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January Transfer Window


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Assuming some of our youngsters continue to flourish, are the finances getting anywhere near strong enough to fend off the inevitable vulchers


Depends largely on attendances at SMS between now and then, I would suggest.


The attendance for the Birmingham match does not augur well...

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I think he'll run the club so we dont go into administration. Whether we have to sell or not depends on how many turn up to the games. Blaming Rupert and not going doesnt wash anymore.


I still go just to clarify.


But attendances for Brum were low for a reason i'm afraid. 6,000 down on the first game of last season. There is a big section of our fan base who not only dislike Lowe, but are prepared to stay away from SMS while he is in charge and selling our best players. Now people might say "screw them they aren't real fans" but i tend to think it is these fans we need to get back if we are to fend off financial problems. Now maybe some of them will come back if this side is successful. But maybe they won't.

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When there is an offer for a player there are three parties involved, not just a buyer and a seller, so its not just down to how much is offered and how much the selling club is willing to accept. The third party is the most important of the three, and that is the player, together with his agent. Once a player has been unsettled by the knowledge that a lump sum transfer cut, as well as higher pay, is there for the taking, its hard for any club to hold out. If offers do come in, the best defence for the chairman is to be able to offer the player the prospect of a payrise in the near future, but as people have said, that depends on team performance and attendances. It is very unlikely that Lowe would want to sell any established first team players if JP advises him that performance will fall off, unless they can be replaced, but it is not always in the chairman's hands as you can't hold on to someone once he has decided he doesn't want to stay.

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I still go just to clarify.


But attendances for Brum were low for a reason i'm afraid. 6,000 down on the first game of last season. There is a big section of our fan base who not only dislike Lowe, but are prepared to stay away from SMS while he is in charge and selling our best players. Now people might say "screw them they aren't real fans" but i tend to think it is these fans we need to get back if we are to fend off financial problems. Now maybe some of them will come back if this side is successful. But maybe they won't.


The gates were 6,000 down because people dont want to watch a half arsed team get beaten whilst playing turgid rubbish. Once they see it might actually be a fun way to spend Saturday afternoon again they'll come back.


Sure a small minority will always think that bad things that happen in the world can be blamed on one person - a police chief after a bombing; an airline CEO after a crash (notice how the pilot hardly ever gets he blame?). Thats part of the blame culture. Its not the way I choose to live my life.

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The gates were 6,000 down because people dont want to watch a half arsed team get beaten whilst playing turgid rubbish. Once they see it might actually be a fun way to spend Saturday afternoon again they'll come back.


Sure a small minority will always think that bad things that happen in the world can be blamed on one person - a police chief after a bombing; an airline CEO after a crash (notice how the pilot hardly ever gets he blame?). Thats part of the blame culture. Its not the way I choose to live my life.


That's fair enough but i wouldn't be so sure they will come back. Selling Davies has ****ed off a lot of fans. I think this team is going to have to be up there challenging for automatic promotion for fans to come back. I hope i'm wrong though.


And people can say what they like about those who stay away, but as they say "the customer is always right." If they really are stubborn then this club will go nowhere until Lowe is removed.

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Bugger January, let's concentrate on being top of the table by then so that even Lowe will not be able to make enough plausible excuses to sell our lads.


PS What happened to the expletive filter mods, we rely on that!?


Bugger gets under the radar... see..?


If you feel that it shouldn't then either use another appropriate word, in this case: forget.. or self censor, as in B*gg*r.


Btw, I agree with your first statement.

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There are many reasons why the gate for Brum was down (holidays, credit crunch, expecting the worse, etc) but I refuse to believe people will stay away from watching their favourite team because of who the chairman is! Love him or hate him, he really does not count when it comes to a game - then it is about the team and their performance. If we get another couple of good results and some positive reports then gates will go up again, RL or not.


