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Views of the Ref

Viking Warrior

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Yeah agree he was good. Their defender should have been sent off for the handball really but glad he wasn't.


It was not denying an 'obvious goal scoring opportunity' therefore no he should not have been sent off. If he had, for example, stopped the ball with his hand as it was heading towards an open net, then yes that is a red card. Granted RL was just about to head the ball behind the defender but that does not consitute an obvious goal scoring opportunity since the ball was travelling sideways across the goal.


No need to thank me for clearing that up for you. Yellow card yes - Red card no.

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It was not denying an 'obvious goal scoring opportunity' therefore no he should not have been sent off. If he had, for example, stopped the ball with his hand as it was heading towards an open net, then yes that is a red card. Granted RL was just about to head the ball behind the defender but that does not consitute an obvious goal scoring opportunity since the ball was travelling sideways across the goal.


No need to thank me for clearing that up for you. Yellow card yes - Red card no.



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Granted RL was just about to head the ball behind the defender but that does not consitute an obvious goal scoring opportunity since the ball was travelling sideways across the goal.



Hey, this is Sir Rickie we are talking about. It was as good as in;):D

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It was not denying an 'obvious goal scoring opportunity' therefore no he should not have been sent off. If he had, for example, stopped the ball with his hand as it was heading towards an open net, then yes that is a red card. Granted RL was just about to head the ball behind the defender but that does not consitute an obvious goal scoring opportunity since the ball was travelling sideways across the goal.


No need to thank me for clearing that up for you. Yellow card yes - Red card no.


Have you seen the player's post match interview? He states that he did it deliberately because he knew Lambert was behind him and hence he thought Lambert would score.


Not arguing that those are the rules but I'm sure people have gone for less than that before.

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The lino gave the call for the pen, the ref wasnt going to blow.


A red card would have been harsh in my opinion. If the ref doesn't see the handball himself he is unlikely to go for the red. I thought he did ok. Always in control and nothing to complain about. Did he book any of our players? I can't remember any.

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I think the fact that the officials got a ripple of applause when the announcer said that they were going up for their medals shows what a good game they had.

My only concern was when Fonte was up ended and went right over on the top of his head on the ground the ref did not stop the game there and then as that could have been very nasty.

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The lino gave the call for the pen, the ref wasnt going to blow.


How on earth could you know that? He may have looked at the lino for confirmation that it was a handball, he may have done a quick replay in his head before blowing the whistle, you have absolutely no idea what he was thinking at that time. The officials all had a very good game, and for those saying Carlisle should have had a man sent off for handball, they really should have had a penalty in the first 5 mins so it evens itself up.

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I don't remember them getting booed so I would say that counts as a good game for the officials. However, someone needed to have a word with Carlisle's number 10, Roberts I think, cos he was diving all over the shop first half.

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It was not denying an 'obvious goal scoring opportunity' therefore no he should not have been sent off. If he had, for example, stopped the ball with his hand as it was heading towards an open net, then yes that is a red card. Granted RL was just about to head the ball behind the defender but that does not consitute an obvious goal scoring opportunity since the ball was travelling sideways across the goal.


No need to thank me for clearing that up for you. Yellow card yes - Red card no.


I disagree. He was aware the ball was going over his head, he was aware Lambert was behind him, he was aware that he was 8 yards out from goal.


He took the gamble that it was odds on Lambert would score with a free header from 8 yards, so better to concede a penalty and have the chance of a miss/save.


It was an aboslute "professional" foul, which DID prevent an obvious goal scoring opportunity (let's face it, if Rickie Lambert had been standing on the edge of the box, with no chance to get the ball, the defender would not have raised his arm).


I don't think the ref would have been slated for sending him off.


Equally, the ref hasnt been slated for the yellow card, but in part that is because we won comfortably. Had the same player scored the winning goal in the last minute, we would all be focused on that "bad" decision.


The rule is the denial of the "opportunity to score". A deliberate handball on the line, is stopping a certain goal and merits a red card. Deliberately stopping an opponent, with foul play, from having the "opportunity" to score, is a red card. Rickie Lambert was clearly denied an opportunity to score.


Personally, I would have sent him off.


but then I'm biased :-)

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Wow, Saints fans in thinking the ref was OK when we win shocker. I bet if we had lost 4-1 he would have been the worst ref ever to have refereed anyone, anywhere, ever. EVER!


Nah, the worst referee (anywhere, ever) was at SMS the day we played (and beat) Dirty Leeds! How does that stack up with your theory?


**rolly eyed thingy**

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