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Can we afford NOT to pay Skacel?


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I know I am going to sound like a stuck record/Skacel's agent/boyfriend/whatever here, so there is no need to point that out, BUT...


From reading match reports, listening to comentary, watching highlights and the Barnsley match etc. It seems we are badly missing a decent final delivery and a bit of quality from the wide possition.


I could be wrong. If DMG and BWP were fantastic wingers today and Pekhart missed 7 or 8 sitters, then please correct me, but I get the impression we just aren't creative enough where it really matters. Lovely passing around the midfield, but nothing in the final third.


If Skacel's appearance fee is seriously going to bankrupt us, we might as well call the administrators now.


I hear a lot of, "they are still young, they will learn/gel as the season goes on," but guess what, fans accross the country are all saying that. We said it last season, we said it the season we went down.


I doubt the Palace, Derby and Barnsley fans are sat in their cars now saying, "that's the best start to the campaign we could have hoped for, the wheels are really going to come off in the next few weeks"

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We had no wingers at all today. DMG just wanted to play down the middle and he was quite clearly sulking when moved to the left. Bradley at least tried to stay wide-ish but did drift inside and was just ****e when the ball came to him. Pekhart didn't get a ball to attack all game. Bottom line is that we need either Skacel or Surman to play on the left and personally I would play Lallana on the right. no width just means it all funnels through the middle and they had Darren Moore in there - end of story.


Perhaps if Tosser Wilde wanted to make a positive contribution he should personally fund Skacel's appearance money each week. After all, he was in charge when his contract was drawn up.

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I cannot believe they are still freezing Skacel out, even half fit he would be better than that shower of ****e today.


Even if he does get appearance money it's surely worth paying if the alternative is relegation - we simpley can't afford to throw away any points.



I expect it's far far more complicated than we all think. He probably has a clause (they're all the rage) in his contract saying he doesn't have to play if the average age of the team is less than 23 or something.,or that he might get someone interested in him in the next 18 months.

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Whilst we are bringing back players from else where, heres a vote for sagga. I think he would really be useful in this set up and certainly worth having to play with John as they seemed to work well together last season.


Just to be really controversial hows about we play 2 strikers up front rather than 2 crap ones on the wings and a big tall unit with no crosses coming into him up front? 4-4-2 anyone? Sounds to me that at the moment our total football only works box to box inside ours and theirs we seem to fall to bits :-(

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I'm sure we can afford not to PAY him. The problem is he'll leave for free. ;)


On a more serious note, I wonder if he's fit yet after his injury. He's had almost no pre-season. I'd like to see him in the team, especially since we have no other left winger now that Holmes is out injured (except perhaps Surman). I'd be surprised if he didn't get a chance against Rotherham this week.

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I have no idea how Skacel is performing in training. I can ask however what from the majority of Skacels past performances make people think he has something to offer. The majority of the time he stank the place out and that was playing for his favorite manager GB. He was never a consistent performer.

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I have no idea how Skacel is performing in training. I can ask however what from the majority of Skacels past performances make people think he has something to offer. The majority of the time he stank the place out and that was playing for his favorite manager GB. He was never a consistent performer.


Nobody has scored more goals from midfield in a season since MLT retired. Also our second top assister after Bale in the playoff season.


DMG and BWP may well have overshaddowed this with their performances today, but I think Skacel just might be worth a try.

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I cannot believe they are still freezing Skacel out, even half fit he would be better than that shower of ****e today.


Even if he does get appearance money it's surely worth paying if the alternative is relegation - we simpley can't afford to throw away any points.

You hit the nail on the head there "appearance money,win bonus and goal bonus" is the sticking point for JP not using these experienced players (LOWES ORDERS PROBERLY) to help us out! :( Edited by SOTONS EAST SIDE
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Nobody has scored more goals from midfield in a season since MLT retired. Also our second top assister after Bale in the playoff season.


DMG and BWP may well have overshaddowed this with their performances today, but I think Skacel just might be worth a try.



