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Strikers out on loan/suspended


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I make it 4 out on loan now, and one suspended? Have we ever had such a situation/embarrassment of riches?


Can we really get by with only 3 recognised out and out strikers - I include GDP in the 3. Who has let it get to this state, you need to keep back up for injuries/suspensions.


I cannot believe that Puncheon, Mayuka and Sharp have all gone backwards in less than 9 months.


Surely we have to get one back or another in on loan next week? And why did we not go for Zaha, if he is genuinely looking for a loan move, he would be ideal for us, or do Manure regard us as a rival now?

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:eek: That's ridiculous. It makes a mockery of the whole player ownership business.


What also makes a mockery of it all is when they let one of their young players go on free, so they can get David Luiz.


Only to then realise 2 years later he was actually quite good, and then spend £20m to get him back.


Just lazy really, not interested in developing their own. They want the finished goods, hence why they're not interested in Lukaku either.

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So with Ricky now injured, back to 3 with Sam now in the trio…..bare bones.


And why oh why does Jay Rod not shoot with his left foot - hasn't he got one FGS!!?? Always opening up his body to shoot with his right.


Well done on the heads up Glasgow; still think we could do with Zaha though, never replaced Alex.

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So with Ricky now injured, back to 3 with Sam now in the trio…..bare bones.


And why oh why does Jay Rod not shoot with his left foot - hasn't he got one FGS!!?? Always opening up his body to shoot with his right.


Well done on the heads up Glasgow; still think we could do with Zaha though, never replaced Alex.


Adriansfc made a good point earlier re; Zaha. We simply dont play in a way that would accomadate him.

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