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Hero to Zero !


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I am talking about our manager, on Tuesday night there was talk of fending off Real Madrid and how it was crucial that we extend his contract ASAP !

After today he has been castigated for his team selection and serious questions are being asked !

Assuming that his powers of judgement did not desert him within the space of 4 days, what is it to be ?

IMO he could have gotten away with a substandard performance if SRL had tapped in a sitter from a yard or we hadn't conceded a 'worldly' , in any case the margins are very fine !

As a self confessed 'happy clapper' (although I prefer the term true and loyal supporter!) I consider that nobody is perfect and that his decisions today were made with the best intentions and it just didn't work out as he had hoped, there are those who imply that he is motivated by bonus agreements based on league position which I don't buy !

Shame that we can be divided like this but c'est la vie and we move on ...

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... his decisions today were made with the best intentions and it just didn't work out as he had hoped, there are those who imply that he is motivated by bonus agreements based on league position which I don't buy !


Oh come on, how naiive can you get ? I know which interpretation I believe. Money talks, f**k the rest.

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I honestly don't see mopo being here beyond the summer - if the league position bonus rumour is true (I think it is) then the guy is clearly motivated by money and not medals (haven't seen a better explanation for our FA cup and league cup displays this season)


Given his love of money I see him jumping ship as soon as a better offer comes his way.


There was also the "I leave if you leave" stuff back in the summer when Cortese was playing the moody girl routine.... again a massive two fingers to the club and the fans.


Yes we play some nice stuff - but our squad is very good and we all felt 6-9 place was achievable this season - for me he's meet expectations and looked after himself... no more, no less.

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But you're naive enough to believe what a s**t-stirring troll on here says.


Something doesn't add up, pal.


The same "**** stirring troll" that was first on here to tell us about all of the below? At some stage you're going to have to admit..... either I'm amazing at "making stuff up" or I do just know a thing or two.


• Éver Banega

• Leandro Damiao

• Victor Wanyama

• Kit release

• Player release list

• New bus

• Season ticket prices

• Boruc

• Hand dryers

• Billy Sharp

• Lovren

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I am talking about our manager, on Tuesday night there was talk of fending off Real Madrid and how it was crucial that we extend his contract ASAP !

After today he has been castigated for his team selection and serious questions are being asked !

Assuming that his powers of judgement did not desert him within the space of 4 days, what is it to be ?

IMO he could have gotten away with a substandard performance if SRL had tapped in a sitter from a yard or we hadn't conceded a 'worldly' , in any case the margins are very fine !

As a self confessed 'happy clapper' (although I prefer the term true and loyal supporter!) I consider that nobody is perfect and that his decisions today were made with the best intentions and it just didn't work out as he had hoped, there are those who imply that he is motivated by bonus agreements based on league position which I don't buy !

Shame that we can be divided like this but c'est la vie and we move on ...


Don't talk too much sense on here, the regulars don't seem to like it! You're meant to react extremely to what has just happened and then forget you said anything of the sort when something else happens a week later! ;)


Of course his selection was made with the best intentions, all the players used today have featured before (apart from McQueen) and so have been trusted before. Although we made a slew of changes, 3 of those changes were starting positions for Wanyama, Clyne and Ward-Prowse who are hardly "weak" members of our squad! Very strange reaction from the forum (and the media - Gary Lineker on Twitter particularly) trying to look for a reason for our general poor performance.

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The same "**** stirring troll" that was first on here to tell us about all of the below? At some stage you're going to have to admit..... either I'm amazing at "making stuff up" or I do just know a thing or two.


• Éver Banega

• Leandro Damiao

• Victor Wanyama

• Kit release

• Player release list

• New bus

• Season ticket prices

• Boruc

• Hand dryers

• Billy Sharp

• Lovren


Don't forget to mention the betting, you know a thing or two about that if I remember well, and that usually annoys 'em, too! ;)

Edited by Beckenham Saint
missed a word out.
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Don't forget to mention the betting, you know a thing or two about that if I remember well, and that usually annoys 'em, too! ;)


Stopped posting on here about my bets as the clappy crew seemed to get so upset that I was doing so well.


