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Justin C

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Just met NC in the Dell bar and he was very polite but got nervous when I kept saying keep Alan and Rickie! I will now ask about the Brighton right back.


Did not realise Nick Clegg was involved;)

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MARK HUGHES was at the game today and rumour has it that he taking over from pardew, according to a well placed saints trust board member. i hope this is not true!!!


what a kick on the ******** for Pards, totally and utterly unfair if it happens.


Hughes is a good manager, I'm not doubting that - but if we go about replacing him in this way, when there is actually no need, then someone needs to have a word with themselves.

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what a kick on the ******** for Pards, totally and utterly unfair if it happens.


Hughes is a good manager, I'm not doubting that - but if we go about replacing him in this way, when there is actually no need, then someone needs to have a word with themselves.

you are right..but this is football..


I guess this would be along those lines of "build for the top now" approach...and hughes certainly has more kudos that pardew..


this has to be a load of bollix really...hughes from man city and doing alright to league 1...????

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Not if he manages here anything like he played when he was with us.

you can really only go off citeh and rovers...rovers he was brilliant..citeh he was good..


both are light years ahead of what we have...would be a huge HUGE appointment..


however, one we probably dont need right now

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If you sign a striker and expect him to score 20 goals, but he scores 19 - do you give him another season and hope he can score more? or do you sign a striker who scores 20 goals every season?


I used your analogy but made it a bit fairer on Pards.

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If you sign a striker and expect him to score 20 goals, but he scores 2 - do you give him another season and hope he can score more? or do you sign a striker who scores 20 goals every season?


I think it rather depends whether you have the gift of foresight does it not? :rolleyes:

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Hughes wouldnt be at todays game with any intentions of taking over....look at how he lost his job. He would not do business with any team still under management. FACT


This summer is going to be a nightmare with the bollix that some posters spout.


Season finished 2 hours ago and we already have...


- New signing

- Hope you said bye to Lallana

- Hughes was at the game

- ML didnt attend as he is furious about progress

- Programme conspiracy

- AP is off

- betting scandals


Its going to be a long summer.......................

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If you sign a striker and expect him to score 20 goals, but he scores 2 - do you give him another season and hope he can score more? or do you sign a striker who scores 20 goals every season?


Sadly you'll never now if the next one can score twenty goals either just becuase he did it at his last club, he may come to your club and score one in which case you where better off keeping the two goals a season man.

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MARK HUGHES was at the game today and rumour has it that he taking over from pardew, according to a well placed saints trust board member. i hope this is not true!!!


Could also explain the reason the programs were withdrawn due to it saying that some1 was leaving before it was officialy annouced!

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in fairness..I could not give a rats ass what other teams think of us...very soon, if not already we will be hated more than anyone in the league...so I could not care what brighton or exeter or hartlepool think



at the end of the day, I am with the chairman 100%...yes, of course would love pardew to stay and im sure he will..he has done a great job this season..


BUT, if the powers at the club chose to move him on for someone better, then that is a forward step for me and they have my backing..


they have not been too wrong so far...


I really really cannot see hughes being saints manager next season..so really, a silly thread IMO

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in fairness..I could not give a rats ass what other teams think of us...very soon, if not already we will be hated more than anyone in the league...so I could not care what brighton or exeter or hartlepool think



at the end of the day, I am with the chairman 100%...yes, of course would love pardew to stay and im sure he will..he has done a great job this season..


BUT, if the powers at the club chose to move him on for someone better, then that is a forward step for me and they have my backing..


they have not been too wrong so far...


I really really cannot see hughes being saints manager next season..so really, a silly thread IMO



I agree with you seems very far fetched to me

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Imagine what the other teams will think of us if we give AP the boot. 7th with - 10 in league one and the JPT trophy with no real pre season. I will be embarassed.


Exactly. We would become one of those clubs i really hate who sack people on a game by game basis. We won 23 league games this year and lost only 9, got far in fa cup and won jpt. Pardew has done very well and has earnt the right to build over the summer and remain our manager next year.


