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Lallana, Surman, McGoalfluff


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On todays evidence, I would say that we would be a better team if they left in January, but who pay money for them after watching such gutless performances.

Lallana looks like he is kicking a lead ball most of the time. When will he learn that you have to clear the first man from a corner ? When will Jan learn that he can't kick a ball more than 15 yards.

DMG looks more interested in holding hands with his marker.

Surman is far to light weight and gave the ball away so many times when in good positions. His fault for the second.


James,Skacel, Cork and Davies were the only one to come away with some credit.

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On todays evidence, I would say that we would be a better team if they left in January, but who pay money for them after watching such gutless performances.

Lallana looks like he is kicking a lead ball most of the time. When will he learn that you have to clear the first man from a corner ? When will Jan learn that he can't kick a ball more than 15 yards.

DMG looks more interested in holding hands with his marker.

Surman is far to light weight and gave the ball away so many times when in good positions. His fault for the second.


James,Skacel, Cork and Davies were the only one to come away with some credit.


Sadly, I have to agree. Lallana isn't getting the coaching and guidance he needs and unless JP is sacked today, I cannot se where it will come. The one unlucky effort apart, Drew looked like a player that is trading water before moving on.


The changes we need are:


- A young, hungry British Head Coach/Mamager

- Lowe to step out of direct SFC affairs, replaced initially by Cowen

- A big, tall animal at CB

- 2 CFs, one big striker to hold the blasted ball up and give Holmes something to cross to and another with pace. Loan McGoldrick to Salisbury as that is his level.


McAllister has gone at Leeds for putting style over substance, JP should go fo the same offence. Our home record is beyond a joke.

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Harsh on Surman IMO, there have been plenty of times this season when he was fought and tussled his way past defenders - proving he is not lightweight.


He would be fine if he was our only powder puff creative midfielder but when we've got 3 or 4 in the same side it's too much. Not that we have many choices at the moment mind, it's obviously better to have someone like Surman than say Wotton.

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I can't see any Prem club being interested in Lallana, he can't even make an impact in the Championship, he can't score and goes missing way too much.


Surman was ****** yesterday as well, if he wants to go he might as well **** off in January.


With the right coaching Lallana will be a good player, not sure if he will be a Premiership player but it's obvious he has the potential. Someone like Hodgson at Fulham could get the best out of him, I reckon.

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With the right coaching Lallana will be a good player, not sure if he will be a Premiership player but it's obvious he has the potential. Someone like Hodgson at Fulham could get the best out of him, I reckon.


Sorry Andy, there's only a certain amount a coach can do with a nigh on 21 year old. It's too late to start improving the basics of his game.He'll not make very much progress now.Might be able to beef him up a bit and get some sort of shooting strength into him but his technique is basically flawed and I doubt that even a really good sports pyschologist could do much with his mental attitude;

He'll be average at best, bit part player for a mid table championship side.

You can run rings around a blade of grass all you want, if there's no end product you aren't a good footballer;Can't shoot,can't cross, **** poor,if anyone offers us 500K we should bite their hand off.

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Sorry Andy, there's only a certain amount a coach can do with a nigh on 21 year old. It's too late to start improving the basics of his game.He'll not make very much progress now.Might be able to beef him up a bit and get some sort of shooting strength into him but his technique is basically flawed and I doubt that even a really good sports pyschologist could do much with his mental attitude;

He'll be average at best, bit part player for a mid table championship side.

You can run rings around a blade of grass all you want, if there's no end product you aren't a good footballer;Can't shoot,can't cross, **** poor,if anyone offers us 500K we should bite their hand off.


The hairdryer treatment and a chucked boot or tray of cups might get his attention though. That would be my choice for him and McGoldrick.

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The hairdryer treatment and a chucked boot or tray of cups might get his attention though. That would be my choice for him and McGoldrick.


Shouldn't have let him go swanning off with the U21s, always does lower league players in. They get to hear of Ferraris,megabucks and roasting class strumpet,finishes them for the grim reality of lower league football.


Maybe he's already been sold, just waiting for the 1st January to put the rubber stamp on the contract and send it to the Football League.In that case he should be dropped.However the "fans" would just go on and on and on about it, like they did with Euell, who has been absolute f**king fantastic for us since he came back-not.Need to do away with this transfer window, when you've sold a player or he's definitely going it should be on the spot,not hanging around for 3 or 4 more games;

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Sorry Andy, there's only a certain amount a coach can do with a nigh on 21 year old. It's too late to start improving the basics of his game.He'll not make very much progress now.Might be able to beef him up a bit and get some sort of shooting strength into him but his technique is basically flawed and I doubt that even a really good sports pyschologist could do much with his mental attitude;

He'll be average at best, bit part player for a mid table championship side.

You can run rings around a blade of grass all you want, if there's no end product you aren't a good footballer;Can't shoot,can't cross, **** poor,if anyone offers us 500K we should bite their hand off.


Tell that to Stuart Pearce and Ian Wright who were both playing non-league at his age becuase the big clubs had decided they were not up to it? There are loads of other examples Geof Horsfield was carrying bricks inbettween games in his early twenties.

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Tell that to Stuart Pearce and Ian Wright who were both playing non-league at his age becuase the big clubs had decided they were not up to it? There are loads of other examples Geof Horsfield was carrying bricks inbettween games in his early twenties.


Michael Kightley of Wolves.

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Lallana has a great touch, great close contol, who knows what he'll become, but right now, he's completely ineffective. Can't shoot, can't even take a corner ffs.
Completely agree, I haven't seen him do anything remotely worthwhile since West Brom last year. Reminds me a bit of Adam Hammill, sooooooo little end product.

If someone offers us a couple of million in the transfer window I would snap their hand off.

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Unfortunately for every Michael kightley there are a hundred Mark Pauls....


Doyle, the two Hunts, Shane Long all at Reading for next to nothing from the Eircom. There are plenty out there but we don't go there. Academy Blindness/head in the sand.

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all three had poor games for sure, but no need to write them off. There is much more to come from all three. Lallana is only 24 games into his Saints carreer FFS, he is a real talent.


He will become a real talent but at present he isn't.

I want to see him run at defenders inside their own box, not running sideways all the time. He always seems to do the fancy stuff with his back to goal. If he turns round and starts doing it, then we will have a real talent.

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