Out of interest how many has he scored for Saints, compared to say, Surman?

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We need an experienced manager to bring out the best in players like Skacel. We need an experienced and proven manager to attract the seasoned preofessional footballers to SMS that will get us out of this mess.

Quite right. When Jan was appointed there were many who questioned why we were getting someone who knew nothing about the English football scene and had no contacts within the game.

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We need an experienced and proven manager to attract the seasoned preofessional footballers to SMS that will get us out of this mess.


Utter rubbish.


It's not the manager that's the problem, is not being able to pay a competitive wage that's the problem. Doesn't matter if we have me as a manager or Alex Furguson, we will get the players that match our wage offering. If we can't afford to pay top wages we wont get top players.


That's why I have no bad feeling at all towards JP. I'm impressed, in fact. He is working with the bargain basement selection of the CCC and getting decent football out of them. If only we could score....!

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Utter rubbish.


It's not the manager that's the problem, is not being able to pay a competitive wage that's the problem. Doesn't matter if we have me as a manager or Alex Furguson, we will get the players that match our wage offering. If we can't afford to pay top wages we wont get top players.


That's why I have no bad feeling at all towards JP. I'm impressed, in fact. He is working with the bargain basement selection of the CCC and getting decent football out of them. If only we could score....!



But Kelvin Davies and Stern John play for us don't they?

Can't be on a whole lot less than Skacel,they don't seem to have any problems turning out of a Saturday.The problem seems to be unique to Skacel for whatever reason, we were struggling to field a side today, can't see that he would have been voluntarily overlooked to save a couple of K honestly,it's far far deeper rooted than that ,IMO of course.

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But Kelvin Davies and Stern John play for us don't they?

Can't be on a whole lot less than Skacel,they don't seem to have any problems turning out of a Saturday.The problem seems to be unique to Skacel for whatever reason, we were struggling to field a side today, can't see that he would have been voluntarily overlooked to save a couple of K honestly,it's far far deeper rooted than that ,IMO of course.


And which two players, other than Skacel, have been rumoured to be For Sale if an offer comes in? Think about it... ;)

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I paid a lot of money for my tickets and I want to see him play at SMS.


im afraid your ticket only guarantees you entry to sms and a seat(unless you are a bit naughty).

im also afraid that this attitude is the type of attitude that prevents more people from attending home games..........somebody buys a ticket and then they think they should have control of every aspect of running the club,picking the team and the players we buy and sell.


i have 4 season tickets does that make me chairman?

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im afraid your ticket only guarantees you entry to sms and a seat(unless you are a bit naughty).

im also afraid that this attitude is the type of attitude that prevents more people from attending home games..........somebody buys a ticket and then they think they should have control of every aspect of running the club,picking the team and the players we buy and sell.


i have 4 season tickets does that make me chairman?

The quality of the players who may be on show affects the decisions made by those who are considering buying tickets for the matches. Evidently there are several thousand who don't want to pay to watch a reserve team.

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The quality of the players who may be on show affects the decisions made by those who are considering buying tickets for the matches. Evidently there are several thousand who don't want to pay to watch a reserve team.


tbh i think you are a bit misguided,the team that is put out each week is the first team.if nobody from the reserves ever broke into the first team then we wouldnt ever be able to field 11 players.

what would have happened if letiss was never given a chance to step up or moran,wallace,shearer,williams,channon.......etc etc the list is endless.


i suggest that if your decision making process is swayed by the quality of player on show then please feel free to support a premiership team.you will find the best quality players in the world plying their trade there.


i am sorry but i have no time for 'fans' who think the premiership is the only place to watch football,either you support saints or you dont,simple as that.


if you are a saints fan, now is the time to stand up and be counted,let your presence be felt at st marys because if the trend of low crowds continue then you probably wont have a team to support.

