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Asset stripping

wessex saint

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I work in the corporate world. I have never seen such accerelated asset stripping as I'm seeing right now.

Well.. Good luck katharina .. I hope you can sleep at night!!

The rest of us. .. I think as long as we only drop to league 1 we'll be ok. Still got some good kids coming through

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I work in the corporate world. I have never seen such accerelated asset stripping as I'm seeing right now.

Well.. Good luck katharina .. I hope you can sleep at night!!

The rest of us. .. I think as long as we only drop to league 1 we'll be ok. Still got some good kids coming through


When do you replace assets with good quality assets in an asset strip?

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It's not asset stripping but it's certainly a very unusual pattern if decisions from the people tvG are running the club. To see so many senior players leave us becoming more and more concerning for us fans as each day without positive news passes. By reckoning, we're looking likely to loose a very significant number if our match squad from last season without getting rid if the dead wood players we really should have let go.


To loose Lambert, Lallana, Shaw, Lovren and Osvaldo, as well as looking likely to loose Chambers and Morgan over the next few days, with rumours of Cork , JRod and Fonte also considering moves is careless management IMHO.


I'd be less concerned if it looked like Jos, Mayuka, Gazza and Yoshida were the subject of bids but they're not and it looks like we'll have to rely on them next season.


Concerning times indeed.

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Up to now, I've directed all my anger at the players for wanting out and not honouring their contracts. I bought the line that they were screwing over the club. But if Chambers gets sold, as seems to be the case, I'm going to question the board for the first time. Of all of them, it seems the most needless. We have money. We need players. So selling Chambers makes no sense at all. It really does feel like asset stripping, and I can't take this sh*t anymore. I actually feel embarrassed as a Saints fan right now, like I've been a mug all these years to think we could actually be 'somebody' in the football world. I never thought we'd break into the CL or anything, but had real hopes we could become a stable top 8 team and slowly chip away at the European places like Everton and Spurs have done. That's done now. We'll be lucky to stay in the Premier League next season, and frankly I'm not sure we deserve too anyway. Saints have become a joke. What's worse, the media says nothing about it. They write stories about the transfers and how great it is for Liverpool/Man Utd etc to get such good talents, and great for the players to step up a level, etc. No mention of Southampton's plight. Nobody questioning the fact that a young aspiring team is being torn apart from both inside and out now and what that means for the state of modern football.

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I work in the corporate world. I have never seen such accerelated asset stripping as I'm seeing right now.

Well.. Good luck katharina .. I hope you can sleep at night!!

The rest of us. .. I think as long as we only drop to league 1 we'll be ok. Still got some good kids coming through



Carefull, you get ridiculed if you dare to criticise Katharina The Great

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Can't see Koeman lasting much past Christmas.


If he's got any sense, he should tell Katharina The Great to "shove it" right now. Get out and find a Club that's run properly


He's got a great reputation. Why put it at risk with a Club hell bent on selling everything that moves

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Katharina clearly believes that if you receive an offer for one of your players you simply have to accept it. Saying no just isn't the done thing in football. Bid received, player goes.


Either that or she's just recouping her fathers lost money so she can have an even bigger pension.

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I work in the corporate world. I have never seen such accerelated asset stripping as I'm seeing right now.

Well.. Good luck katharina .. I hope you can sleep at night!!

The rest of us. .. I think as long as we only drop to league 1 we'll be ok. Still got some good kids coming through


It's embarrassing that you work in the corporate world and believe this is an asset strip.

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It's embarrassing that you work in the corporate world and believe this is an asset strip.


To be fair it is asset stripping. If a company sells the things that made them successful and sells the things that would make them successful in the future what else is it?


Was just listening to the radio and some guy said it was actions of a club relegated not that of a top 8 PL club.


Blind faith is a very dangerous thing. Something is going on behind the scenes and I think those that disagree are starting to look a bit in denial to be honest. Like that Iraq minister guy.

