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So, if we make the championship..


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.... What changes if any should we make to the team ??


Who do we feel can cope with the league and who cannot ??


It is a difficult question when you put into perspective the different seasons that both Leicster and peterborough have had, Mclean and Boyd were dominant in league one but a lot less so this year.


Personally, i think that we are all but ready to take on the championship, but with the inclusion of a few quality signings here and there to give us the extra talent required.




New RB Fonte Jaidi (with a new CB) Harding


Puncheon Hammond Morgan Lallana


Lambert Barnard (New CF)


I think Jaidi can just cut it in the champ, but he won't make every game and so a decent new CB would be ideal, i have heard a rumour of E.Ward being signed on a pre contract. Clyne (RB) ? Matt Mills ?? Baptiste ?


Definately need a new midfielder, i am still unconvinced that Hammond could make the step up, but he is moving back to his best so i would imagine he could cope, regardless a new midfielder to shake up this compfy partnership is a must. Ledley ?? Garvan ?? Sigurdsson ? harper ?


As much as i think Barnard CDAJ, a new proven goal scorer at this level would be ideal and could really set alight the championship with our creativity. Chopra ?? Sharp ? Matty Paterson ?


They are my musts, also if we picked up the like of Ambrose or whittingham from the financially struggling Palace and Cardiff would be fantastic.

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Really don't see that there is much that needs to be changed. I would probably agree that Semi is the weakest link, but even he would be OK in the NPC I suspect. More of a case of strengthening the depth of the squad. A new CM is a must to give some serious competition and alternative, otherwise this team would do fine, certainly based on last night's evidence.


I think Pulis may struggle though.


Have to say though that I don't think we will do it.


Oh one other shout, perhaps Spiderman should be Skipper, then we would have Captain Morgan, that would keep the spirits up ;)

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Much depends on whether some of the senior chaps - Perry, Jaidi, Connoly, Murty etc - are fit to play a season in the Championship, in terms of squad depth. If some of those will struggle we will need to let them go and replace them.


In any case, I think we need to sign another central midfielder as we don't really have any suitable back-up there at the moment and I wouldn't want to bank on Hammond and Schneiderlin being available all season and also on them being a particularly good CCC pairing.


Right back is a concern but I think Semi might benefit from a close/pre-season at a settled club. If Murty and Thomas are still around and fit then I wouldn't call it a problem position but if someone like Harding (but right footed) became available we should snap them up.


Assuming we sign Antonio then we have options on either wing with both Lallana and Puncheon capable of covering him on the right and playing on the left/behind the striker.


Upfront, Lambert and Barnard are good enough. If retaining Connolly doesn't stretch the budget we should do so (unless he is definitely crocked) as he is clearly a good CCC quality player. Waigo IMO would be a decent squad player to have but we might be able to pick up gems (a la Harding) which mean we decide not to keep him.


Generally though, I don't think radical surgery is needed but it depends on the level of expectation. Our current team would not get promoted from the CCC IMO, but would probably not get relegated either. If we want promotion next season then I think the prime target should be to sign two of the best midfielders in the division and possibly another top striker.

Edited by benjii
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I think there's a danger of under-estimating how much of a step up to the Championship it will be; a few years back the gap between the two divisions was not so great, but there are now a wealth of clubs in the Championship who are strong.


Players that I think could definitely make the grade are Davis, Fonte, Harding, Lallana, Puncheon and Lambert. Schneiderlin would also fit into that category, though he might need a few games to adapt to the higher demands of playing against better midfielders. Jaidi's only suspect point would be his pace and fitness, he's not getting any younger and has sometimes looked off the pace this year. For me the jury would be out on Hammond, Barnard, Seaborne and Connolly, though they are all worth a try and at worst all good enough for squad players. Antonio is worth a punt in the absence of anything else for his raw potential alone, but would need to refine his game.


There's clearly no place for Perry, Wotton, Thomas, Gillett, Holmes, Lancashire, Pulis or Molyneux, and I think Waigo would get found out, he's too hit and miss for my liking. The remaining youngsters are worth a punt to see if they can handle the step up.


