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Daily Echo - LALLANA Fulham bid rejected...SPURS INTEREST TOO


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On the back of the Echo today it says we turned down a bid for Adam Lallana? Its the first I have heard of it also confirmed the Reading bid for Surman?


Due to the money situation at the club I guess these bids were not substantial or has the money from Davies kept the wolves form the door for a period ie.e the banks are happy?


Personally Im guessing that the Fulham bid was poor as if any decent money involved would have seen him leave as we know that Surman would have gone for definate if Boro had brought the other reading player.


SO come January dependent on league position, attendances, etc do think we will see improved bids and player sales?

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Incredible to see you putting a negative spin on a positive story. Who would have thunk it?


Do you disagree then? Alpine was only being realistic about the situation, whereas unless you are going to argue the opposite position or agree with him, you are just being snide.

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There are those here whose oft repeated opinion of Lowe is that he would sell any of the players as soon as anyone showed him some money. If we did reject a bid for Lallana then this goes against their belief so they then have to start saying 'he will be gone in January then' rather than admit their opinion of Lowe might be wrong.

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If he carries on as he has been (2 goals in 6 games) of course he'll be off in January. We're a selling club. If someone comes in and bids £2.5-3m for a 20 yr old with half a season's first team experience, how could we turn it down, given our financial situation?

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There are those here whose oft repeated opinion of Lowe is that he would sell any of the players as soon as anyone showed him some money. If we did reject a bid for Lallana then this goes against their belief so they then have to start saying 'he will be gone in January then' rather than admit their opinion of Lowe might be wrong.


Sad thing is you talk of money and not that JP wanted to keep him as he is

required in the team for the coach and the team to succeed. So it still comes back to money and Lowe running the team and not the coach.

Bit like Newcastle and West Ham.

We appoint a Football Chairman in Wilde who has more shares and for some reason Lowe still runs the team.

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Haha, I owe someone an apology.


I had a chat on Tuesday with a guy who often has some good info on Saints.


He told me Fulham tried to get Lallana on transfer window day, and were willing to send Baird to SMS on loan for the remainder of the season as part of the deal.


Saints rejected it

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I think we will keep seeing this over the coming years. Get a few old heads in each year on free transfers, raid our own youth policy, bring in youngsters from prem clubs and abroad and off we go again. We have a manager that works that system very well who is unlikely to be poached and it will get our debt down slowly and gradually, whilst letting us watch half decent football.


It's ticking all the boxes but promotion but then the tried and tested method wasn't doing that either, AND it was sinking us as a club financially.

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I think we will keep seeing this over the coming years. Get a few old heads in each year on free transfers, raid our own youth policy, bring in youngsters from prem clubs and abroad and off we go again. We have a manager that works that system very well who is unlikely to be poached and it will get our debt down slowly and gradually, whilst letting us watch half decent football.


It's ticking all the boxes but promotion but then the tried and tested method wasn't doing that either, AND it was sinking us as a club financially.


A very realistic, if slightly disappointing, view on things. Totally agree.

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There are those here whose oft repeated opinion of Lowe is that he would sell any of the players as soon as anyone showed him some money. If we did reject a bid for Lallana then this goes against their belief so they then have to start saying 'he will be gone in January then' rather than admit their opinion of Lowe might be wrong.


I'll happily put myself in that band whose opinion is that Lowe will sell anybody for a price, as there is little evidence that he will not accept a good offer for any player. Notice the use of the adjective "good". In the case of Lallana, he may well be key to our plans and he has been good enough to sign a contract meaning that he will command a decent fee should he be sold later. But the situation with us is blatantly clear to every other manager in British football; we are totally and utterly skint and in such dire straits that certain players could actually go for free, as it is enough for us to just get them off the wage bill. Not exactly bargaining with a strong hand, are we?


Against this background, it is a perfectly reasonable scenario for anybody to have the opinion that any player who shows any real talent will be off and we have pressure on us from the banks to sell to just keep afloat.


