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call of duty black ops


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I think I am just about starting to get bored of MW2 online, though would like another prestige level by Monday.


Got this on pre-order, and next week booked off work :D As I tend to only play the single player mode a few times, it's all about online for me, and I'm just a little bit curious as to whether they've tried to cram too much into that side of the game. I'm sure by tuesday evening that'll have been forgotten though ;)


Only 114 days until Killzone 3 comes out anyway http://www.vgreleases.com/ps3/ReleaseDate-62530.aspx

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Has anyone seen any bargains out there, previous editions have been sold by supermarkets at a reduced rate, anyone know if this is happened for Black Ops.


Best I can see, is £34.99 if you order it through Tesco Online and use a voucher code for £5 off.


best buy in hedge end selling it for £29.99 but only for one day tomorrow

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Got mine from sainsburys. First 10 :) and got staff discount :D my mum tells me 'jonnyboy' that there's about 509 of each left at hedge end sainsburys if that's where your going.


the mrs came back with a copy and some beer so she is in the good books, but then again it was on my credit card :-(

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I won't bother with the single player as online is where it's at at it's good so far!


I'm still not completely sold on single player, though will try and finish it today and maybe have another run through in the next week or two.


Played for a few hours online last night, though it seems everyone just wanted to play Nuketown. Most of the maps I played on do seem to be set up for close quarter banzai style play, I don't think I saw many using anything other than SMGs, and I didn't see anyone using sniper set ups.


I also think they seem to have fallen between the cracks on the character and weapon upgrade process. Although you have to use COD points to buy new stuff, you still have to advance to the right level to unlock it, it would have made a bit more sense to me to just make the better/later stuff more expensive and do away with level unlocking.


That said though I do like it, and will no doubt become more obsessed with it in no time :D and the RCX is going to be fun...


So who's going to be the first to put up some of their highlights then?

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Highlight? Me winning getting final kill on a round by lobbing a random grenade on Array into the dish, didnt even know someone was in there :D


Mine so far is a triple kill with the RCX on cracked. Do you need a Youtube account to upload these clips?


Just finished the single player game and straight in to a Zombie game... LOL at JFK, Castro & Nixon :D

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Held off getting this game for all of 1 day.


Glad I have got it now, loving the multiplayer. Noticed everyone seems to go for Nuke Town, but do get a lot of kills on it.

Have only really tried the Enfield gun, but upto rank 20 now after playing for a few hours (6) last night.

HQ is a lot better in this than MW2, seriously rack up the points.

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Just prestiged, absolutely loving multiplayer. Campaign was ok, but I only really bought it for online so doesnt really bother me. Zombies i've found a lot harder on this one, seems to be impossible to get passed the first round of the devil dogs, and when I do I seem to have no money for better guns etc.


Also noticed everyone seems to vote for Nuketown, which is fine a few times but just gets boring playing over and over, only map i'm not too keen on is jungle but the rest are all good.


Bit disappointed they've taken out the Nuke at 25 kills, seems like theres nothing to do after 11 kills now. Also the leaderboards are ****ed up - annoying having to go onto everyones combat record to compare kills etc, would have been much easier to keep it like the past 2 COD games leaderboard wise. Also the camo's are a bit of a let down, only 2 or 3 half decent ones then obviously gold at 14th prestige. Not much motivation to prestige with the only bonus being gold guns, but whatever.


All in all, f*cking great game, but could have been better.

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