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Stay away fans

Verbal Kint

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Whilst I am disappointed with fans who stay away because of Lowe, I fully sympathise with those who just don't enjoy it any more.


I might be moving back to Britain in the next couple of weeks. The way things are going the, "£50 (inc. fuel) to watch games like that," side of my brain, is being overruled by the "f**k it, I'm going skiing" part of my brain.

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Good on 'em. Why should fans have to pay 25 quid a pop to watch this complete ****e?


If crowds get down to 11-12k maybe Lowe will have to re-evaluate his plans...


Are you completely ****ing stupid?!


Less money + less moral = less likely to succeed.


Feel free to stay at home and whine. I'm gonna get behind my team.

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Good on 'em. Why should fans have to pay 25 quid a pop to watch this complete ****e?


If crowds get down to 11-12k maybe Lowe will have to re-evaluate his plans...


Re evaluate his plans?!


It only seems expensive because we aren't winning, and you say it as though there has been a huge increase in ticket prices.


As spike said the next plan is administration.


If you want to complain about ticket prices become a QPR fan, and do us all a favour.

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So how would you improve things? We are skint and trying to move forward with the youth players. They are great players and need to be given time, the more you moan and the more you stay away the less chance we have of succeeding.

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So how would you improve things? We are skint and trying to move forward with the youth players. They are great players and need to be given time, the more you moan and the more you stay away the less chance we have of succeeding.



have you been sniffing your user name


great players ?

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There is no option but to carry on as is.......but there is also no way the paying public will shell out every fortnight to be bored........more and more will drift away if a 0 - 0 draw against Barnsley is the sum of the effort.........its all right some die hard supporters castigating the posters who are now staying away, but its the inevitable result of market forces..........winning breeds bigger crowds.........losing forces them to spend their money elsewhere..........at the moment those who stay away are saying......." Thank goodness I didn't bother going there today!!".............until they think they are missing entertaining football, the crowd will continue to dwindle...........not good!!

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Whilst I was sitting there bored stiff this afternoon I was thinking of all the other things that I could have been doing instead. I've got a yogurt in the fridge that's reached its sell-by date. I could have had that




I was sitting there thinking i could be putting a second coat of paint on my garden frog.

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Then its time for Plan C...







As I asked in another post where would you get the buyers from?
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It just isn't a laugh anymore. I used to go for the **** up, the laughs with mates and the football. Closing Blocks 1-3 really ****ed me and a lot of others I know off. Like I have said before, will be away games only for me.


to be fair that and having better things to spend money on at the mo seems to me as its much more likly a reason than a boycott because lowe is back.


i can see why they closed the blocks but I doubt they realised they would lose so many more customers because of it.


a team winning and looking like it could be going places is the only thing that will convince people thats it is the best place to spend money.

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How many seasons have we been told to get behind the team?

How many seasons have we been served up ****e?

Lowe has been in charge through out and yet does nothing.

Lowe out!


No he hasnt and what he is doing is not what most of us like but it is within our means. Believe me if I had the money I would gladly step up and buy the club and have a go at getting us moving in the right direction as would many of us but there are not that many people with the money that want to buy us so we are kind of stuck with things.

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How many seasons have we been told to get behind the team?

How many seasons have we been served up ****e?

Lowe has been in charge through out and yet does nothing.

Lowe out!


It's your team mate. It means more to you than it does to him. It'll be your team when he's gone. We're all disappointed but we needn't be disaffected. It's your choice but I say don't give up on them.

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Then its time for Plan C...








SFC may well be for sale, but it's not worth buying.


SFC might not even be worth buying for £1 because all you're buying is debt.


The situation is probably so dire the only way out is for our debts to be cleared through administration.

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It's your team mate. It means more to you than it does to him. It'll be your team when he's gone. We're all disappointed but we needn't be disaffected. It's your choice but I say don't give up on them.



Yes it is my team and it pains me to see how far we have fallen.

But i will NEVER give up on supporting Saints, although if Lowe was to go tomorrow,i would be very happy.

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You been sniffing your a*se? Shut up moaning and get behind the lads.


Askham and Wilde have never got behind the club so they have to take responsibility. I think administration is very close now and I wouldn't be surprised if there was a last-ditch Coventry/SISU type sale at a knock-down price so Wilde doesn't lose the whole lot.

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Askham and Wilde have never got behind the club so they have to take responsibility. I think administration is very close now and I wouldn't be surprised if there was a last-ditch Coventry/SISU type sale at a knock-down price so Wilde doesn't lose the whole lot.


Why would anyone offer Wilde any more than a nominal fee? I certainly wouldn't, so hard headed businessmen won't. If there is anyone out there interested they are holding all the aces.

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What a ****ing stupid **** you are


I wrestled with my conscience all summer and never renewed until after the Birmingham game ( to my expense ). I don't hold it against anyone who doesn't go anymore.

On Wednesday I started thinking that maybe Lowe and Wilde were prepared to offset lowering attendences with the sale of 1 or 2 youngsters in January - end of season, rather than attract people to SMS......and they most probably would.

Edited by harvey
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I have to think carefully about not only the money,but time involved in travelling to SMS now.


Is it really deserving of two hours each way,on top of the best part of c£40 for young Badger and I to attend ?


And if young Badger II comes,its more £,and the rubbish served up could put him off football for life;will either of them be prepared to take me there in my dotage if I inflict this on them now ?


Chelt Town by the way have appointed Martin Allen in the last week,so where over the next few months are we most likely to get value for money ,and travelling time ?

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What so we should attend games and waste £100 for something that is no longer enjoyable just to save the club from administration?


Yes in my opinion. Your choice if you don't want to go anymore and in fairness if you don't find it enjoyable you're probably best off with the other 6/7/8 thousand who can't be arsed and who we'll no doubt see at the drop of a hat when/if the good times come again

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Why would anyone offer Wilde any more than a nominal fee? I certainly wouldn't, so hard headed businessmen won't. If there is anyone out there interested they are holding all the aces.


Which is why they would wait until the last minute. Askham would be put out of the picture including Lowe if Wilde panicked as I think he will. Also, if the young lads could stay within 10 points of safety by January, the new owners could bring in 10-15 CCC quality players to supplement Lallana, Killer (if fit), Davis and John and have a go at staying up without the -15 point penalty of administration. I cannot see that Wilde or anyone else on the board has the £20-25m to keep the club afloat and keep the academy at it's current level, administration is inevitable unless we are bought cheaply at the last minute and it could be a matter of weeks, perhaps even days.

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