I'm not about to adjust my opinion of Lowe just because we refused what was probably a derisory offer from Fulham.

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I'm sure this is a new phenomenon. A player like Lallana who has played half a dozen games for the team is suddenly wanted by a Premiership club.


I'm sure in the past players were watched for a season or two before being approached by the larger clubs. I would suggest that Wayne Bridge was the last example at Saints.


Look at Aaron Ramsey, how can these top clubs be so sure that the player is ready on a handful of games. I would suggest that most agents now see the transfer window as an opportunity to tout their players, as soon as they are a first team player.


Very worrying IMHO, I think Lallana is going to be a great player, but to suggest that he is ready for the Premiership now is laughable. He could easily become another Matt Mills, and move to a Premiership club, never make the first team, other than odd sub appearance or cup match, and move to a smaller club than they started at.


IMHO the agents have a lot to answer for with the modern game, closely followed by Sky....

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It is laughable that RL sells the players he gets stick , he turns down offers and he still gets stick.

There is no reason why the club couldnt of taken 300k for him and had a healthy sell on clause if we wished to get some money in.No the club turned an offer down as they think he is required.Why do we alwayus put negatives into something that shoukld be seen as positive?

The club is in the financial mire but still turned down the chance to sell.Well done Saints

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It is laughable that RL sells the players he gets stick , he turns down offers and he still gets stick.

There is no reason why the club couldnt of taken 300k for him and had a healthy sell on clause if we wished to get some money in.No the club turned an offer down as they think he is required.Why do we alwayus put negatives into something that shoukld be seen as positive?

The club is in the financial mire but still turned down the chance to sell.Well done Saints


I'm a little confused by you Nick.


Agree re: Lowe=Stick. Damned if he sells etc etc...but its far from laughable. There are many more deserving departees than Lallana....(SKACEL) ;)


However to say 'there's no reason why the club couldn't have taken 300k for him' is a bit strange. Anyone with an experience of business will know that Lowe is already planning for an imminent departure by tieing Lallana to a new deal first - he's just waiting for the Jan Window (after more good performances) before realising more like Lallana's true value.


Good business some would say.


We probably only turned down the option to sell because we know we'll get more in January - that's not positive at all (unless you look at solely the balance sheet).


I feel that Gasmi is being brought in to replace Schneiderlin or Lallana in Jan (hence agreeing to buy when injured) and this also ties in with the possible return of Quashie (who would boss the midfield and get us up the table).


Let's not just get carried away with the Lowe Love in - he's just biding his time until the right deal comes along...

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They won't change their minds because their opinions were never based on facts in the first place. We sold players in the premiership either when they didn't want to stay, ie. Bridge, or when the offers were simply too good to refuse, ie. Kevin Davies, or a combination of both, ie. Dean Richards.


Outside the Premiership then obviously money needs to come in, but we still got very good prices for Walcott, Crouch, Bale and so on. Rupert tends to get good deals when selling, but that part of it is never mentioned. There was such an uproar when Theo left, yet he wanted to go, we could have ended up with a mere tribunal fee and we got a very good price. It was such mindless anger at the time. I can understand the frustration at the way football operates now, but turning it into a negative obsession with your own chairman helps no-one.


Re: The Player 'wanted to go'...?


You still believe that old chestnut? More PR Spin to get numpties to believe what the powers that be want.....Davies didn't 'want to go' (allegedly) did he?


Take off the Lowe blinkers and see business how it is.

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It is laughable that RL sells the players he gets stick , he turns down offers and he still gets stick.

There is no reason why the club couldnt of taken 300k for him and had a healthy sell on clause if we wished to get some money in.No the club turned an offer down as they think he is required.Why do we alwayus put negatives into something that shoukld be seen as positive?

The club is in the financial mire but still turned down the chance to sell.Well done Saints


Deep down us fellow supporters totally agree with you nick, I for one am just glad he is still here but know he will go one day, thats life. Let us hope now that we can keep the side as much as possible at least this season and still make a good attempt at the league.

