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If you were to re-take your test tomorrow


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I think i'd pass - i passed very well originally and haven't done an awful lot of driving since so I can remember a lot of the stupid 'driving test rules'. But as Ponty said - if it was done without my knowledge i'm not so sure. Some news programme did do a few tests recently on people who've been driving for a while and all but one failed (the person doing the news piece). The main thing they failed on was observation - checking mirrors and pulling out of junctions when there wasn't really enough time.

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24/35 erm... back to school for me. What are these various zoo-themed crossings? Also I panicked a bit because of the time constraint when asked about stopping distances, etc., because I learnt them all in yards and suddenly the oh so familiar numbers were gone.

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Guest Dark Sotonic Mills

I surprised myself by passing the theory, 30/35. I've had my licence for 28 years and I thought I'd forgotten everything in the Highway Code.

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