“O, beware, my lord, of jealousy; It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock, The meat it feeds on.”


Envy: A Deadly Sin :)

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Although a rather hollow one perhaps.


Not at all. Our best top flight Manager for many years who has the team playing generally superb football.


Today was disappointing but doesnt detract from my opinion of the great work MP is doing. Not at all.


More crucial than today is that we keep him this summer. Absolutely vital if we want to stay where we are.

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Not at all. Our best top flight Manager for many years who has the team playing generally superb football.


Today was disappointing but doesnt detract from my opinion of the great work MP is doing. Not at all.


More crucial than today is that we keep him this summer. Absolutely vital if we want to stay where we are.


Yep. Let's just hope (i) he stays and (ii) KL backs him financially, even if we can't hold onto all our best players.

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If anything he has too much trust in a couple of players who arent up to it. But no doubt he is class. League shows that.


the 1st team at Saints is class - not so sure about mopo.


You and most people on here predicted we'd finish 6-9 in the summer. he is simply on track and done little to prove he's "class" imho


if the rumour about top 8 bonuses are proved correct then mopo is doing the hula with that halo

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Not at all. Our best top flight Manager for many years who has the team playing generally superb football.


Today was disappointing but doesnt detract from my opinion of the great work MP is doing. Not at all.


More crucial than today is that we keep him this summer. Absolutely vital if we want to stay where we are.


I'd like to agree with you in many ways but today does detract from it in my eyes.


This was a golden opportunity to progress, possibly a Wembley appearance, even a trophy at the end of it. To disregard it in such fashion is appalling.


Nothing builds success more than momentum built on success.



The conundrum is really, yes we want to keep him, keep the team intact, but for what ? Realistically we want top half finishes, and cup runs, cup trophies. But we had the opportunity this year and threw it away.


The style of football - 1st XI permitting in the league- is far better under MP than in 2003 , but WGS managed 8th place and a Cup Final.

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the 1st team at Saints is class - not so sure about mopo.


You and most people on here predicted we'd finish 6-9 in the summer. he is simply on track and done little to prove he's "class" imho


if the rumour about top 8 bonuses are proved correct then mopo is doing the hula with that halo


I'd rather believe Lallana than your continual negativity.. 'World Class manager that gets the best out of all his players'

So the League is higher priority than the Cup.. quite rightly IMO

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I'd rather believe Lallana than your continual negativity.. 'World Class manager that gets the best out of all his players'

So the League is higher priority than the Cup.. quite rightly IMO


Not when you're mid table and have a great chance of getting to wembley!

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I'd rather believe Lallana than your continual negativity.. 'World Class manager that gets the best out of all his players'

So the League is higher priority than the Cup.. quite rightly IMO


Adam's not bothered about not making cup finals, and winning medals with Saints then ?

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I'd rather believe Lallana than your continual negativity.. 'World Class manager that gets the best out of all his players'

So the League is higher priority than the Cup.. quite rightly IMO


from a club insider... "senior players were furious with Pochettino over starting 11 decisions and lots of noise and finger pointing after the final whistle"

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Ok I have finally decided. I can't stand it anymore. Glasgow becomes the first poster I have ever put on "ignore". Makes up a Facebook rumour then bangs on about it every other post trying to get bites....and Alpine has gone for it hook line and sinker (that bit is no surprise).....then makes up a "club insider" rumour also. Jeez

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from a club insider... "senior players were furious with Pochettino over starting 11 decisions and lots of noise and finger pointing after the final whistle"


Where's this Facebook post?


And please explain why finishing 8th that has no special value attached to it, say unlike making it to Europe with a cup win among other things, would trigger an incentive payment?

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I think today just proved how much Poch does'nt want to qualify for the Europa League a competition he is quoted as saying " kill's clubs ".


If come May 11th we have a chance of qualification through league position I can see the U 21's playing the Manc's !!!

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I think today just proved how much Poch does'nt want to qualify for the Europa League a competition he is quoted as saying " kill's clubs ".


If come May 11th we have a chance of qualification through league position I can see the U 21's playing the Manc's !!!


Seen this explanation given elsewhere - its utter b*****ks. Winning the cup isn't a means to an end. It has intrinsic value -quite apart from the European qualification that comes with it.