It is some fans obsession with hating RL that is causing division not the man himself. He is, in my opinion, doing what has to be done to keep my team afloat and if the side benefit is a succesful team then wonderful. One win does not mean we have turned the corner but things are certainly looking better than they might have done had the changes not been made.

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There are many reasons why the gate for Brum was down (holidays, credit crunch, expecting the worse, etc) but I refuse to believe people will stay away from watching their favourite team because of who the chairman is! Love him or hate him, he really does not count when it comes to a game - then it is about the team and their performance. If we get another couple of good results and some positive reports then gates will go up again, RL or not.


It is some fans obsession with hating RL that is causing division not the man himself. He is, in my opinion, doing what has to be done to keep my team afloat and if the side benefit is a succesful team then wonderful. One win does not mean we have turned the corner but things are certainly looking better than they might have done had the changes not been made.


Sorry Panda but some fans have principles regarding Lowe. They believe (quite rightly in my opinion) that he is a complete and utter disaster and will not go to games while he is Chairman. Of my friends i used to go with, half did not renew their season tickets after Lowe returned.

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There are many reasons why the gate for Brum was down (holidays, credit crunch, expecting the worse, etc) but I refuse to believe people will stay away from watching their favourite team because of who the chairman is! Love him or hate him, he really does not count when it comes to a game - then it is about the team and their performance. If we get another couple of good results and some positive reports then gates will go up again, RL or not.


It is some fans obsession with hating RL that is causing division not the man himself. He is, in my opinion, doing what has to be done to keep my team afloat and if the side benefit is a succesful team then wonderful. One win does not mean we have turned the corner but things are certainly looking better than they might have done had the changes not been made.


A good sensible and balanced post. Yes some anti Lowe fans have probably stayed away but absolutely nowhere near the 6,000 quoted. Let Lowe do what needs to be done, let the players do what needs to be done and us fans need to do what needs to be done where practical and that is support the team on the pitch.

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There are many reasons why the gate for Brum was down (holidays, credit crunch, expecting the worse, etc) but I refuse to believe people will stay away from watching their favourite team because of who the chairman is! Love him or hate him, he really does not count when it comes to a game - then it is about the team and their performance. If we get another couple of good results and some positive reports then gates will go up again, RL or not.


It is some fans obsession with hating RL that is causing division not the man himself. He is, in my opinion, doing what has to be done to keep my team afloat and if the side benefit is a succesful team then wonderful. One win does not mean we have turned the corner but things are certainly looking better than they might have done had the changes not been made.


Must have missed that. Didnt know this season started early compared to previous seasons..............

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Sorry Panda but some fans have principles regarding Lowe. They believe (quite rightly in my opinion) that he is a complete and utter disaster and will not go to games while he is Chairman. Of my friends i used to go with, half did not renew their season tickets after Lowe returned.


Then I think that is very sad! And I think you may live to regret it as the plan might just work and you might miss some great stuff. Support the team, support the club, the world is a difficult place right now and times are hard. Lets give the team we love all the effort we can and maybe, in return, they will respond for us, which is more than last year's 'team' managed. There is nothing to be gained from such levels of personal hate.

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Sorry Panda but some fans have principles regarding Lowe. They believe (quite rightly in my opinion) that he is a complete and utter disaster and will not go to games while he is Chairman. Of my friends i used to go with, half did not renew their season tickets after Lowe returned.


A good sensible and balanced post.

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A good sensible and balanced post. Yes some anti Lowe fans have probably stayed away but absolutely nowhere near the 6,000 quoted. Let Lowe do what needs to be done, let the players do what needs to be done and us fans need to do what needs to be done where practical and that is support the team on the pitch.


What has happened to the 6,000 missing fans then? Don't get me wrong, i would love to see a full house at SMS on saturday, but i was seriously alarmed with the attendance for the Brum game, and i fear it may not have been a one off. Let's hope we get back to crowds of 24/25,000+.

