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Could you let non members


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I think I'd prefer the old 'donator' status, with everyone having equal 'rights'...


I would like golden balls. Seriously though it seems that quite a few people wouldlike this. It's really sad that this forum is a lot more deserted in the past few weeks. I hope the mods will take notice.

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that is ,obviously, your decision.


so, you will have no-one but yourselves to blame...............you have all worked so hard to get this forum to where you want it to be.

Mods,you appear to have a Rupert Lowe mentality, whereby you will ignore the voice of your customers and be more willing to see your investment run into the ground , rather than bowing to pressure and taking into account your users opinions..................what a shame :(


(i happen to love this forum, but even you have to admit that this place has lost it's soul lately)

Edited by saint boggy
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hmm. Well if you must know the reason (not that I feel I owe you a reply after your response) the limit to 3 posts in 24 hours isn't available as a vb mod, therefore I had to code it by hand. The simplest way of doing this was to edit the page that is responsible for page replies, that way when we upgrade the forum I only need to worry about one page. If we let non-paid members start threads then I would need to alter the code in a lot more places.


Also, the decision was taken across the admins to put this limit in place.

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hmm. Well if you must know the reason (not that I feel I owe you a reply after your response) the limit to 3 posts in 24 hours isn't available as a vb mod, therefore I had to code it by hand. The simplest way of doing this was to edit the page that is responsible for page replies, that way when we upgrade the forum I only need to worry about one page. If we let non-paid members start threads then I would need to alter the code in a lot more places.


Also, the decision was taken across the admins to put this limit in place.


Odd then that a number of posters (including an admin) have PMd me saying that they agree.

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Odd then that a number of posters (including an admin) have PMd me saying that they agree.

Odd how? I don't expect everyone to agree with it, the majority of the admins did so that's what we put in place. The limit is a compromise on code modification and ease of moderation.

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Odd how? I don't expect everyone to agree with it, the majority of the admins did so that's what we put in place. The limit is a compromise on code modification and ease of moderation.


Seriously what is the point in having a forum suggestion forum if you are not willing to discuss it and just say "no." It's not like I asked you in an aggressive way. A LOT of people who use this forum are clearly upset/concerned/mildly annoyed that the number of topics and interesting articles have been vastly reduced and you don't even want to look at trying to rectify that? You might not think that there's a problem but it's clear that a lot of users do and the very least you could do would be to listen to suggestions.

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Seriously what is the point in having a forum suggestion forum if you are not willing to discuss it and just say "no." It's not like I asked you in an aggressive way. A LOT of people who use this forum are clearly upset/concerned/mildly annoyed that the number of topics and interesting articles have been vastly reduced and you don't even want to look at trying to rectify that? You might not think that there's a problem but it's clear that a lot of users do and the very least you could do would be to listen to suggestions.

You're making assumptions about our decisions. I never said that I didn't think there was a problem and I never said the forum hasn't died down. In fact, both myself and granty have both said the forum is less busy than before, however, we feel the quality of the saints forum (because lets be honest, that's all that matters) has improved by weeding out a lot of the **** that was on there before. Frankly we could give a rats arse about The Lounge and The Muppet Show et al, lets remember, they only exist to keep off-topic stuff off the main forum.


Perhaps I was wrong to type "no" as a simple reply, however this question has already been asked before on numerous threads, and I get a little tired of answers the same questions, especially when the decision has been made and we certainly wont be changing the decision any time in the near future.


Lastly, as for not willing to listen and discuss your opinions, that's exactly what I'm doing, it's just that the answer is "no" (as I said originally), and without resorting to name-calling

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I think it's also fair to say that not all improvements have yet been made. With the way things were going before we had little choice to change things around - and those changes have fixed the problems. Unfortunately things are quieter now; although in most cases that is for the best.


Leaving things as they were wasn't an option. We're certainly open to suggestions though.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Frankly we could give a rats arse about The Lounge and The Muppet Show et al, lets remember, they only exist to keep off-topic stuff off the main forum.


Have you ever considered the fact that some people only signed up and paid their £5 to use the Lounge and The Muppet Show? Especially the blue few amongst us, who are not allowed to post on the Main Board?


While I appreciate the forum is prodominently a football site, a lot of the posters who use the 'Saints' forum, are non members.


I would hazard a guess that the percentage of users in The Lounge or TMS who are full members is a lot higher than the percentage of users who are fully paid up in the Saints forum?


As a side point. The Saint mentioned there are further improvements. Would you care to let us know a little bit more about these?



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Frankly we could give a rats arse about The Lounge and The Muppet Show et al, lets remember, they only exist to keep off-topic stuff off the main forum.


That is a terrible statement IMO, do you really mean that Mr Baj?


For your information (and for what it is worth, if anything), I believe that I am not alone in saying, that without the Muppet Show and Lounge I would not have paid YOU £5. It is not a great amount of money in itself Mr Baj, but it is £5 that you would not have had without those two forums.