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So, as everyone is clearly up for sale, shall we estimate/guess what we're going to get for every other player that Katharina is eyeing up to sell...


Boruc - 2m

Clyne - 5m

Fonte - 6m

Yoshi - 1m


Gaston - 8m

Davis - 2m

Cork - Free end of season? Or now, 5m

Ward-Prowse - 10m

Osvaldo - 6m


So plenty more cash to come Mrs Liebherr. What a magnificent piece of luck she has had. She's walked into a job where she can allow her employees to move to a different company and make an insane profit on it. No wonder she always looked so happy in the stands.

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It's not an asset strip. If it was an asset strip we'd have replaced Lallana with Isgrove and Rickie with Gallagher - but we've bought 2 players for £20m. That's not an asset strip.


I'm still pretty confused about what the motives are though, an incredibly unprecedented situation.

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The people I feel most sorry for are those parents who let their kids have 'ex-players' names on their shirts. Buy the shirt as it represents our Club. Don't have a players name put on as they all appear to be mercenary bar stewards who pass like ships in the night. Asset Stripping? No! Self indulgence via greed.The Cortese argument is null and void.

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It's embarrassing that you work in the corporate world and believe this is an asset strip.


It's unbelievable that you DON'T think it's an asset strip


What would you call it then ?? 7 or 8 players from our first team squad sold off


Just a mild change in personnel ??


Go back and tell Katharina to sell the Club and get back from whence she came


She really has no time for Football

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It's unbelievable that you DON'T think it's an asset strip


What would you call it then ?? 7 or 8 players from our first team squad sold off


Just a mild change in personnel ??


Go back and tell Katharina to sell the Club and get back from whence she came


She really has no time for Football


In an asset strip, you don't replace assets with high quality replacements.



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When you strip away all of your assets it's generally considered an asset strip.


Exactly, and when we sell every single asset and don't replace them, including the ground and training ground, then I'll believe that. Until then it's us receiving exceedingly good money for replaceable players.

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It's not an asset strip. If it was an asset strip we'd have replaced Lallana with Isgrove and Rickie with Gallagher - but we've bought 2 players for £20m. That's not an asset strip.

I'm still pretty confused about what the motives are though, an incredibly unprecedented situation.



Oh joy !!!! Two players in


On the Out List, we have


Lambert £4M

Shaw £30M

Lallana £20M

Lovren £20M

Schneiderlin £20M

Chambers £15M

+ Ramirex TBA

+ Osvaldo No Offers


So, that approx. £105M IN, and, to date circa £20M OUT


A nice profit on her Assets. Why are you confused with the (her) motives ??. How plain do you need it to be ??


Still, not to worry, the season is still 3 weeks away

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In an asset strip, you don't replace assets with high quality replacements.



Wouldn't call them high quality just yet.

I think they could be decent but are yet to play at the top level. The players who left/might leave are proven at this level. Plus didn't we pay £8M for Tadic and £5M for Pelle?

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Exactly, and when we sell every single asset and don't replace them, including the ground and training ground, then I'll believe that. Until then it's us receiving exceedingly good money for replaceable players.


Fair play, that's true. Ok not a complete asset strip as such but definitely stripping our most "saleable" assets. The training ground/stadium and general infrastructure is vital for when she sells the club. But the players are something she can make a quick buck on before she leaves.


Of course it's an asset strip, but a player asset strip only.

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To be fair it is asset stripping. If a company sells the things that made them successful and sells the things that would make them successful in the future what else is it?


Was just listening to the radio and some guy said it was actions of a club relegated not that of a top 8 PL club.


Blind faith is a very dangerous thing. Something is going on behind the scenes and I think those that disagree are starting to look a bit in denial to be honest. Like that Iraq minister guy.


If it was asset stripping then we would not replace those players, and ALL that would be left behind is the debts. No ground, no players, nothing. This is NOT asset stripping.