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Then I think that is very sad! And I think you may live to regret it as the plan might just work and you might miss some great stuff. Support the team, support the club, the world is a difficult place right now and times are hard. Lets give the team we love all the effort we can and maybe, in return, they will respond for us, which is more than last year's 'team' managed. There is nothing to be gained from such levels of personal hate.


Oh no Panda, i will be there as much as i can be! I go to be entertained and for the first time in years we might get some nice football! Although i do fear that a young side will burn out very quickly and we will slump from December onwards.


All i was trying to say is that there are fans out there who won't go because of Lowe.

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What has happened to the 6,000 missing fans then? Don't get me wrong, i would love to see a full house at SMS on saturday, but i was seriously alarmed with the attendance for the Brum game, and i fear it may not have been a one off. Let's hope we get back to crowds of 24/25,000+.


We lost season ticket holders from last season due to some of the dross served up and due to the fact that we only avoided relegation on the last day of the season, the season that Lowe was not in charge. Also it's already been pointed out thet it is the holiday season and the credit crunch is hitting many families. Let's hope we get the fans back.

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Verbal Kint is right in what he says.


Lowe undoubtedly has a negative effect on home gates.


I'm at the point where i will not go to a home game, or buy anything from the club shop because i genuinely despise the man so much.

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Verbal Kint is right in what he says.


Lowe undoubtedly has a negative effect on home gates.


I'm at the point where i will not go to a home game, or buy anything from the club shop because i genuinely despise the man so much.

does he have such an effect?


the gates falling has been a trend every year since we have been relegated...lowe or no lowe...

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does he have such an effect?


the gates falling has been a trend every year since we have been relegated...lowe or no lowe...


I honestly think there are at least about 2k fans who will not go whilst Lowe is there. Maybe more. Now maybe if the side starts winning regularly those fans will be replaced. But if not, and i don't see why we should expect the side to challenge near the top, how are we going to cover that shortfall in attendance? Lowe will sell a youngster in Jan. Same fans will stay away. Next summer we sell more youngsters. Even more people stay away next season. We sell more youngsters to cover for them.


Eventually we will have no money and no players of any value to sell.

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Verbal Kint is right in what he says.


Lowe undoubtedly has a negative effect on home gates.


I'm at the point where i will not go to a home game, or buy anything from the club shop because i genuinely despise the man so much.


Pongo, Do you genuinely believe that by staying away, you are increasing the chances of getting rid of Lowe? And are you prepared to sacrifice the club (to possible administration/L1 football) on the way?

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The best way forward is to keep playing attractive football, keep the young team together, and keep the boardroom out of the news.


I desperately want this young exciting team to be successful. If they are then I hope Mr Lowe & Co. have the sense to quietly back their manager and team.

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I honestly think there are at least about 2k fans who will not go whilst Lowe is there. Maybe more. Now maybe if the side starts winning regularly those fans will be replaced. But if not, and i don't see why we should expect the side to challenge near the top, how are we going to cover that shortfall in attendance? Lowe will sell a youngster in Jan. Same fans will stay away. Next summer we sell more youngsters. Even more people stay away next season. We sell more youngsters to cover for them.


Eventually we will have no money and no players of any value to sell.



lowe wont sell the player through fecking choice....we went for the promotion push with burley and for what ever reason it never payed off...now we have to pay the price for that...simple sad economics...not some dastardly scheme by evil lowe...


should the fans come back for what ever reason then we probably wont have to sell as many players....


If the team put a winning run on then fans will be back...pretty much the trend at most football club in the country

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The best way forward is to keep playing attractive football, keep the young team together, and keep the boardroom out of the news.


I desperately want this young exciting team to be successful. If they are then I hope Mr Lowe & Co. have the sense to quietly back their manager and team.


Completely agree. But Lowe won't keep this young team together i'm afraid. He will continue to sell.

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Pongo, Do you genuinely believe that by staying away, you are increasing the chances of getting rid of Lowe? And are you prepared to sacrifice the club (to possible administration/L1 football) on the way?


