long as our bank statement appear to be linked with us now that we've got money to spend, but do I get the impression that some people feel we'd be buying " Prem. rejects "....or ? Certainly many clubs rely on the " Big Four " money clubs to help their economy by buying up young stars...in our case Shaw and Chambers.


.....but are these young(er) players really " rejects "... or just not been given a proper chance.

Anyone signed by Man.City or Chelsea is sure to be a foreign international and it's hard to find many players with a British passport in their dressing rooms.


I think it's a bit unfair to pre-judge the Prem's younger talents - just because they can't force their way onto the team sheet every game.


For Saints; Ryan Bertrand will come under special scrutiny to see if he measures up, and we may well find out that a£10 million fee is " a bit of a steal " come next April.

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If they were good enough for the level of the club they were at then they would play.


That isn't the question we should be asking though, it is whether or not they are good enough for the level that we play at and more importantly what their motivation would be to join us from a better club who are paying them more. We've not exactly had a great record signing players from clubs equal or better than us - all of our best signings have come from players joining us a step up (or rather, a stepping stone...).

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In the case of Rodwell and Zaha, they were clearly purchased as much for their potential as their immediate ability. In Rodwell's case though he was clearly good enough to play at Premier League Level, just the number of players ahead of him in the pecking order ensured that he missed out on the game time required to cement his ability.


Their motivation can be questioned, take Scott Sinclair as an example of someone who can be very useful but looks to have fallen off the planet since chasing the money at Man City, yet it would be unfair to label them as a reject. They were signed by them in the first place for a reason. Scott Parker is a good example of a young talent who chased the dream in signing for a title contender only to drop down again to show their full ability once more.

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Hernandez by no means can be described as a reject.


A proven premiership goalscorer and at international level too - He would walk into most sides first XI other than Man Ure's and I would want him here in a heartbeat.

Zaha was perhaps promoted to a level he was not ready for when ManUre came shopping for him, but he was the talisman that hauled Palace into the Prem and has age on his side too, he will come good again at a club who can nurtue him better.

Rodwell again was advanced too much too soon into Man City's bulging squad of galacticos and after being unlucky with injuries could not get a sniff of first team action. Again he can still come good but I do worry more about his fitness and lack of games over the past couple of years.

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Hmmm. I can remember a certain Bristol Rovers bit-player who came good.


Hernandez might not be ft for ManUre forst team, butplenty good enugh for us and the large majority of the PL


Erm, started 48 matches for them in the season before signing for us, scoring 29 goals. And 57 starts the season before. In what universe is that a "bit player"?

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We'll have to see come "September One", but it does feel like a change in transfer stategy and picking up the rejects from the big clubs is definitely not the way forward in my eyes. What has our scouting network been doing for the last year? Or are we an easy tool for agents and the press to attach us to players looking for a move, as they know we have money and need players?

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i saw some Zaha playing for Man Utd friendly the other day and thought he showed Quality, which surprised me cos all I read on here is how dumb show-pony he is. Rodwell is Jermaine Jenas regen, I wouldn't bother. I can't picture Hernandez in 4-3-3, or rather I can but i don't think it would be Good Idea. I quite like Ryan Betrand but if we pay £10m for him next summer I'd think it is Mental.

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Rodwell looks to be going to Sunderland.


He's a good player but we've been known to sign crocks before. As with Guidetti, Rodwell could be a good signing but I wouldn't be confident in signing either until they've proved they're over the worst.


I would take Zaha, he still has a lot to prove, but IMO Hernandez is class and should be snapped up. A natural goal scorer.

The big 4 or 5 clubs sign so many players, they naturally have wastage. Chelsea in particular should be looked at.

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He's a good player but we've been known to sign crocks before. As with Guidetti, Rodwell could be a good signing but I wouldn't be confident in signing either until they've proved they're over the worst.


I would take Zaha, he still has a lot to prove, but IMO Hernandez is class and should be snapped up. A natural goal scorer.