And, I am not sure that you should have attributed that view to "we", as some of the most posters on said forums are from you fellow moderators.


As a paying 'customer' of yours, I am actually quite offended by those remarks.

That is all

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TMS and TL have ALWAYS been there to keep off topic posts from the main forum, and they serve that purpose very well. Me not giving a rats arse about it is my personal opinion yes, the fact that they are there for the purpose i stated is fact, however.

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As a paying 'customer' of yours, I am actually quite offended by those remarks.


TMS and TL have ALWAYS been there to keep off topic posts from the main forum, and they serve that purpose very well. Me not giving a rats arse about it is my personal opinion yes, the fact that they are there for the purpose i stated is fact, however.


Just to clarify what I was trying to say Baj:

If I were to visit a shop whose main product was cat food, and I spent £5 on dog food, I would expect to be treated with the exact same level of curtousy and respect as the person buying £5 worth of cat food.


I joined this site, paying YOU £5 to post freely on this site. The overriding reason being that I want to post messages on both TMS and The Lounge.


You may or may not already be aware that I (usually) use an alternative (or 2) 'free' log-ins to post on the 'Saints' threads. I accept that for you personally they may hold little or no interest, but surely to you as a business person, they mean money, no two ways about it Baj, without them you quite simply WOULD NOT have my five pounds.


I do not think that I am alone in saying this either.


Why not run a poll on it? Actually that is my 'suggestion'; ask whether people would have paid up if those two forums did not exist? Then, mmultiply the results by 5, and tell us again that you don't 'give a rats arse' for them.

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We've not changed the service to TL or TMS, the fact is our opinion of those forums is the same now as it was when they started, to keep the rubbish off the main forum. It's not like "baj thinks TMS and TL is a waste of space and is going to shut them down", no, nothings changing, you think it's the best area along with others, good for you... that doesnt alter why they exist in the first place. My opinion of TMS and TL doesnt change anything.


And btw, you didnt pay ME anything, in fact this forum continues to cost ME a lot more than £5 in both time and money.

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hmmm...the attitude shown towards the muppet show/lounge users is not great...just like lowes attitude towards the itchen corner...


I wonder how this site will fare in 12 months time when the first lot of memberships run out...I know a few already have stopped theirs on paypal.


well, some of the MODS wanted a site like they have...congrats to them..I hope for their sake enough people re sign up to cover the costs next year..

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I've only just stumbled on this thread - but it kind of takes my breath away.


It's probably something to do with the fact that I spend most of my life travelling, but I sometimes end up spending tedious nights in faraway hotels deep in the blogosphere, especially around UK newspaper and BBC sites. Whenever I clicked back to TSF and now TSW, it was really striking how much more original, better-argued, funnier material there was and is on this site. And not all of it, by any means, on the main board. Of course there's plenty of stuff you wouldn't exactly want to show to your grandmother or literary agent. But there's some real comic talent that floats to the surface occasionally on TMS, and, by national newspaper site standards, some really thoughtful and carefully crafted threads and posts on TL.


Baj, I think you should learn to love your own site a bit more. It might get better still if you did.

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I appreciate everyones input, even if i appear not to.


The main problem we have with altering the benefits for non-paid members is that the paid members would be perfectly in their right to say "ive paid for the privilege of x,y,z and now they are getting that too". If anyone has any sensible suggestions that could help improve the forum without compromising the services offered to paid members then we're happy to listen

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I appreciate everyones input, even if i appear not to.


The main problem we have with altering the benefits for non-paid members is that the paid members would be perfectly in their right to say "ive paid for the privilege of x,y,z and now they are getting that too". If anyone has any sensible suggestions that could help improve the forum without compromising the services offered to paid members then we're happy to listen


Maybe a poll could be conducted in each forum whereby the views of the paid up members could be sort? I would welcome an increase in posts or the non members able to start new threads or something to stimulate more debate etc.


Afterall, as far as I am aware, its only members who can vote in a poll, so you will be getting results from the people who you think may not be too happy about changes being made.


Must like SFC with their season tickets, not reducing the prices of the general sale tickets to pander to the season ticket holders thoughts, is actually determental to the club. I dont think Lowe appreciates that there are a lot of ST holders which would happily accept the general price reduction of tickets if it meant more fans, more support, more money and possibly better players due to this.


Likewise, I would be very surprised if many people having paid their £5 would be bothered if the registered users got a few extra benefits. After all, it would benefit the full members who would have extra conversation?

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Most of these ideas have merit IMO. I think the complexity of coding the restrictions would be the most limiting factor though.


In the forums mainframe there's options - Non registered members can , Registerded members can . The three post rule would obviously have to have been written into the programme, but for other options such as starting threads and voting in polls i just don't buy that activating options is an issue.

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  • 2 weeks later...

for me the lounge and MS are good reasons to join the site.I think that non members shoulkd start threads and that bewbs should be allowed. If it is to stop kids viewing them i do understand but they are hardly not on show in national newspapers and the local shops.

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