I am sure old Lowey takes it all in his stride, so don't worry too much.

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There are those here whose oft repeated opinion of Lowe is that he would sell any of the players as soon as anyone showed him some money. If we did reject a bid for Lallana then this goes against their belief so they then have to start saying 'he will be gone in January then' rather than admit their opinion of Lowe might be wrong.


Or Fullham were extracting the urine with a derisory sum.

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I didn't say Davies wanted to go, I said that one was too good an offer to refuse.


Why do I have blinkers on because of my opinion, but others don't because of theirs? Just because I don't buy in to the pantomine hatred of some posh bloke? I understand how business works and I've watched saints for a long time. It's frustrating when we sell players or don't invest, but if money isn't there there's little can be done. I don't appreciate people suggesting I just go along with what Lowe or any chairman tells me, because I've shown on here over the years I really don't. I'll make up my own mind on each situation, but the Lowe-blaming for every little thing has long annoyed me. I never liked him at the beginning, got used to him, disliked him again, then realised we needed him. He still appointed Burley which in my mind was the worst decision in recent years, and I was dreading his appointment, so I know Lowe makes some very bad mistakes. But the rubbish that gets written about pure speculation and rumour regarding Lowe is pathetic.


More than anything to do with Lowe, the thing that winds me up most of here is the incessant need for people to categorise everyone in their simplistic little groups. He loves Lowe, he hates Lowe, he's negative, he's positive. Saves any real thought, insight or debate I suppose, but christ, what an ignorant and narrow minded little world it creates on here.


Go on Son let it all out. Breathe slowly and now tell us what you think of Lowey.

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I'm a little confused by you Nick.


Agree re: Lowe=Stick. Damned if he sells etc etc...but its far from laughable. There are many more deserving departees than Lallana....(SKACEL) ;)


However to say 'there's no reason why the club couldn't have taken 300k for him' is a bit strange. Anyone with an experience of business will know that Lowe is already planning for an imminent departure by tieing Lallana to a new deal first - he's just waiting for the Jan Window (after more good performances) before realising more like Lallana's true value.


Good business some would say.


We probably only turned down the option to sell because we know we'll get more in January - that's not positive at all (unless you look at solely the balance sheet).


I feel that Gasmi is being brought in to replace Schneiderlin or Lallana in Jan (hence agreeing to buy when injured) and this also ties in with the possible return of Quashie (who would boss the midfield and get us up the table).


Let's not just get carried away with the Lowe Love in - he's just biding his time until the right deal comes along...


No, no, no!!


Lallana is one of Rupert's blue eyed boys and part of the future plans, Lowe has only sold in the past, and I challenge anyone to refute this, players who have wanted to go. There may have been the odd backwater player for sure but mainstream first choice first teamers no.


Even Bridge wanted us to break the wage structure to keep him here and ended up requesting a transfer.


Perhaps Gasmi and Perhart have been brought in for McGoldrick and cover, JP said he wanted more cover in midfield and a striker.


Sure getting Lallana on a 3 year deal means it will cost anyone more to buy him, but unless one of the major PL player comes along ie. Tottenham, Everton, and the likes I cannot see him wanting to go just yet. However, if we get offered stupid money £5-8m say, then we would be stupid to turn it down. We could buy 2 players with that and still have a lump left over to satisfy the bank.


I am not sure the financial situation is as dire as some make out on here, we seem to have a deal with the banks, we must be meeting those obligations as we are being allowed to spend money. So why continually stir up bad feeling when for the first time for six years the club seems to be improving?


Yes, I would like a big investor to buy the club but it aint gonna happen, yes I would like to see the back of Lowe, but until the former happens he may be the best person to run the club right now. Let's just enjoy the good times and try and pull the kids through the bad times they are at least playing with a bit of passion, something none of us have seen for 4 years or so.

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Do you disagree then? Alpine was only being realistic about the situation, whereas unless you are going to argue the opposite position or agree with him, you are just being snide.