It goes to show how far we as a club have come from this time last year. We will have a summer of rumours for players/staff in and out. Until NC comes out and say's he is backing Pardew the media will have a field day.

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in fairness..I could not give a rats ass what other teams think of us...very soon, if not already we will be hated more than anyone in the league...so I could not care what brighton or exeter or hartlepool think



at the end of the day, I am with the chairman 100%...yes, of course would love pardew to stay and im sure he will..he has done a great job this season..


BUT, if the powers at the club chose to move him on for someone better, then that is a forward step for me and they have my backing..


they have not been too wrong so far...


I really really cannot see hughes being saints manager next season..so really, a silly thread IMO



Thats the crux though whose better? We can't really say if anyone else would have done any better this season and we will never be in that postion again (I hope) to test that theroy. All those managers currently unemployed are that for a reason. Unless we're going to buy Wenger or Moyes out of their contracts whose avaliable whose better Hughes record is probably little better than APs who else is avaliable Coleman, Ince a whole load of other pretty average managers.

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Thats the crux though whose better? We can't really say if anyone else would have done any better this season and we will never be in that postion again (I hope) to test that theroy. All those managers currently unemployed are that for a reason. Unless we're going to buy Wenger or Moyes out of their contracts whose avaliable whose better Hughes record is probably little better than APs who else is avaliable Coleman, Ince a whole load of other pretty average managers.

i would say (for the sake of this argument) that hughes IS better than pardew...


he is certainly no where near worse and is easily a bigger name...

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So we get in another manager who will want all his new staff and have his own players to bring in,just when we have a virtually settled squad and a damn fine one at that.


That would just be ******* brilliant.:rolleyes:

Let's start from scratch again shall we.:rolleyes:


If AP goes i will be livid.


And i would not want Hughes either.

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I hate posting this but the little snippets I have heard over the last few weeks do indicate that all is not well between NC and AP.


I do think AP creates a rod for his own back with some of his tactical decisions but most supporters would probably say that about their manager.


If he leaves it will not be a good day. This club needs stability more than anything else right now and Pardew has, by and large done well.


However, unfortunately there is not much point him staying if he does not have the full confidence of NC.

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Are you talking about the Hoddle rumour that you yourself just started up, or all the rumours about Pardew in general?


Sadly, can't see Hoddle coming back into management now. We made our mistake in 2004 and are only just starting the long trek back to the top. As for the rumour about AP, ML etc, very unsettling.

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seeing things like players running to celebrate goals with managers, Lambert saying how much Pardew has improved his game etc - also he is the guy who many of them agreed to come and play for


Hit the nail on the head. Spot on. Had we not had the minus ten we would have taken the previous game more seriously. Had we won that as a result, we'd have finished on the same points as Leeds but with better goal difference. Speculation I know, but it puts the teams performance under pardew in perspective I think.


It's idiocy to get rid of pardew at this point. The players seem to respect him and I believe we are much more likely to keep hold of the likes of lallana and lambert with him in charge. After the last few seasons we need stability. I understand that ml has put a lot of money into the club and that nc has done a good job so far, however this doesn't mean that everything they do will be correct.

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I think AP will stay, I really think that he is excited by the future at Southampton and now has a pre-season with a team HE has put together and it can only get better. I was very impressed with the young full back and OC did great when he came on in the last 15min.


NC saved our club, I can't thank him enough and I'm sure he will want to keep AP.

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From what I understand NC was not at the game today and the last place you would find him would be in the Dell Cafe Bar as stated in the OT, so sorry mate I think that is big toilet. I have a work colleague and his son in law is employed by SFC and the low down on NC is that he is not the most liked person he is rude and arrogant. Members of staff have be told do not speak to him unless he speaks to you first.

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MARK HUGHES was at the game today and rumour has it that he taking over from pardew, according to a well placed saints trust board member. i hope this is not true!!!


It's not. He's the new Celtic manager and he's finalising deals for Lambert and Lallana.

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