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from a club insider... "senior players were furious with Pochettino over starting 11 decisions and lots of noise and finger pointing after the final whistle"


Didn´t most senior players play?

Davis, Lambert, Hooiveld are the most senior except for Boruc?


Maybe they were upset they were picked...

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I think today just proved how much Poch does'nt want to qualify for the Europa League a competition he is quoted as saying " kill's clubs ".


If come May 11th we have a chance of qualification through league position I can see the U 21's playing the Manc's !!!


…or he could simply play the U21s in next season’s Europa Cup. I wouldn’t have a problem with that – as long as he made his intentions clear to fans from the outset – because, unlike the FA Cup, I agree with MP that the EC can ‘kill clubs’.

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Well, I for one will not hold a grudge if we finish 8th in the Premier League. A fine achievement and one to be very proud of.


It is .


And yet winning the JPT will in later life probably be more memorable for more people.


"What did you do the year we finished eighth Grandad ?" I hear them asking in decades to come.

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from a club insider... "senior players were furious with Pochettino over starting 11 decisions and lots of noise and finger pointing after the final whistle"


I think the "senior players " should have a good long look at their performance today. That team should have murdered the 11 that Poyet put out today.

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…or he could simply play the U21s in next season’s Europa Cup. I wouldn’t have a problem with that – as long as he made his intentions clear to fans from the outset – because, unlike the FA Cup, I agree with MP that the EC can ‘kill clubs’.


trouble is. we would get trounced by some, never heard of before slovakian team and the club would get slaughtered

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It is .


And yet winning the JPT will in later life probably be more memorable for more people.


"What did you do the year we finished eighth Grandad ?" I hear them asking in decades to come.


Well, you bring up an interesting point. Would you have sacrificed the JPT for promotion that year ?

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I think the "senior players " should have a good long look at their performance today. That team should have murdered the 11 that Poyet put out today.


I have a sneaky feeling that some of the Sunderland fans would rather wish they weren't in the Cup, many didn't even turn up today.

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Well, you bring up an interesting point. Would you have sacrificed the JPT for promotion that year ?


No - as the season stood at the time.


I think promotion was always a longshot, not only due to - 10 pts, but the time needed for Pardew to sort the squad.


Pardew did make a valuable point about getting back a winning mentality. I made the point on another thread that nothing breeds success like momentum from success, (probably more useful than CEO DVD's in "selling the vision.." , or something of substance to add to them.)

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The assumption seems to be that he played a team with a view to not winning which I personally doubt very much !

It was not our 'recognised best eleven' but my guess is that he considered that we could still get a positive result particularly as we had a very strong bench as a back up !

As I mentioned previously, he must surely have made his selection with the best of intentions and not with any underlying or surreptitious sub-plot !

Mistake maybe, but not a question of sacrificing a trophy in favour of extra (personal) financial reward. That I don't believe even although Alpine_Saint considers me to be extremely naive !!

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It is .


And yet winning the JPT will in later life probably be more memorable for more people.


"What did you do the year we finished eighth Grandad ?" I hear them asking in decades to come.



Very much this.


In 2 years time I won't remember what position we finish. Apart from when we finished 2nd, would struggle to tell you where we have finished in the top league for any year.


BUT I can tell you where we were in 1976, 1979, 2003 & 2010!!

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Very much this.


In 2 years time I won't remember what position we finish. Apart from when we finished 2nd, would struggle to tell you where we have finished in the top league for any year.


BUT I can tell you where we were in 1976, 1979, 2003 & 2010!!


When did we have our highest finish in the Premier League?

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It is .


And yet winning the JPT will in later life probably be more memorable for more people.


"What did you do the year we finished eighth Grandad ?" I hear them asking in decades to come.


I shall tell them that I wasted a whole Saturday of my life watching the most abject surrender I have ever witnessed in my team and then spent the rest of the day moaning about it on here.

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Not at all. Our best top flight Manager for many years


is that the nine years between him and strachan? if so he's top dog of a group in which Nigel Adkins and Paul Sturrock sit second and third who each spent only five months in charge of the club in the top flight.

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