The super positives do not like any postings on here that are realistic, they all want to put their head in the sand

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It is laughable that RL sells the players he gets stick , he turns down offers and he still gets stick.

There is no reason why the club couldnt of taken 300k for him and had a healthy sell on clause if we wished to get some money in.No the club turned an offer down as they think he is required.Why do we alwayus put negatives into something that shoukld be seen as positive?

The club is in the financial mire but still turned down the chance to sell.Well done Saints



Rupert will always get stick due to his previous track record. It will take at least promotion (unlikely) before many even start to forgive.

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I didn't say Davies wanted to go, I said that one was too good an offer to refuse.


Why do I have blinkers on because of my opinion, but others don't because of theirs? Just because I don't buy in to the pantomine hatred of some posh bloke? I understand how business works and I've watched saints for a long time. It's frustrating when we sell players or don't invest, but if money isn't there there's little can be done. I don't appreciate people suggesting I just go along with what Lowe or any chairman tells me, because I've shown on here over the years I really don't. I'll make up my own mind on each situation, but the Lowe-blaming for every little thing has long annoyed me. I never liked him at the beginning, got used to him, disliked him again, then realised we needed him. He still appointed Burley which in my mind was the worst decision in recent years, and I was dreading his appointment, so I know Lowe makes some very bad mistakes. But the rubbish that gets written about pure speculation and rumour regarding Lowe is pathetic.


More than anything to do with Lowe, the thing that winds me up most of here is the incessant need for people to categorise everyone in their simplistic little groups. He loves Lowe, he hates Lowe, he's negative, he's positive. Saves any real thought, insight or debate I suppose, but christ, what an ignorant and narrow minded little world it creates on here.


Who's categorising who??


You seem to have me down as a Lowe Hater - I'm not, just realistic about what he is likely to do (hence my explanation of what I think will happen in Jan).


I do not trust a word Lowe or Wilde spout - doesn't mean I don't admire what has been done since they have returned though.


My biggest pet hate isn't actually Lowe - it is solely based on PR Spin and Bull - which I know is part and parcel of 2008 Britain.


But, FFS one minute we haven't got a pot to pee in, next minute we're spending €1M euros on Schnederlin, bringing in 2 loanees from the Prem, and supposedly bringing back Quashie....all good moves I hasten to add....;) HOWEVER


I hate the whole 'we're skint' scenario - yes we are but let's not keep on about it....I'm skint too but that's modern life as well.


My feelings for Lowe aren't 'pantomime hatred' - that's a get out clause for Lowe Apologists so they can ignore the damage that relegation has caused. All the incessant bull about his previous running of the club also winds me up.


I remember seeing on here that our finances weren't that fantastic even while in the Prem - so in that respect we're looking at Lowe in comparison with Brown's handling of the economy.


Lowe is here and now, however I can't wait until he ducks off into the sunset.

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Rupert will always get stick due to his previous track record. It will take at least promotion (unlikely) before many even start to forgive.


For me the past is history. No one can change it. They can only learn from it.


The present is where it is at. It is what is done now that is important and should influence thinking and support or otherwise.


The future? Well that depends on lessons from the past, actions and support in the present and a big slice of luck.

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Who's categorising who??


You seem to have me down as a Lowe Hater - I'm not, just realistic about what he is likely to do (hence my explanation of what I think will happen in Jan).


I do not trust a word Lowe or Wilde spout - doesn't mean I don't admire what has been done since they have returned though.


My biggest pet hate isn't actually Lowe - it is solely based on PR Spin and Bull - which I know is part and parcel of 2008 Britain.


But, FFS one minute we haven't got a pot to pee in, next minute we're spending €1M euros on Schnederlin, bringing in 2 loanees from the Prem, and supposedly bringing back Quashie....all good moves I hasten to add....;) HOWEVER


I hate the whole 'we're skint' scenario - yes we are but let's not keep on about it....I'm skint too but that's modern life as well.


