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Speed increase on server


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As of 16:30 today, we've made some changes to the servers configuration.


It has been impossible over the last year to have a sustained period of time where the server has been busy in otder to try out different configuration settings.


As today has been one of those rare occasions, I've spent the majority of the afternoon working on the nitty gritty of configuration files and different software for the server, as such you should hopefully find it a much smoother and quicker experience. I notice that even tho there are currently 700 people online, its now acting as if there were only about 200.


We're still 'testing' and as such the server may go up and down a couple of more times, but I would really appreciate peoples comments on the servers performance AFTER 16:30 today, please ignore before then as this was when I was working on configurations etc.



Baj and Steve

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Yes, loading of pages should be GREATLY increase, I mean, once it starts to load the page you should find it completes very quickly.


Im finding it very slow to post still tho, anyone else?

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Yes, loading of pages should be GREATLY increase, I mean, once it starts to load the page you should find it completes very quickly.


Im finding it very slow to post still tho, anyone else?


Yes, a little. Took about 15 seconds or so to post the last message I put in this thread.


Although, having just posted this one it was almost instantaneous.

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still a littel slow but at this time I notice the site is not as active anyway as a lot of the posters soon will be on their own free time and so disappear lol

On the contrary, we currently have more users online than we have ever had, aside from lunchtime today.

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slow as hell for me but looking at the other comments it must be me. going home now so will check again from there.


all other sites are working fine so its not my workinternet connection if that helps. :D


Home now and taking anything betweek 3 and 45 seconds to load a page. chuck in a few timeouts for good messure.


may be just me but all other websites working fine.

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