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Early Days but..


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Amazing what one win does to people's confidence on here . . .


Not having a pop at you either nickh, as I know you are one of the few to remain positive about our chances!


Lets hope we can keep the momentum going and get another 3 points against Blackpool.

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This team may be something to be proud of.


Common ground at last. Looking forward to watching this team play, I can live with the rollercoaster, wouldn't it be something if they were to get on a roll? You never can tell with kids.

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I just hope that the Saints fans get behind our lads and our coach. They are playing with pride, passion and belief and even if they don't win that's more than we've been able to say about our team for a few years now. With our support they might just surprise a few of the sceptics.

Come on Saints, we're in this together.

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Amazing what one win does to people's confidence on here . . .


Not having a pop at you either nickh, as I know you are one of the few to remain positive about our chances!


Lets hope we can keep the momentum going and get another 3 points against Blackpool.

Like I haven't been too down on the defeats Im not going to big up the team after a win.

I just feel watching some of the football played when we lost was class.And I felt that we might be privilaged to see something special to happen in front of our eyes.Its only a win but it is the style that impresses me.

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It will be ironic if the fans are disappointed when RL has been replaced and knowing that the new men will dismantle what we have, and go back to 'star' names.
It's a difficult one. Big investment is urgently needed but I hope JP is given a chance. I don't care about RL but for continuity the new people might want to keep some of the existing directors onboard.
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lets hope they keep Leon Crouch, Mary Corbett and Michael Wilde away from the boardroom whoever they are


false promises, leaks, infighting, briefings against each other, not so private phonecalls, saying one thing doing another - we can do without all that!


personally I'd leave Lowe as Chairman for now, Cowan as MD and give Poortvliet the financial backing to bring in some great young players to add to the team we've got - not detract from it with big 'I Am' overpaid stars!


as I've said before for the first time in a long time we have a clear strategy on and off the pitch

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It would be good to go on a run now, the frustrating thing under GB was we never strung a good run together. One week we would be happy thinking we turned a corner and then a crap result the following week.

indeed..im not bothered about the brum game...the blackpool one is the big one to kick on..


i can see a few changes for the brum game anyway..

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I just hope that the Saints fans get behind our lads and our coach. They are playing with pride, passion and belief and even if they don't win that's more than we've been able to say about our team for a few years now. With our support they might just surprise a few of the sceptics.

Come on Saints, we're in this together.


100% agree.


All I have ever wanted from my team is 100% effort and to play with a smile on their face.

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I think its not because we have won today why there is a positive feel, but those who have seen some positives in the defeats have been vindicated to a very small degree today.To listen to Will Cope being so gushing shows to me that we really did well.Lets hope the fans there back up the feelings we have from listening.

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Like I haven't been too down on the defeats I'm not going to big up the team after a win. I just feel watching some of the football played when we lost was class, and I felt that we might be privilaged to see something special to happen in front of our eyes. It's only a win but it is the style that impresses me.


Agree entirely. Like I've said in other threads, it's just a shame that we've had such a tough start. The football we've been playing has been very exciting at times despite not getting the results that maybe we've deserved. If we contine to play in the manor that we have done thus far, then I feel we could be in for a very entertaining season. In no way am I jumping the gun and saying we will get promotion, but like you've said, we may just feel proud watching this group of players over the coming season.

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this will makeyou sick to think about it..


just imagine this team with bale, walcott and kenwyn jones in the team...



The forced sell-off of our most promising youngsters will continue until we get back into the premiership with the big boys. This is why investment is vital for our long-term survival.
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Agree entirely. Like I've said in other threads, it's just a shame that we've had such a tough start. The football we've been playing has been very exciting at times despite not getting the results that maybe we've deserved. If we contine to play in the manor that we have done thus far, then I feel we could be in for a very entertaining season. In no way am I jumping the gun and saying we will get promotion, but like you've said, we may just feel proud watching this group of players over the coming season.

Today is why we love the Saints.Knowing that fans of another club have seen us take them apart and got them talking about us being a class act instead of being lucky or lousy.

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The forced sell-off of our most promising youngsters will continue until we get back into the premiership with the big boys. This is why investment is vital for our long-term survival.


It'll still happen there though won't it??


We're better off building something sustainable and just waiting for football to eat itself.


And it will.

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This team may be something to be proud of.


I just wish people could seperate Lowe/Wilde from the team/manager and get behind the boys. I think you're absolutely right and it's a shame that some people worry more about Lowe/Wilde than seeing these exceptionally talent young lads brimming with ability and desire. How some people can almost want them to fail is beyond me...

The people I spoke to after the Brum game seemed very upbeat, disappointed but upbeat. There were a few cynics but mainly upbeat. You come on here and other messageboards and you want to slit your wrists!

Can't wait for Blackpool now...

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It seems we are gradually getting to play 90mins, when we do and can play our football we will be a great side to watch and to be proud of. interesting article about Wenger in the Independent today...he is basically trying to do on a large scale the same as we are trying. Arsenal maybe have £70M to spend but it is not his way. Now we are about £95M worse off but if we are the poor man's Arsenal this year I wont be unhappy.

[ignoring that they are losing at Fulham...]

Great result today - But irrespective of the results this team is becoming one to be proud of.

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It's great fun laughing at Derby but they got 27,000 fans through the gate after one of the most miserable years in football history . How many will we get against Blackpool I wonder ?





It is vital that people come down to SMS and show these boys that we CARE that they are putting passion and commitment and FOOTBALL back into our club!