My feelings for Lowe aren't 'pantomime hatred' - that's a get out clause for Lowe Apologists so they can ignore the damage that relegation has caused. All the incessant bull about his previous running of the club also winds me up.


I remember seeing on here that our finances weren't that fantastic even while in the Prem - so in that respect we're looking at Lowe in comparison with Brown's handling of the economy.


Lowe is here and now, however I can't wait until he ducks off into the sunset.


PR and Spin, surely not. Well at least not on this forum or is it?

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I'm a little confused by you Nick.


Agree re: Lowe=Stick. Damned if he sells etc etc...but its far from laughable. There are many more deserving departees than Lallana....(SKACEL) ;)


However to say 'there's no reason why the club couldn't have taken 300k for him' is a bit strange. Anyone with an experience of business will know that Lowe is already planning for an imminent departure by tieing Lallana to a new deal first - he's just waiting for the Jan Window (after more good performances) before realising more like Lallana's true value.


Good business some would say.


We probably only turned down the option to sell because we know we'll get more in January - that's not positive at all (unless you look at solely the balance sheet).


I feel that Gasmi is being brought in to replace Schneiderlin or Lallana in Jan (hence agreeing to buy when injured) and this also ties in with the possible return of Quashie (who would boss the midfield and get us up the table).


Let's not just get carried away with the Lowe Love in - he's just biding his time until the right deal comes along...

Firstly I have much experience operating my own business very successfully for 32 years. When Fulham had come in we had already tied Lallana up to a deal so that was taken as read.

Quasie!!!! Do you really think that we would get rid of JE Rudi etc to get rid of high wages to then get back Quasie who is also on high earnings, as well as loan fees etc, and he can't pass wind.

If you believe RL is already getting ready to sell Morgan you are in a dreamworld. We as blinkered fans may see a world class player but at present he is an 18year old still learning his trade and unless his performances improve greatly he'll be here next season. He has been taken off twice this season already.



Whoever runs the club if it stays in the current financial situation will have to sell Lallana if clubs come sniffing.

We are in a bad financial way and so Fulham took the opportunity to see if they could get a bargain.

They wanted to buy a lad who has played 6-7 first team competitive matches. What value would that be? Ok there is potential to factor in but I doubt his current value is much more than 500k tops. Fulham tested the clubs resolve and we turned them down, why is it always a positive is turned into a negative?

We could have taken a guarenteed figure now plus add ons for appearances and sell ons etc if RL etc is so keen to sell as fans seem to think.

Yes IF Lallana plays well until xmas he will no doubt be worth more and so it is right that some say that is what RL is waiting for, but the arguement will be then , if we had kept him for 3 years he'd be worth more, this can go on and on.

It was good that we turned down the offer , and some on here know his family, might just find out how much was offered.

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Or Fullham were extracting the urine with a derisory sum.
That could well be true Alpine. From a business or Fulham prospective that was the correct thing to do and test our resolve when it is common knowledge that the club is in financial trouble.

I would expect Saints to do the same if the boot was on theo ter foot.

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Guest Hacienda
Incredible to see you putting a negative spin on a positive story. Who would have thunk it?


Thrush is correct. If AL continues to develop and play in the same vein, he'll be sold in Jan'.

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Re: The Player 'wanted to go'...?


You still believe that old chestnut? More PR Spin to get numpties to believe what the powers that be want.....Davies didn't 'want to go' (allegedly) did he?


Take off the Lowe blinkers and see business how it is.

Ahh the numpties to believe. So the non numpties believe that a player who has been here less than a season has fallen so in love with the club/fans/area that he wouldnt wish to return to the north, a PL club, the media attention, a double or triple salary etc, not to be involved in what to most seemed like a relegation fight, adminsitration looming and thrown in with a lot of youngsters learning the game.

Boy you non numpties sure can tell a loyal player forced out of the club.I remember him being frogmarched to Stoke manacled to his agent and forced to take that massive wage rise.His human rights were really infringed that day.

Im happy to stay with the numpties and accept that he enjoyed the fans adulation but a better offer came along that he decided to take for his families future.

