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Big screens


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FIFA wanted it



and there was going to be in London but the Zoo got involved




So you never know they may get something together but they are leaving it a bit late


Or you could go to Stamford Bridge and watch it there


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Compared to Germany we're really poor at these sort of things. Went to the fans mile in Berlin in 2006 and it was amazing. Plenty of toilets, food and drink plentiful and reasonable, and well stewarded. Around a million people were there to watch Germany-Sweden!


To be fair that was in the host nation though. I was there for Brazil vs Croatia and it was a similar amount of people, crazy atmosphere.


There were screens in London for 2006, but the amount of public disorder means they won't be doing it again this time, the morons ruin it for the rest. I've heard the police are also citing the problems in Manchester for Rangers vs Zenit as a reason, which is crazy, as that was the sweaties going on a rampage, not us.


The problem here is that every time we get trusted with large public events, the minority ruin it, that's why fans in the Bundesliga are allowed to get boozed up on the terraces in Germany and how you're more likely to see hell freeze over before we get terracing back here.

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Every goodam bar here has put on "an event"


We have huge Bubble Tents on the Beaches, we have huge Exhibition Halls all with Huge screens, all expecting us to pay $150 for a resereved seating area in a room full of Lebanese and other "Brit Haters" wearing fake shirts of whatever team we are playing that day, oh and of course all the bars have increased their prices on beers UNLESS you buy Budweiser.


I get 3 or 4 text messsages a day telling me to go to this or that location as it is THE BIGGEST and THE BEST. While I was in UK for the forum match each of those texts cost me a fecking quid in roaming charges.


Down here, this is THE Rip Off World Cup, and of course we don't have an installment plan either


I'll be at home for the Group games and finding a quiet pub in Salisbury for the final

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Guest Dark Sotonic Mills
Every goodam bar here has put on "an event"


We have huge Bubble Tents on the Beaches, we have huge Exhibition Halls all with Huge screens, all expecting us to pay $150 for a resereved seating area in a room full of Lebanese and other "Brit Haters" wearing fake shirts of whatever team we are playing that day, oh and of course all the bars have increased their prices on beers UNLESS you buy Budweiser.


I get 3 or 4 text messsages a day telling me to go to this or that location as it is THE BIGGEST and THE BEST. While I was in UK for the forum match each of those texts cost me a fecking quid in roaming charges.


Down here, this is THE Rip Off World Cup, and of course we don't have an installment plan either


I'll be at home for the Group games and finding a quiet pub in Salisbury for the final


Good luck with that. I have found a pub in Winchester with a reasonable size flatscreen and Thatchers cider, Jennings, Banks and guest beers on draught. It is also quiet as it is an egg-chasers pub who just happen to be showing the WC.

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i think The Brook is putting up a big screen as in a projector, for all the england matches.


any other choice venues other than walkabout?


Oceana are doing something for the England games with big projector screens and the like. Its a shame Hotshots has gone,was immense in 2004 and 2006,cheap beer too.

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No big screens over here and it is supposedly 1 hour of highlights the day after on free to air . However with the amount

of adverts on NZ TV that means about 40 minutes. During that 40 mins we will have to put up with the usual amateur chat

about the matches from non experts pretending that they are experts.:(:(


SKY TV has some games live but I can't afford the Sports channels. ESPN doesn't appear to have any games on.:(


Ref SKY I have to pay for about 30 channels that I never watch as they are in the "package" and they claim they

can't seperate them. Load of BS as they can offer indivdual channels when they want.:mad::mad::mad:

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eh?! does that means i cant get in? FFS


You only have to pay if you want a TV, if you just want to stand up it's not a problem you won't need a ticket.


The London Road Varsity is £10 and you get a seat at a table, a bottle of Bud and a burger.

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Yeah you get a table for x amount of people and a tv for that table, think it's positioned so there is a tv for every two tables if that makes sense.


Then they're getting in a couple of 52" screens for the people who haven't booked the table spaces.

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Yeah its a VIP package, involves poker, free beer (well, technically not free as part of the paid package), food and some separate section of the pub, or seating area or something, and something else I forget.


Sure they'll still let you in though Jonny :)

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Posted elsewhere, and don't want to be seen to be spamming the forum, but the Old Farmhouse in Mount Pleasant Road will have two huge screens outdoors, other screens indoors, an outdoor bar area, pre and post match music and a barbecue. Best of all it is free entry.

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Posted elsewhere, and don't want to be seen to be spamming the forum, but the Old Farmhouse in Mount Pleasant Road will have two huge screens outdoors, other screens indoors, an outdoor bar area, pre and post match music and a barbecue. Best of all it is free entry.


thats wot im talking about! :-)

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thats wot im talking about! :-)


Hello Jon mate - thanks for heading down Saturday, was nice to meet you. Your mates were a decent bunch as well. Should be a bit busier this Friday, same sort of arrangement, with BBQ and music if you want to pop down. Did you manage to cop any of those free Pimms? Landlord always doing stuff like that!


So yeah any other Saintsweb chaps want to come along, will be doing another World Cup night with music and laffs at the Old Farmhouse, Mount Pleasant Road this friday, from 6.30. Oh and this week I will be rocking my brand new sash which I picked up yesterday ;)

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Hello Jon mate - thanks for heading down Saturday, was nice to meet you. Your mates were a decent bunch as well. Should be a bit busier this Friday, same sort of arrangement, with BBQ and music if you want to pop down. Did you manage to cop any of those free Pimms? Landlord always doing stuff like that!


So yeah any other Saintsweb chaps want to come along, will be doing another World Cup night with music and laffs at the Old Farmhouse, Mount Pleasant Road this friday, from 6.30. Oh and this week I will be rocking my brand new sash which I picked up yesterday ;)


hey up Sean, yeah that was fun, cheers for that, got free pimms and some chicken too. likin the tunes as well


if i do make it it will be without the lairy wasted one ;-)

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The only reason I can see why we don't have the big screens is because the country is riddled with disrespectful and troublesome morons and the whole staging of such an event would be more trouble than it is worth.


Shame really though most likely to be true.

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The only reason I can see why we don't have the big screens is because the country is riddled with disrespectful and troublesome morons and the whole staging of such an event would be more trouble than it is worth.


Shame really though most likely to be true.


I think you're right mate, I went to the big screen showing of the England - Portugal game in 2006 and there where little pikey scrotes chucking full un-opened cans of coke into crowds of people, would seriously hurt if that hit someone in the head.

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Posted elsewhere, and don't want to be seen to be spamming the forum, but the Old Farmhouse in Mount Pleasant Road will have two huge screens outdoors, other screens indoors, an outdoor bar area, pre and post match music and a barbecue. Best of all it is free entry.


Sean,is the pub going to do something for next Wednesdays game too? Planning on heading in with a few workmates if so.

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