I'd suggest a new CM would be a priority, a Hammond of the Championship if you like. Maybe a dominant CB to pair up with Fonte, and certainly a new RB. But we shouldn't be too far away from being competitive, and you can also never under-estimate the power of a well-motivated, confident and cohesive team, which we rapidly seem to be becoming.

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It was intended to be premature, it is not relying on the current situation.


All i was saying was, put this squad up against a championship line up and how would they fair ??


Nice to see peoples ideas, currently i feel we are very nearly ready for it.

Bottom half.


It depends on what we'd be looking to do, give it and go and try and get back to back promotions. Or try and build a team that will give us a good chance in the Prem too.


I'd upgrade both full backs, and get at least one CB in.


Upgrade Hammond, he'll be quality depth but we need someone who'll allow Morgan to play his "quarterback" role against the better opposition.


A pacey striker to play with Lambert, leave LB/DC for the bench.


I'd like to think JP and AL were good enough, but if we could get something better why not?


And if there's a decent keeper available, we should try and get one. Davis is quality, but we'd be building for the Premiership and he's getting on a bit.

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That would be my view as well. A little premature this thread.


About 16 months premature!


FWIW I think the squad has been built with the Championship in mind - we'd need a good RB, a strong CB, another good CM, possibly a left footed LM and I sometimes wonder how long Kelvin could go on, despite his relative youth compared to some keepers...

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We need to look at the goalkeeping dept in my view. KD not getting any younger and on more than one occasion this year has looked indecisive and uncommunicative with his defenders.

Why does he rarely ever throw the ball out either. Far too often an aimless punt upfield for the subsequent game of head tennis.

I do accept he is still a good shot stopper but ano domini is beginning to show me thinks and though a pipe dream this season, CCC football may now just be byond him.

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Bottom half.


It depends on what we'd be looking to do, give it and go and try and get back to back promotions. Or try and build a team that will give us a good chance in the Prem too.


I'd upgrade both full backs, and get at least one CB in.


Upgrade Hammond, he'll be quality depth but we need someone who'll allow Morgan to play his "quarterback" role against the better opposition.


A pacey striker to play with Lambert, leave LB/DC for the bench.


I'd like to think JP and AL were good enough, but if we could get something better why not?


And if there's a decent keeper available, we should try and get one. Davis is quality, but we'd be building for the Premiership and he's getting on a bit.


I don't think we would find many better than Puncheon and Lallana who would both be more than effective in the Championship, so I wouldn't be overly concerned about getting in someone 'better' than those two - other positions are more important to strengthen.


Let's not forget that it's not going to be a massive turnaround of players - hopefully just three or four coming in to add competition in some of our weaker areas.


Davis isn't old for a 'keeper, either, he's only 32 or 33 isn't he? Can certainly still do a top job for another three or four years yet

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Prob have to change more than half the first team, a very good league 1 side isn't good enough to win the championship, current players I'd have start:









6, not bad, could take out Davis and Spiderman though. All other position would have to be strengthened in my opinion.

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A right back - Orr or Clyne.


A centre back - Not really sure, maybe Kisnorbo if Leeds stay down or another try to get Ward from Coventry.


An attacking midfielder - Danns, Garvan, Shelvey or maybe even Surman.


A more defensive / deep lying midfielder - Stock? can't really think of anyone that plays the Schneiderlin role that we could bring in. Maybe another foreigner. Yeovil had a black defensive midfielder playing against Leeds the other day who looked pretty handy, might have just been a one off though.


A Championship level striker, need goals and someone who can play if Lambert breaks a leg or picks up a suspension. Hulse or Bednar maybe?


There are plenty of very good available Championship players. We've shown we can attract them in League One, should be able to attract a class above in the Championship.

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Prob have to change more than half the first team, a very good league 1 side isn't good enough to win the championship, current players I'd have start:









6, not bad, could take out Davis and Spiderman though. All other position would have to be strengthened in my opinion.


Harding is easily good enough for the Championship, more so than some on your list IMO.

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First team players: right-back (Orr, Clyne), centre-back (Nolan, Dawson, Hall), centre midfield (Stock, Danns, Racon, Shelvey, Surman), forward (Sharp, Cox, Hooper)

Back-up/squad: left-back (Dickson, Armstrong, Bale(!)) , goalkeeper (Lewis, Forster, Heaton, Szczesny)

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