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220M transfer fund reported for van Gaal


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Hum can someone explain how Man U can spend when they have a long term of 361m and then go out and spend 220m on new players.

We couldn't even go beyond a debt of 20m without falling into administration. Something is not right in football.

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Their expenditure doesn't guarantee instant success. And as they hope that some of that money will buy some of our players who cost us little or no outlay beyond their development via our academy, there clearly is an alternative to just p*ssing money up the wall in the hope that it will buy them success. If they had an academy producing a batch of players like their class of 92, then they wouldn't need to spend much at all, but it seems that they no longer have the ability to produce more than the occasional star through their academy any more.


Tottenham spunked £100 million or so on Bale's replacement and signed expensive flops apart from maybe Eriksen. It is arguable that had they kept Bale, they would have had a more successful season than with his replacements. United's success next season relies both on the players they buy in and Van Gaal's ability to get them to gel with the existing players. As good a manager as Van Gaal is from his record so far, he hasn't managed in England, so even he is isn't a guarantee that they will succeed. And even with expenditure like that, they are still the poor relations of Manchester City when it comes to how much they spend on players.

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There is no way united will spend anything close to that. Expect it to be around 120m plus anything they get for selling players. You've got to take into accoun they've lost their two best cbs and haven't bought a good midfielder in about 7 years.

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Man Utd are possibly following a similar path to Portsmouth. Saddle yourself with more debt than you can service and "pop".


If that's the case, the shenangins that went on to prop up poopey will be very small beer compared to the efforts to keep Manure in the EPL.

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Man Utd will never go bust! The money that comes in each season will always make the debt serviceable. Also the queue to buy them before would be massive. Be careful, some of you are beginning to use Pompey logic.



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On this point i do agree with Alpine. There is not much point in the other clubs competing and to be fair it has been like this since Sky became involved and some may argue before that even. The top clubs get richer and the smaller clubs just struggle to survive. What is it that keeps us all watching and following teams like ours that will always be one of the also runs???.....Its the David/Goliath thing.....its human to want to see the underdog have its day and thats what keeps the rest of the footballing world going. Personally i can see no joy in spunking hundreds of millions of pounds to buy a title......would you really be proud of that.....i wouldn't.....but maybe my values are not the same as others.

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There is no way united will spend anything close to that. Expect it to be around 120m plus anything they get for selling players. You've got to take into accoun they've lost their two best cbs and haven't bought a good midfielder in about 7 years.


Very clever move from Ed to tell the world how much money they'll be throwing around... The transfer fees they get quoted will be insane as everybody knows they're desperate.


I fear if we sell Shaw and Lallana we could be in a similar position

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For me, it's whether it's sustainable or not. Personally I'm not too fussed how much they spend providing it ultimately means they turn a profit. What ****es me off is when the likes of Abramovich can overspend year after year and treat the loss like loose change. That is what ****s up the game if you ask me.

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For me, it's whether it's sustainable or not. Personally I'm not too fussed how much they spend providing it ultimately means they turn a profit. What ****es me off is when the likes of Abramovich can overspend year after year and treat the loss like loose change. That is what ****s up the game if you ask me.


But we did it lower down the leagues

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Lets say the Express article is true and we have £50m for Koeman. Even with £220m Manure have more players to buy than we do to build a team! That would put us about the same in terms of discretionary spending power! We only need a couple of strikers! (and maybe a goalkeeper!)

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Seriously, whats the f**king point in the other 87-88 teams like Saints bothering any more ?


Spurs spent £110 million last season, did it win them the league? Point is it's all very good throwing money about but don't assume for a minute that it will grant instant success

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