Irrespective of results, these young lads deserve to be supported because they represent EVERYTHING we have been asking for since WGS left.

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It is vital that people come down to SMS and show these boys that we CARE that they are putting passion and commitment and FOOTBALL back into our club!


Irrespective of results, these young lads deserve to be supported because they represent EVERYTHING we have been asking for since WGS left.


I was thinking that myself. Hope the next home crowd is much better and I suspect (hope!) it will be.


Well, there's at least one alpine Saint (I'm the Italian one :-) ) who hopes to see a couple of games in September. When I came over last Christmas I saw two home defeats, but must admit I'm looking forward to the next games much much more.

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All real fans want is some decent football to watch from players giving there all for the club and fans.Anything else is a bonus.


We now know that Walcott and Bale were not the only decent players in the academy.and i for one am even more ****ed off by Burley holding these players back.

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All real fans want is some decent football to watch from players giving there all for the club and fans.Anything else is a bonus.


We now know that Walcott and Bale were not the only decent players in the academy.and i for one am even more ****ed off by Burley holding these players back.


You do have to wonder why Gillet and Lallana, in particular, were not deemed worthy of a decent chance.

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It is vital that people come down to SMS and show these boys that we CARE that they are putting passion and commitment and FOOTBALL back into our club!


Irrespective of results, these young lads deserve to be supported because they represent EVERYTHING we have been asking for since WGS left.


I completely agree. But you can't blame fans for staying away when a) Lowe is at the club and b) he is selling players all over the place.


Hopefully if we can get a few good results the fans will come back but there will still be a large number of fans who won't return until Lowe has gone. Not saying it's right but it's true i'm afraid

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I completely agree. But you can't blame fans for staying away when a) Lowe is at the club and b) he is selling players all over the place.


Hopefully if we can get a few good results the fans will come back but there will still be a large number of fans who won't return until Lowe has gone. Not saying it's right but it's true i'm afraid

It still is a nonsense.As for the selling of players, to me we wont miss any of the ones gone, including Davies.All of a sudden the kids can see hope that they will not be overlooked because a 'star' is waiting to play.

These kids are as close to a tem of Saints fans.These lads have in the main been at tewh club som e years and whilst we may not be their first love they do want to play for us and have a hunger.

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this will makeyou sick to think about it..


just imagine this team with bale, walcott and kenwyn jones in the team...




Bale and Jones maybe, but Walcott is an interesting one. I don't think the Arsenal fans particularly rate him as a 'footballer'. They can see the pace, powerful shot with practically zero back-lift etc. But they really worry about his footballing mentality. He got into the game and a relatively late stage in youth and it shows. They say some games he show flashes of being a brilliant footballer, and then all of sudden he doesn't. Hopefully this year will prove the doubters wrong.


Anyway, I really rate Lallana and McGoldrick's footballing ability and having Walcott may possibly have limited their chances and I'm excited to see how they grow this season. No point hanging onto the past is there? ;)

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Bale and Jones maybe, but Walcott is an interesting one. I don't think the Arsenal fans particularly rate him as a 'footballer'. They can see the pace, powerful shot with practically zero back-lift etc. But they really worry about his footballing mentality. He got into the game and a relatively late stage in youth and it shows. They say some games he show flashes of being a brilliant footballer, and then all of sudden he doesn't. Hopefully this year will prove the doubters wrong.


Anyway, I really rate Lallana and McGoldrick's footballing ability and having Walcott may possibly have limited their chances and I'm excited to see how they grow this season. No point hanging onto the past is there? ;)


Did Walcott get into football late, I thought he was at Chelsea and Swindon before us. He is the most talented out of the three and with the right development he will be great, but I agree he has to start producing the goods afterall Fabregas had played loads of times for Arsenal at Walcotts age.

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I completely agree. But you can't blame fans for staying away when a) Lowe is at the club and b) he is selling players all over the place.


Hopefully if we can get a few good results the fans will come back but there will still be a large number of fans who won't return until Lowe has gone. Not saying it's right but it's true i'm afraid

Anyone who refuses to support their club because of who owns the shares or sits on the board, isn't a true fan. Shareholders, board members and chairmen come and go, but the club goes on. Currently the plan being followed is Lowe's plan, with a reformed Michael Wilde supporting him. Thats the best deal available to us at the moment so as fans we should be hoping it will succeed. Even in the two single goal defeats there were positives to be taken, and now we have an away win its not surprising that things are looking up. Enough people will come back when the team is winning, so a few stay aways, who would in any case be the first to start any negative chanting, are not only irrelevant, the club is probably better off without them.

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Did Walcott get into football late, I thought he was at Chelsea and Swindon before us. He is the most talented out of the three and with the right development he will be great, but I agree he has to start producing the goods afterall Fabregas had played loads of times for Arsenal at Walcotts age.


I think Theo was around 10-11 years old when he started playing football for a proper team, so considering that 5-6 years later he was in the Saints first team, it was relatively late. I don't agree that he was more talented than Bale, faster maybe. You also feel that Bale loves the game, but I'm not seeing that (or the Gooners) Theo. He just doesn't seem to understand the game...

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People forget that he is still only 19.


Wise and K.Phillips were late developers,and many others besides.


Fabregas and Rooney were exceptional for their age.


Plenty of time for Theo,and i think i detect a little better thinking this season.


Still think he will be better as a striker than on the wing,and looking at Van Persies

performance yesterday,he could get his chance there very soon.

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