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The FA find Anelka guilty


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How many has he scored this season anyway?


Why did they sell Long, idiots.


Mel probably wasn't impressed with him, WBA is a right old f*ck up this season, should have kept Clarke, you just can't make silk purses out of sows ears, without Lukaku they're not half the team they were last season, how is that the manager's fault.

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not while they are still paying for Wembley they won't .


Amazing that we get all touchy here but in France where players have been flashing the Quenelle, apart from being told they are very naughty boys it's generally been viewed with a Gallic shrug.

There so much more civilised than us. Massive face palm

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not while they are still paying for Wembley they won't .


Amazing that we get all touchy here but in France where players have been flashing the Quenelle, apart from being told they are very naughty boys it's generally been viewed with a Gallic shrug.


Yeah and in America you can all carry guns around. Us British with our silly rules.

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not while they are still paying for Wembley they won't .


Amazing that we get all touchy here but in France where players have been flashing the Quenelle, apart from being told they are very naughty boys it's generally been viewed with a Gallic shrug.


It went unnoticed until the French went mad about it, so I doubt that.

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Anti-Zionism is opposition to Zionism, a nationalism of Jews and Jewish culture that supports a Jewish nation state in the territory defined as the Land of Israel.


Anti-Semitism is prejudice, hatred of, or discrimination against Jews for reasons connected to their Jewish religion or heritage.


Notice the difference?

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Anti-Zionism is opposition to Zionism, a nationalism of Jews and Jewish culture that supports a Jewish nation state in the territory defined as the Land of Israel.


Anti-Semitism is prejudice, hatred of, or discrimination against Jews for reasons connected to their Jewish religion or heritage.


Notice the difference?


Come on Mikey, that's not how it works. Why use logic, reason and do your research when you can leap to be offended because someone tells you you should be.

Edited by Turkish
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I have to be careful here as my original Anelka thread was shut down.


I don't really share SuperMikey's definition of anti-semitism. I know that's what it is supposed to be, but practically, it's just a huge label that gets assigned to someone when they are critical of the State of Israel or those who lobby for them. It's designed to put the critic in a box, right next to the one that says "genocidal maniac". As I said earlier in the thread, Netanyahu reckons you're anti-semitic if you support the boycott.


Let's appeal to Turk's call for logic. Logically, if we were going to get our knickers in a twist about issues tied to religion, there would be no gay marriage. There are far more Christians in this country (or those with a Christian heritage) that would oppose gay marriage legislation than the 1% of the population that follow Jewish tradition who may be offended by Anelka's gesture. If we were going to use "amount of harm suffered in Second World War" as some kind of delineator as to whether a nation can be criticised or not, we wouldn't allow criticism of Russia. The barrage of news stories condemning Russia's laws against the promotion of homosexual lifestyles wouldn't exist. They lost 25 million people, right? They should be above criticism.


None of it washes with me anymore. I'm well aware that application of the term is designed to scare the bejesus out of anyone called it, but I was born in England in 1975, not Germany in 1910. Even if I believed in the sins of the father, my dad ain't German either and was born in 1955. Wasn't there at the time, have never been a genocidal maniac and haven't got any plans in that direction. Fk, I don't even have an ABH against my name.


Defenders of the term would insist that we must be on our vigil to ensure it never happens again. It's a load of crap; it's designed to stem criticism and make people feel guilt for horrible crimes they, and in most cases their ancestral countrymen, never committed.

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Some of my best friends are Jews.


None of my friends are Zionists.


(Thats not to say i have a prejudice against Zionists, its just that I don't like talking to them much.)


To balance things up, I also have friends who happen to be CoE, RC and moslem, some agnostics, but to be honest i like the atheists the most since they are naturally, warm, friendly and inclusive people.

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i don't believe in god myself but i get v.angar when people talk shit bout baby jesus cos bj is the king of kings. But even if people was talking shit bout him, bj would never stoop as low as to touch his right arm with his left hand as that is one of the most offensive things you can do + i think people should remember bj before touching themselves like that. i hope this clarifies things.

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Some of my best friends are Jews.


None of my friends are Zionists.


(Thats not to say i have a prejudice against Zionists, its just that I don't like talking to them much.)


To balance things up, I also have friends who happen to be CoE, RC and moslem, some agnostics, but to be honest i like the atheists the most since they are naturally, warm, friendly and inclusive people.


I cant be antisematic as i've got a good jewish friends. I also cant be a peaodophile because some of my best friends are children.

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It went unnoticed until the French went mad about it, so I doubt that.



If the Dieudonné had not been such a knob and paid his fines and his taxes it would have probably gone unnoticed still.

He is just a common criminal, spiriting away all his earnings to Cameroon or something and then claiming he's bankrupt so as not to pay for anything at all, probably even gets social security handouts as well. When they raided his house in a smart parisian suburb they found nigh on 1 million Euros in cash, not bad for a bloke who's stoney broke.

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