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For me the past is history. No one can change it. They can only learn from it.



Here's the rub :


- some of us have learnt from the past and dont trust Lowe


- the question as to whether Lowe has learnt anything remains to be seen.




- he has learnt to keep that gob of his shut to the media


- he hasnt learnt jack-shiit about football management, he still thinks he knows a better way of doing things and is still indulging himself with his experiement


- he hasnt learnt to treat fans with respect and recognise we aint all stupid, there is still plenty of PR/spin/smoke-and-mirrors tricks going on

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Here's the rub :


- some of us have learnt from the past and dont trust Lowe


- the question as to whether Lowe has learnt anything remains to be seen.




- he has learnt to keep that gob of his shut to the media


- he hasnt learnt jack-shiit about football management, he still thinks he knows a better way of doing things and is still indulging himself with his experiement


- he hasnt learnt to treat fans with respect and recognise we aint all stupid, there is still plenty of PR/spin/smoke-and-mirrors tricks going on


I actually agree with that. For me though the experiment is working at the moment. As I said the philosophy is right and I feel good about watching this team achieve something (even if it's just a win away at Pride Park.)

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Same with any club in the league. If a young player does well for long enough, he'll almost certainly leave. Just as if a young player does well outside the top 4 (or 5 now) in the premiership, he'll probably leave. It sucks but there we go.


Spot on matey. very few clubs will hang on to a player against his will. The player will probably go into sulk which creates a bad atmosphere amongst the rest of the squad.


All players have their price. If it's high enough, they'll be on their way.

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Here's the rub :


- some of us have learnt from the past and dont trust Lowe


- the question as to whether Lowe has learnt anything remains to be seen.




- he has learnt to keep that gob of his shut to the media


- he hasnt learnt jack-shiit about football management, he still thinks he knows a better way of doing things and is still indulging himself with his experiement


- he hasnt learnt to treat fans with respect and recognise we aint all stupid, there is still plenty of PR/spin/smoke-and-mirrors tricks going on

That again I can see to be fair.

I would say that he has yet to be proved wrong in his football experiment and if yopu or I were prepared to buy a large hunk of shares or get control of a lot we could try it our way.


I suggest that by keeping his mouth shut to a degree is showing respect to the fans wishes.I also would find it difficult to keep my calm with some of the mad expectations of some. That is not yours Alpine as your are concerns not over high expectations.

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The main thing at the present is AL is staying and will continue to play a vial role with others.

Let us hope that we can get some results out of the next 6-8 games , say at least 3/4 wins and it will give us all heart and we can concentrate on the team/Coach and further results and hope the finances improve somehow.

In the interim it would be a miracle if the Directors could bring Crouch back into the fold and all work together to a solution off the park.

Is it too much to ask and would surely benefit the club and give us hope.

Mind you the results would help first.

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Away from the "political" discussions. we've missed one interesting point.


No comment from Lallana.


None of the disgruntled that the club blocked a move to the promised land of the PL, nothing about how much money he personally has missed out on because of those eveil management types not letting him have his dream move.


No KJ theatrics or Berbatov dramatics.


That says a lot more than the assumptions about what Lowe may or may not wish to do for money.


The lad is HAPPY here at the moment, enjoying his football (in the first team) and playing with his mates.


It won't last forever but we should have noticed it.

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That could well be true Alpine. From a business or Fulham prospective that was the correct thing to do and test our resolve when it is common knowledge that the club is in financial trouble.

I would expect Saints to do the same if the boot was on theo ter foot.


Spot on. As stated, virtually everybody in British football knows of our financial predicament, so it could well be that here was an opportunity to put forward a ridiculously low price, gambling on picking up a bargain for not a lot of money. It is the opposite side of the coin from the situation that we were in when in it became known that GB had £7/8 million to spend on players and clubs could anticipate that if we wanted a player of theirs and others were also in the frame, they could hold out for a much higher price. At least under current circumstances if we are buying or loaning a player, clubs know that we do not have the ability to pay over the odds.



