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Players we've detested over the past 5 years


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Every season since we've been out of the Premiership, we've had a number of players that we've absolutely detested for one reason or another, and wish would just disappear or sort it out.


My question to you - who have you detested and why? Here's an example of some of the players i'm talking about, and why.


Fuller - couldn't stand the player - he just couldn't score and ran around like a headless chicken missing chance after chance. He came back after his loan spell, and went on a good run, but I just couldn't bring myself to like him.


Rasiak - despite scoring plenty of goals for us in his first season and a half, I couldn't stand him - minimal workrate, incredibly lazy and absolutely loved himself.


McGoldrick - worst of the bunch for me. Top scorer last season, but again, lazy, missed an absolute hatful of chances and had less vision than a one-eyed bat at times. Never seemed to want to pass the ball. Seemed like a proper jack-the-lad as well, and was amazed Forest wanted to pay us £1 million for him whilst we were in administration. lol.

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Idiakez was awful, one of the worst players i've ever seen. The game away at Bristol Rovers in the cup stands out, shocking performance.


Suppose that lends itself to Jermaine Wright.


In fairness, not someone I hated, but definitely wanted to punch him a number of times.

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Idiakez was awful, one of the worst players i've ever seen. The game away at Bristol Rovers in the cup stands out, shocking performance.


Just reminded me.


Adam Hammill


You could feel the ground shake as he lumbered up the touchline that horrible day.

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Wouldn't say I've ever detested a Saints player. There have been a few I've disliked for various reasons.


Dyer and BWP - The nightclub incident. Doesn't need much further explanation.


Stern John - Turning up for pre season claiming he was after a new contract, then p*ssing off to Palace as soon as he got a better offer and claiming it was our fault.


Jones - The whole striking fiasco and pretending a dead Spannish left back inspired him to move.


Adam Hammill - Lardy, lazy and ineffective.


There were also players like Euell, DMG and Wright who were continuously picked despite less than impressive performances on the pitch. Can't really blame them too much, they didn't chose to be picked.

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I don't detest this guy, i just don't think this guy is any good.I have tried to warm to him, make allowances,his name............Paul Wotten.Sorry, Paul.


I don't hate Paul. I don't hate anyone that is a bit t*rd, but always gives their all. In fact, I found it quite hard to hate anyone last season, a lot of players were just thrown into the team.


Mcgoldrick mind, i had to hate. The boy obviously has talent, he's just lazy and work shy at times.

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Peter Crouch was one player i have come to dislike.

Before he came to us,he had been at loads of other clubs,all without much success.Then he comes to us,gets his career back on track and then leaves as soon as we get relegated.It also doesnt help that he went back to the Skates and has a love-in with Rednapp.

I also dislike Kevin Phillips,Baird,BWPs and Mc goldrick.

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McCann sticks out as particularly useless, albeit in a good team. However, BWP wins easily IMO, arrogant, stealing and selfish, with some raw talent which was completely erroded by having absolutely no workrate.


Yep, his old man must be turning in the Channel 5 studio.


Van Damme










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Hmm, there are a few.


Jones - Or as i like to put it 'that c*nt that went on strike'.


Wotton - He is just sh*te, i cringe whenever i hear his name on the team sheet, and when i heard it read out at Wembley part of me wanted to walk out.


BWP -He really was crap, scored the odd good goal but all in all crap, and by all accounts a thieving tw*t.


Thats about it really, i can understand Rasiak, i couldn't hate him but yeah, he seemed very lethargic.


DMG gets a bad press tbh, he looked A LOT better when he moved back into midfield at the end of the season, and the season before had a barn storming half season on loan, port vale i think, and he won player of the season when he was only there half of it.


I just don't think he is a striker.

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Thanks Smirking Saint for mentioning Kenwyn Jones.I had forgotten about him and the fact he went on strike.Definately adding him to my list.

Funny isnt it that most of the players named on here were from the Burley era.


A lot of them signings by Burley.


Just showed the legacy the blithering idiot left here, achieved the absolute minimum with one of the best squads in the Championship at the time, made mostly **** poor signings, and any good signings he left on the bench to rot.

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Leon Best purely for that game at Pride Park. I've never seen a player single play so badly in a match. He did everything wrong that he could have possibly done wrong in that game. And now somehow despite never impressing anyway he's now at Newcastle. Can't understand how things have worked out so well for that clown.