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In an asset strip, you don't replace assets with high quality replacements.




We have, to date, signed Two players, both as yet unproven in the Prem, so you can't rate them as "high quality" just yet


Plus, of course, we need 5 more replacements, just to stand still

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It's unbelievable that you DON'T think it's an asset strip


What would you call it then ?? 7 or 8 players from our first team squad sold off


Just a mild change in personnel ??


Go back and tell Katharina to sell the Club and get back from whence she came


She really has no time for Football


it is a change of regime - new Chairman, Manager, Board etc.


People who were affiliated with the past regime want to move on and the new regime are OK with that so long as they get top price as it allows them to rebuild the team with their own men.


Perfectly normal, it is just unusual to have regime change after such a successful season.

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Fair play, that's true. Ok not a complete asset strip as such but definitely stripping our most "saleable" assets. The training ground/stadium and general infrastructure is vital for when she sells the club. But the players are something she can make a quick buck on before she leaves.


Of course it's an asset strip, but a player asset strip only.


Then why are we buying players at considerable expense to replace them? That makes no sense.

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it is a change of regime - new Chairman, Manager, Board etc.


People who were affiliated with the past regime want to move on and the new regime are OK with that so long as they get top price as it allows them to rebuild the team with their own men.


Perfectly normal, it is just unusual to have regime change after such a successful season.


Well explained!

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Exactly, and when we sell every single asset and don't replace them, including the ground and training ground, then I'll believe that. Until then it's us receiving exceedingly good money for replaceable players.


So if you were a manager at a company and your CEO came to you and said "well done on getting the company to a high level. But we have decided to let go of the top 5 guys in the company. We also are letting go the guys who we trained up over the last few years with an eye on moving in to top positions to take the company forward". You wouldn't think something was looking a bit wrong?


In regards to a business model that's not good.

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Up to now, I've directed all my anger at the players for wanting out and not honouring their contracts. I bought the line that they were screwing over the club. But if Chambers gets sold, as seems to be the case, I'm going to question the board for the first time. Of all of them, it seems the most needless. We have money. We need players. So selling Chambers makes no sense at all. It really does feel like asset stripping, and I can't take this sh*t anymore. I actually feel embarrassed as a Saints fan right now, like I've been a mug all these years to think we could actually be 'somebody' in the football world. I never thought we'd break into the CL or anything, but had real hopes we could become a stable top 8 team and slowly chip away at the European places like Everton and Spurs have done. That's done now. We'll be lucky to stay in the Premier League next season, and frankly I'm not sure we deserve too anyway. Saints have become a joke. What's worse, the media says nothing about it. They write stories about the transfers and how great it is for Liverpool/Man Utd etc to get such good talents, and great for the players to step up a level, etc. No mention of Southampton's plight. Nobody questioning the fact that a young aspiring team is being torn apart from both inside and out now and what that means for the state of modern football.


Have to say I agree with this.

Wasn't worried when it was only 3 out for good money with 2 decent replacements in, but we've gone too far now.

There's clearly several more leaving. Even if we buy top quality replacements for everyone who's left, we simply don't have time for the squad to gel, so we're going to see lots of mistakes on the pitch, and every mistake is punished.

What's happened to our promising young squad is tragic and shameful. The EPL needs to take a long hard look at itself. I'm wondering now if there ought to be a cap on the number of players a club can buy or sell in each window.

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Then why are we buying players at considerable expense to replace them? That makes no sense.


Players are assets are they not? If you own a company and want to sell it off the last thing you sell is the building. The contents go first. Now I'm not saying this is what's happening here I am saying from a business perspective it could be seen to be that way. You can't flat out deny it because we bought in some cheaper options.


In the grand scheme of things £15m isn't much when you consider we got £88m from last season's tv rights alone. We are in a sound financial footing. The club have said many times we don't need to sell but yet we are?

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it is a change of regime - new Chairman, Manager, Board etc.


