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How Ladbrokes and Finktank think the election will go


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Just found this snazzy little site courtesy of The Times and you can see how Ladbrokes and Finktank think it'll go in your constituency.




New Forest East


Ladbrokes - 93% chance of a Conservative win

Finktank - 100% chance of a Conservative win


Yep, PR would be a disaster.........

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According Ladbrooks the tories can get a coalition by recruiting the SNP, Sinn Fein and Plaid Cymru. Fink tank have it with Labour winning the most seats


Alex Salmond has said he won't join the Conservatives or Labour, Sinn Fein won't either not least because the Unionists would (wouldn't want those IRA scum ****s anyway). Plaid is a possibility.

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Alex Salmond has said he won't join the Conservatives or Labour, Sinn Fein won't either not least because the Unionists would (wouldn't want those IRA scum ****s anyway). Plaid is a possibility.



Another very stupid comment.


Sinn Fein is now working as part of a coalition government with the DUP in Northern Ireland.


However, that does not withstand the fact that the SNP, Plaid and SF are all left wing parties so would not join the Tories in a coalition unless they were given significantly more devolved powers of administration.

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Another very stupid comment.


Sinn Fein is now working as part of a coalition government with the DUP in Northern Ireland.


However, that does not withstand the fact that the SNP, Plaid and SF are all left wing parties so would not join the Tories in a coalition unless they were given significantly more devolved powers of administration.


Sinn Fein will always be the political branch of the IRA as far as i'm concerned.



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Sinn Fein will always be the political branch of the IRA as far as i'm concerned.




Who, then, would be the political wing of the UDA or UVF?


The whole thing about N.I. is that after all the struggles, bombings, maimings, beatings and wrongdoings the people have found the will to forge ahead with a democratic and political solution. We can learn from the past but we can't keep going back and arguing that certain people were terrorists and they should be excluded from that due process.


Might that encourage people to forake the ballot box and return to the pipe bomb etc?


Otherwise we might find our foothold in Europe weakened by the fact that Germany wreaked havoc under the leadership of a terrorist regime all those years ago!


A bit extreme maybe but it depicts my point.

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After Browns gaffe it may yet turn blue. Fingers crossed that the Labour core vote splits.


In Southampton terms you could slice 10% votes off Denham and Whitehead and give it to the Tories and they would both still get back to Parliament. They both had close to 50% last time with the remainder split fairly equally between Tories and LDs.


Equally importantly, before JB and others lay into me for being a leftie, both Denham and Whitehead have built reputations as Southampton MPs as well as Labour MPs. So that counts for a bit also.


Also, remember that whilst Denham is a member of Brown's Cabinet, he resigned as one of Blair's ministers over the Iraq war.


Irrespective of party, I think both are quite principled, are not lunatics, had no part in MP expenses scandals, and are good MPs for Southampton.

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Where's the scandal Dune? :confused:


Denham and Whitehead are not involved at all as wholly as cleared by the Legg inquiry. Are you getting confused with various moat and duck house MPs?


I think the biggest scandal is not how a few broke the rules and were found guilty by the Legg inquiry but how the majority used the inept rules to take the ****...


"he spent £2,479 on two chairs and a rug from John Lewis"

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I think the biggest scandal is not how a few broke the rules and were found guilty by the Legg inquiry but how the majority used the inept rules to take the ****...


"he spent £2,479 on two chairs and a rug from John Lewis"


I have written to Denham about this very point. There could be many reasons before people jump to conclusions. Hopefully I will hear back and let you know.

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They've got Meon Valley down as Tory, it's been Lib Dem for a while and i can't see that changing.


Boundary changes have included more rural areas where the Conservative Party is at it's strongest.

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I have written to Denham about this very point. There could be many reasons before people jump to conclusions. Hopefully I will hear back and let you know.


How many reasons can there be for blowing 2 grand of our cash on a couple of chairs?

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Boundary changes have included more rural areas where the Conservative Party is at it's strongest.


Utterly wrong as usual. The Boundary Commission works about the edge of seats and moves bits from one seat to another to reflect changing population movements. For example, in Southampton, Bevois Valley has been moved into Test.


There are no extra rural seats.


You really are a fool Dune.

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Just found this snazzy little site courtesy of The Times and you can see how Ladbrokes and Finktank think it'll go in your constituency.




I think it's clear from that link, we should stop the Scots and Welsh from voting, as they have theitr own assemblys, then the picture would be very blue;)


Come on Dave C!

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I think it's clear from that link, we should stop the Scots and Welsh from voting, as they have theitr own assemblys, then the picture would be very blue;)


Come on Dave C!


You are in fact referring to the West Lothian Question, even if you don't know it.

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Unsurprisingly my home seat of Ruislip-Northwood is Tory by about 92%.


More worryingly - Have learnt there is an NF candidate standing in the

area. Quite disturbing really.


Why? Some nutter is running for parliament. That's hardly disturbing.

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Can anyone see on the map where the greens are meant to win their one seat? i can't find it anywhere.


Brighton Pavilion - Caroline Lucas.


Despite all the shyte from the BNP and UKIP, they will win no seats. Lucas is fave to win in Brighton.

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Brighton Pavilion - Caroline Lucas.


Despite all the shyte from the BNP and UKIP, they will win no seats. Lucas is fave to win in Brighton.


Cool, thanks. I hope she does win. It would be interesting to see what happens if she's needed to form part of a coaltion.

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