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Match streams - any that are pretty safe?

Frank's cousin

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Having used various links from Wiziwig.tv, for various games, and running various clean up scans afterwards, they all seem pretty nasty in terms of malware and other Trojans.... To the point where one set of malware killed my work laptop!


anyone genuinely know of any of the streaming sites that are safer?



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myp2p.mu has numerous streams for most games - I'm watching Hull vs Chelsea now. If any streaming website ever asks you to download or install anything, it's a virus; none of these places need you to download anything to work. No downloading = no viruses :)

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Having used various links from Wiziwig.tv, for various games, and running various clean up scans afterwards, they all seem pretty nasty in terms of malware and other Trojans.... To the point where one set of malware killed my work laptop!


anyone genuinely know of any of the streaming sites that are safer?





Use a Ad Blocker & you will be fine, they are extensions you install on your Browser, I use Google Chrome so I use this one




After you install you will know longer see the ad just the X to close, some site do hide ads so sometimes you can't click on full screen, when that happens I choose another stream.


Happy days

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The other day I tried to find a stream of my own, and suddenly an undeletable warning came up saying the police had been called.


Ignoring it, I just turned my laptop off and turned it back on again. Still no fuzz. :-) Still I best use one of your links for safety.

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The other day I tried to find a stream of my own, and suddenly an undeletable warning came up saying the police had been called.


Ignoring it, I just turned my laptop off and turned it back on again. Still no fuzz. :-) Still I best use one of your links for safety.


Yeah, I got that one the other day, something about child porn blah blah police called - yeah yeah, sure. I have had one or two malware warnings too, usually from russian sites linked to from wiziwig, but most of them are fine. Most of the stream ads can be "X"ed after a few seconds and once the "full screen" icon is available just use that and ads usually aren't visible.


I'm trying out a new app which links to Sopcast on my new Android tablet today, got about half an hour of excellent HD stream for the Chelsea match before the stream got closed down.


I'd be there, but off work following knee surgery and can't walk much without getting knackered.

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There are a number of ways to secure your Windows machine from infection. The best is to use a virtual machine like VirtualBox, and install an OS on it. Use the browser inside the Virtual Machine to connect to streaming sites. If you run Linux or MacOS in the VM then chances of infection are very slim. If you run windows and get infected you can just recycle without risk to your actual computer. Its all free and easily done.


Links to all you need:

https://www.virtualbox.org/ - vm software

http://elementaryos.org/ - user friendly Linux os

http://iatkos.me/ - MacOS for intel PC's

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