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im afraid your ticket only guarantees you entry to sms and a seat(unless you are a bit naughty).

im also afraid that this attitude is the type of attitude that prevents more people from attending home games..........somebody buys a ticket and then they think they should have control of every aspect of running the club,picking the team and the players we buy and sell.


i have 4 season tickets does that make me chairman?


you must have a fat arse;)

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We had no wingers at all today. DMG just wanted to play down the middle and he was quite clearly sulking when moved to the left. Bradley at least tried to stay wide-ish but did drift inside and was just ****e when the ball came to him. Pekhart didn't get a ball to attack all game. Bottom line is that we need either Skacel or Surman to play on the left and personally I would play Lallana on the right. no width just means it all funnels through the middle and they had Darren Moore in there - end of story.


Perhaps if Tosser Wilde wanted to make a positive contribution he should personally fund Skacel's appearance money each week. After all, he was in charge when his contract was drawn up.


Why the hell can't the players and management see that it is childishly simple and fundamental.


It's simple, ask McGoldrick does he want to play or not. in that case does he want to play wide. Then tell him what that means and if he doesn't comply even as early as 5 mins, he's coming off.

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go and watch training and you will see why skacel is not playing


40 something posts about personal views and opinions, but the one post that SHOULD have been questioned was missed in the rush to state the same case we state every week.


Dear bmthred, could you kindly let us know whether this is something you have visualised or if it is rumour.


At the end of the day, it matters not one iota whether we WANT Skacel to play. It only matters

1) Does Skacel WANT to play?

2) HOW do we motivate him to WANT to play IF he doesn't.


Not ONE of us has a clue what is happening here, we would be better served trying to use the links/contacts/ITK's we have to find out if it is really a waste of breath because he has given up or some Crazy Rupert conspiracy theory.


For the record, my own opinion is that Skacel hasn't done the business for us before, COULD do the business for us now IF and only if HE wants to be bothered.


If he WANTS to be bothered then WTF is he doing NOT playing. If he's given up then just let him rot

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A fit and willing Rudi Skacel could easily walk into this team and improve it - especially with Lee Holmes out injured . The question is do we have a fit and willing Rudi Skacel ?

That's one of those questions that are much easier to ask than to answer .


The Echo implied he wasn't fit yet on Friday, If it is something else I for one , would like to know what it is.

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tbh i think you are a bit misguided,the team that is put out each week is the first team.if nobody from the reserves ever broke into the first team then we wouldnt ever be able to field 11 players.

what would have happened if letiss was never given a chance to step up or moran,wallace,shearer,williams,channon.......etc etc the list is endless.


i suggest that if your decision making process is swayed by the quality of player on show then please feel free to support a premiership team.you will find the best quality players in the world plying their trade there.


i am sorry but i have no time for 'fans' who think the premiership is the only place to watch football,either you support saints or you dont,simple as that.


if you are a saints fan, now is the time to stand up and be counted,let your presence be felt at st marys because if the trend of low crowds continue then you probably wont have a team to support.

I wasn't referring to you or me because I shall be there regardless, and I expect that you shall too. I was referring to the thousands who don't want to pay to watch second-rate reserves. All the famous names that you mention were first-rate reserves and were introduced to the first team gradually. Lallana apart, I don't see anything in the current bunch to suggest that they will make the grade.

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The problem is: Skacel doesn't want to play! So put him in the team and he will not put any effort in, will be too lazy, and in general he'll not care. He has proven this already.

He's an overpaid, under performing Prima Donna with the wrong attitude. Let him rot where he is right now.

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I wasn't referring to you or me because I shall be there regardless, and I expect that you shall too. I was referring to the thousands who don't want to pay to watch second-rate reserves. All the famous names that you mention were first-rate reserves and were introduced to the first team gradually. Lallana apart, I don't see anything in the current bunch to suggest that they will make the grade.


i do agree that for some of the youngsters it is too much too soon,but they will either wilt and die under the pressure or they will become stronger,better players.


only time will tell if blooding so many youngsters in one go pays off but tbh it looks like we have little choice,one thing for sure,it wont put me off supporting my team and nor should anyone else.

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