People who were affiliated with the past regime want to move on and the new regime are OK with that so long as they get top price as it allows them to rebuild the team with their own men.


Perfectly normal, it is just unusual to have regime change after such a successful season.



How long have you had the PR job for KL ??


I suppose to you, Pompei was just a mountain having a mild fart ??

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So if you were a manager at a company and your CEO came to you and said "well done on getting the company to a high level. But we have decided to let go of the top 5 guys in the company. We also are letting go the guys who we trained up over the last few years with an eye on moving in to top positions to take the company forward". You wouldn't think something was looking a bit wrong?


In regards to a business model that's not good.


Yeah, exactly. It's utter madness and shows the board up for what they are.

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How long have you had the PR job for KL ??


I suppose to you, Pompei was just a mountain having a mild fart ??


Almost as long as you have had your bed wetting job.


The difference is that I don't smell of **** all the time!!

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I dont think we are out right asset stripping, i think we are selling players at very high prices so we can then buy a replacement and have there wages paid for this season with the spare cash, and after if there is any profit, im sure there will be KL will take some, i am happy with that as long we do get in replacements.


LB DC Winger are needed now if Lorven Chambers and Morgan stayed, so if they also go we need to replace them 3 as well, i do feel we need a spare GK, but i would rather we chase postions we are in need of.


If not we are gonna be playing alot of Youth and we will get relegated but have a good championship team with plenty of money, however i really can not see that happening with RK as manager.

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It's unbelievable that you DON'T think it's an asset strip


What would you call it then ?? 7 or 8 players from our first team squad sold off


Just a mild change in personnel ??


Go back and tell Katharina to sell the Club and get back from whence she came


She really has no time for Football


No, it's a large change of personnel, but not an asset strip.

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When do you replace assets with good quality assets in an asset strip?


When you replace expensive proven assets with fewer (so far), cheaper, unproven assets and pocket the difference, possibly.


So far our sales are outstripping our acquisitions substantially and with the likes of Schneiderlin, Fonte and rodriguez all looking at the exit door as well, we've got a very weak looking squad going into the season.

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Almost as long as you have had your bed wetting job.


The difference is that I don't smell of **** all the time!!


Oh dear. Another poster only capable of insults


Well, as you're now on holiday now, you don't have to worry about missing the school bus eh ?


Meantime, any worthwhile comment/opinion, as to how SFC is being run (into the ground ) ??

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So if you were a manager at a company and your CEO came to you and said "well done on getting the company to a high level. But we have decided to let go of the top 5 guys in the company. We also are letting go the guys who we trained up over the last few years with an eye on moving in to top positions to take the company forward". You wouldn't think something was looking a bit wrong?


In regards to a business model that's not good.


If the CEO came to me and said that our top 5 guys have been head hunted by a large multi national and we can't compete with the package they've provided, but we can replace with similar people from other companies for much less, then I would suck it up and carry on.

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If the CEO came to me and said that our top 5 guys have been head hunted by a large multi national and we can't compete with the package they've provided, but we can replace with similar people from other companies for much less, then I would suck it up and carry on.



You mean carry on towards the CCC and Div 1 you mean


Still, as the owner, you have got a great wedge safely tucked away in a Swiss Bank Account, so no harm done eh ??

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I work in the corporate world = I work in an office

I work in finance = I work in a bank

I work in high finance = I work in a bank (on the fifth floor)


Chambers is annoying but, of all the players sold, least surprising. We've strength in than position and he's been sharing the role with Clyne. If I was playing back up, why not do it at Arsenal on double the salary.


That said, if Kat was a business genius she'd sell the assets, relegate the club to L1, climb the leagues again giving young players a tonne of experience on the way and repeat.


I suspect though it's not some plan, rather a domino effect of layer power that is causing this.


Disappointing, yes. Deliberate, no. Avoidable, can't see how.


(I work in logical thinking)

Sent from my RM-821_eu_euro1_276 using Tapatalk

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