Yeah i do think staying away is the most effective protest against Lowe.


Yes i am prepared to sacrifice the club to admin on the way.

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lowe wont sell the player through fecking choice....we went for the promotion push with burley and for what ever reason it never payed off...now we have to pay the price for that...simple sad economics...not some dastardly scheme by evil lowe...


should the fans come back for what ever reason then we probably wont have to sell as many players....


If the team put a winning run on then fans will be back...pretty much the trend at most football club in the country




I remember Derby at home during the play-off season.


Highest attendance of the season, chance to break into the top3 and to set the club record for unbeaten run.


We put in one of the most pathetic performances I have ever seen in red-and-white stripes. Suffice to say, the attendances went into reverse.

Edited by alpine_saint
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The best way forward is to keep playing attractive football, keep the young team together, and keep the boardroom out of the news.


I desperately want this young exciting team to be successful. If they are then I hope Mr Lowe & Co. have the sense to quietly back their manager and team.


Agreed - but they can only back the team if there is money there.


Someone earlier mentioned between 2,000 & 6,000 fans staying away because of Lowe - well 2,000 fans at £25 per match (avg) for say 20 games this season is £1m of income. That's just through the gate - not including merchandising, programmes, food, etc. If these 'fans' did come back, we'll be in a much better position to keep our players. Food for thought!!!

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Yeah i do think staying away is the most effective protest against Lowe.


Yes i am prepared to sacrifice the club to admin on the way.

You are mad.So you will guarentee your attendance in L1 or L2 then.No you find another reason like all the other stay aways.
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lowe wont sell the player through fecking choice....we went for the promotion push with burley and for what ever reason it never payed off...now we have to pay the price for that...simple sad economics...not some dastardly scheme by evil lowe...


should the fans come back for what ever reason then we probably wont have to sell as many players....


If the team put a winning run on then fans will be back...pretty much the trend at most football club in the country


Now this is something i have said before but it looks like i will have to say again a bit more clearly:




Salz and Crouch had no problem gaining the support of the bank on this premise. Rupert does not have the brains or the negotiating power to do the same. Shame on him for that.


I applaud the use of our youngsters and the way we want to play football. But we will sell them all off until we are left with nothing, accept a stadium we can't afford with a squad of players worth **** all. And then we are truely screwed.

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Agreed - but they can only back the team if there is money there.


Someone earlier mentioned between 2,000 & 6,000 fans staying away because of Lowe - well 2,000 fans at £25 per match (avg) for say 20 games this season is £1m of income. That's just through the gate - not including merchandising, programmes, food, etc. If these 'fans' did come back, we'll be in a much better position to keep our players. Food for thought!!!

When the Wilde bunch came in all the Lowe outers said they;d go again but attendances still went down.
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Yeah i do think staying away is the most effective protest against Lowe.


Yes i am prepared to sacrifice the club to admin on the way.


I'm almost speechless!!!!


Your hatred of one man that I assume you've never even met is greater than the love of your club? Can I ask what he's done to put you to this state - has he killed anyone you know? or has he just made some bad decisions in appointing managers in the past?

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Now this is something i have said before but it looks like i will have to say again a bit more clearly:




Salz and Crouch had no problem gaining the support of the bank on this premise. Rupert does not have the brains or the negotiating power to do the same. Shame on him for that.


I applaud the use of our youngsters and the way we want to play football. But we will sell them all off until we are left with nothing, accept a stadium we can't afford with a squad of players worth **** all. And then we are truely screwed.


thanks for that..now, seeing as you know what is going to happen, please can I have next weeks lottery numbers..:smt088

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Yeah i do think staying away is the most effective protest against Lowe.


Yes i am prepared to sacrifice the club to admin on the way.

Pongo? are you in the army? you must be as you seem thick as ****


going into admin will ruin this club even more and could even put lowe into a position to buy the club out right...


full of bright ideas this one people....

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