The big 4 or 5 clubs sign so many players, they naturally have wastage. Chelsea in particular should be looked at.


Agree with all of that.

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i saw some Zaha playing for Man Utd friendly the other day and thought he showed Quality, which surprised me cos all I read on here is how dumb show-pony he is.


Terrible decision-maker, all the talent in the world - shoots when he should cross, holds the ball up when he should beat his man, delays the pass when it should be played immediately, plays early crosses when there's no-one in the box, all that stuff. He can beat people all day, but he very rarely does anything useful with it at the end. Massively frustrating player, and that's watching him play for OTHER teams.

Edited by The9
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I guess the biggest problem, Rodwell injury problems apart, is the massive wages these guys expect to continue to receive. I've always rated Zaha and would take a risk on him if the deal was right. I think with Lallana removed from our attack we need some that can beat a man out of nothing, which Zaha can do. Not sure he is the easiest player to manage and he does seem to be easy to wind up, but in what might be a very tough season ahead we could do with a little entertainment and flamboyance.

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Terrible decision-makier, all the talent in the world - shoots when he should cross, holds the ball up when he should beat his man, delays the pass when it should be played immediately, plays early crosses when there's no-one in the box, all that stuff. He can beat people all day, but he very rarely does anything useful with it at the end. Massively frustrating player, and that's watching him play for OTHER teams.

I would agree with all that. Where was he on loan last season? Cardiff was it?

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Terrible decision-makier, all the talent in the world - shoots when he should cross, holds the ball up when he should beat his man, delays the pass when it should be played immediately, plays early crosses when there's no-one in the box, all that stuff. He can beat people all day, but he very rarely does anything useful with it at the end. Massively frustrating player, and that's watching him play for OTHER teams.


He's young though still has plenty of time to improve, him and Clyne on the right would be good if they were in tandem. Believe they are good friends from Palace days

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He's young though still has plenty of time to improve, him and Clyne on the right would be good if they were in tandem. Believe they are good friends from Palace days


I'm not sure you czan be coached not to make terrible decisions, what with it being the requirement for a logical thought process and all.


As an aside, it still amazes me that people think Micah Richards would be a decent signing when he has been shown time after time to be completely unreliable in carrying out simple instructions. Superb build and strength, decent delivery, strong in the air, all that stuff but constantly doing the opposite of what the manager asks for at a very top side is proving to be rather career-limiting for him. The surprise is that as City get a new manager pretty much annually, yet he doesn't seem to get the 2 or 3 matches at the start of the season for the new manager you'd expect before they get fed up of him. Maybe they all suss him out in the first couple of training sessions.

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I'm not sure you czan be coached not to make terrible decisions, what with it being the requirement for a logical thought process and all.

I would say it's the other way around - having a logical thought process leads to making better decisions. You can't guarantee that you'll always make the right decision. And it can be coached, just as you can teach drivers to make better decisions when driving by knowing what to look for and how to assess it better.

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I would say it's the other way around - having a logical thought process leads to making better decisions. You can't guarantee that you'll always make the right decision. And it can be coached, just as you can teach drivers to make better decisions when driving by knowing what to look for and how to assess it better.


I agree with that bit in bold... and I yes, you can try to teach it, but I don't doubt plenty of people have already tried to and it clearly hasn't worked.

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Broader point re: the Thread Title - how are players who are signing for a Prem club FROM a Prem club "Premier League rejects"? Surely you have to be not performing at that level any more to be even considered as a "reject"?

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I agree with that bit in bold... and I yes, you can try to teach it, but I don't doubt plenty of people have already tried to and it clearly hasn't worked.


I'm sure it hasn't/won't in many cases - I'm just making the case that it *can*.

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Hernandez by no means can be described as a reject.


well I agree with the thought behind that statement, but if van Gaal is willing to let him go...it's a bit like calling a retreat ..a tactical withdrawal


IMO..He is a top class player and even though he's good enough for about 17 other Prem.sides. ...if LVG wants to sell him it's hard to find a suitable synonym that doesn't mean " MU reject ".

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