So if he plays in the same vein and is not then sold in january will you be coming on here to make a public apology to Lowe?


Why? Because Lowe turned down what was probably a derisory, opportunist, speculative offer? I don't see many taking this necessarily as proof that Lallana is a player key to our plans and not for sale under any circumstances. If he continues to improve and becomes a really good player by January, then I suspect that we will have a few clubs sniffing round. Whether Lowe would deserve any credit for refusing offers for him at that time, rather depends on the level of offer on the table and whether any monies received by him are used to improve the team, or whether it all disappears into the black hole that is our debt repayment.

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The main thing at the present is AL is staying and will continue to play a vial role with others.

Let us hope that we can get some results out of the next 6-8 games , say at least 3/4 wins and it will give us all heart and we can concentrate on the team/Coach and further results and hope the finances improve somehow.

In the interim it would be a miracle if the Directors could bring Crouch back into the fold and all work together to a solution off the park.

Is it too much to ask and would surely benefit the club and give us hope.

Mind you the results would help first.

OSM, I cant see how bringing LC back into the fold would help.

He is set in his ways and is used to nobody saying no to him.We have to go down a single minded track until a financial benifactor appears.Having 2 or 3 successful businessmen with power in the boardroom will not work as their egos always come to the surface

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The main thing at the present is AL is staying and will continue to play a vial role with others.

Let us hope that we can get some results out of the next 6-8 games , say at least 3/4 wins and it will give us all heart and we can concentrate on the team/Coach and further results and hope the finances improve somehow.

In the interim it would be a miracle if the Directors could bring Crouch back into the fold and all work together to a solution off the park.

Is it too much to ask and would surely benefit the club and give us hope.

Mind you the results would help first.


I would include Fulthorpe in that position as well. We need them all, but they must be pulling in the one direction for the best of the club. I have believed from close to the beginning that the direction we are taking is the right direction. That does not mean that another direction backed by greater finance would not work better without Lowe. But until finance comes along that can make that difference, I would stick with what is currently in motion.

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OSM, I cant see how bringing LC back into the fold would help.

He is set in his ways and is used to nobody saying no to him.We have to go down a single minded track until a financial benifactor appears.Having 2 or 3 successful businessmen with power in the boardroom will not work as their egos always come to the surface


Wishful thinking on my part. Agree with you with the history of the troublesome threesome.

BUT, I was thinking with the passage of time and the number of shares it was better to have him on board all working together. Maybe not.

Don't forget lads the Euro millions on Friday 90 mil. We couyld make a few changes.

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Wishful thinking on my part. Agree with you with the history of the troublesome threesome.

BUT, I was thinking with the passage of time and the number of shares it was better to have him on board all working together. Maybe not.

Don't forget lads the Euro millions on Friday 90 mil. We couyld make a few changes.

I see why you say that. It is interesting that LC and LM have been seen at games this season. I had thought LM would never come back to games with RL there.I wish that they could work together for the greater good.
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I'm sure this is a new phenomenon. A player like Lallana who has played half a dozen games for the team is suddenly wanted by a Premiership club.


I'm sure in the past players were watched for a season or two before being approached by the larger clubs. I would suggest that Wayne Bridge was the last example at Saints.


Look at Aaron Ramsey, how can these top clubs be so sure that the player is ready on a handful of games. I would suggest that most agents now see the transfer window as an opportunity to tout their players, as soon as they are a first team player.


Very worrying IMHO, I think Lallana is going to be a great player, but to suggest that he is ready for the Premiership now is laughable. He could easily become another Matt Mills, and move to a Premiership club, never make the first team, other than odd sub appearance or cup match, and move to a smaller club than they started at.


IMHO the agents have a lot to answer for with the modern game, closely followed by Sky....


but no-one with a sane mind would say "no thanks" to a 4 year contract at 20-40 K per week TBF.

even if it meant staying on the bench for those years.they`d be set for life,and still have about 8-9 years left to play footie after that contract has expired..

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