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Jason Euell...waied and eaited for a good performance to happen , but gave us bugger all.

Peter Crouch...cant understand why everyone else praises the guy after his spel with us. OK he scored a few BUT missed loads of chances and couldn't head the ball (as he still does these days). How the **** he can get picked for England baffles me. Never forgive him for giving the ball to Evertons keeper in the last seconds, for him to hoof it up field and them to score (the BT game). Doh.

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Good original thread by the way!


-Kevin Bond, Clive Woodward, Simon Clifford, George Burley (if you want to add management)

-Jelle Van Damme (clearly didnt want to even try for Saints)

-Leon Best (smarmy chipmunk faced twerp, who thinks he is better than he actually is)

-Kenwyne Jones (left us at the first chance he got, seems ungrateful for what we gave him and no player should go on strike)

-David McGoldrick (re:Leon Best)

-Callum Davenport (useless)

-Ricardo Fuller (didnt want to be at Saints)

- Marcelo Tejera (why?)

- Darren Powell (glass legs, and probably the worst free in the history of Saints)

- Nathan Dyer (re:Leon Best)

- Chris Makin (when we were desperate for defenders..we bought him)

- Gregorz Rasiak (good but also selfish, but head went down at Christmas 2006 once he was dropped)

- BWP (started off as a good prospect, but head was wrong)

- Marek Saganowski (good, but clearly just wanted a long term contract)

- Adam Hammill (a big disappointment)

- Alan Bennett (just needed a bit of confidence, but not a championship player)

- Lucien Mettomo (another player who was bought on a whim...wages probably cost us in the end too)

- Jason Euell (not worth the wages...should have just played Gillett back then)

- Stephen O'Halloran (another pointless loan, and wound Aston Villa up at the same time by not using him)

- Vincent Pericard (never looked like scoring)

- Tomas Peckhart (krap)

- Jordan Robertson (krapper)

- Romain Gasmi (re:Marcelo Tejera)

- Lee Molyneux (pointless signing)


Think that covers it....I do feel that:- Kosowski (good when not injured), Quashie (gave it all in the year he was with us, and was a Northam favourite), Idiakez (gave a few good moments for us...we got him 5 years too late), Jermaine Wright (gave a lot to the team especially in the playoff year), and Stern John (he scored an abundance of goals for us which kept us up when no-one expected that from him when he signed for us) get a bad press on here unecessarily.

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All Skates


Jamie Rednapp Son of a skate


Craine went to the skates.


Should never buy players from the fish *uckers


One of the worst passers of the ball I've ever seen.


Pekhart was bloody awful for us also.

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Leon Best purely for that game at Pride Park. I've never seen a player single play so badly in a match. He did everything wrong that he could have possibly done wrong in that game. And now somehow despite never impressing anyway he's now at Newcastle. Can't understand how things have worked out so well for that clown.


He played well and he's a good player.


With regards to your final sentence, I guess you just know less about football than people involved in it.

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He played well and he's a good player.


With regards to your final sentence, I guess you just know less about football than people involved in it.


If you think he 'played well', then i think you know even less than me!


Own goal and missed penalty, to me, suggest that he didnt play very well.

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I'm surprised nobody has mentionned Patterson, he was awful in my opinion, great to offload him onto Southend. Lancashire is pretty terrible, my mate at uni went to school with him and they played in the same team - he couldn't believe it when Lancashire made into the saints squad as apparently he was never that great.


Plus I still to this day despise Calum Davenport, how anybody would think he would sure up a relegation threatened defence is beyond me. Amazed to see Viafara mentionned here, I thought he was great.


All in all though this thread has made me realise how much better our squad is at the moment than it was during our time in the championship when we had a load of lazy ******s playing for us most of the time.

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Kanchelskis. (Not in the five year threshold though)


It was an abuse of the number 7 shirt.



From one of the best players to grace the prem ..... to one of the worst.


What the fook happened to him......was it really just age???

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I don't think it's fair to put Wotton in with most of these players. He's not lazy' date=' he's not a prima donna, he doesn't think he's bigger than the club. He may not be a very good player but at least he gives his all. It's not up to him whether he's picked in the team, Pardew puts him in there on merit.[/quote']


With all due respect, he isn't very good.........he may give his all........but IMHO it is still not enough.

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