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On the Way Out.


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Viafara has gone, although presumably SFC may get a fee if he signs for another club in Sth America.

Skacel move seems to have failed, possibly on his pay demand.

Rasiak and John - both actively in the squad although maybe neither is first choice, assumption is one would be allowed to leave if an offer is received.

Saganowski - has been little speculation about Saga leaving, and after being in Euro 2008 he should be good enough to be first choice in any CCC side, but seems not first choice for Saints, so would the club let him go?

Safri - another failed transfer candidate, any chance a move will be resurrected?

Euell - Another older player not first choice in the team, but is he worth anything to anyone else?

What are the prospects of these players leaving over the next 3 weeks?

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Skacel - A very good player, but even I wont deny he is overpaid. Hence I can't see anyone matching his wage demands and think (and hope) he will stay.


Safri - I don't get the hold up. He wants out, they want him, we want rid of him. I hope it isn't just Lowe being greedy RE: transfer fee.


Rasiak and John - the two most likely to leave. Hopefully one stays.


Saga - Can't see him going. 4 goals last season will hardly have impressed Europes managers. Euro campaign was solid if unspectacular.


Euell - Nobody is going to want to match his wages. He is going nowhere sadly.

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Safri has, I skpoe with him just the other day and he told me he was calling me from spain where he was training with his new team mates. Saints are still waiting for the fee to be paid. Before oyu ask he didn't tell me. Probably nominal what ever that means.

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Safri has, I skpoe with him just the other day and he told me he was calling me from spain where he was training with his new team mates. Saints are still waiting for the fee to be paid. Before oyu ask he didn't tell me. Probably nominal what ever that means.



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Viafara was in Oceana on Thursday.
Bit of a surprise as the club statement was that he was anxious to get home to his wife and family, but maybe he needed some time to do his packing - and say goodbye to friends in Oceana..... Wonder if Mrs Viafara knows where he is......
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I've heard there are question marks over Wayne Thomas and his future at the club.


After not being in the squad for the visit of West Ham, he wasn't happy and could be on his way out.


All depends whether Saints receive a decent offer or not I suppose.


With the likely return of Killer too, maybe we can afford to let Thomas go if he isn't happy.



Edited by Bailey
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I've heard there are question marks over Wayne Thomas and his future at the club.


After not being in the squad for the visit of West Ham, he wasn't happy and could be on his way out.


All depends whether Saints receive a decent offer or not I suppose. With the likely return of Killer too, maybe we can afford to let Thomas go if he isn't happy.




Absolutely not.


That would leave us with an unfit Davies, a dodgy Svensson and an ancient Perry. The chances that none of those 3 will be injured at the same time, for some period during the season, are zero.


Added to that we have no fullbacks and it would be suicidal to lose any defenders IMO.

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Absolutely not.


That would leave us with an unfit Davies, a dodgy Svensson and an ancient Perry. The chances that none of those 3 will be injured at the same time, for some period during the season, are zero.


Added to that we have no fullbacks and it would be suicidal to lose any defenders IMO.


Certainly, but my guess would be that Thomas is caught up in the clear-out because of his high wages.

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Certainly, but my guess would be that Thomas is caught up in the clear-out because of his high wages.

Since Killer's return was unexpected and unforeseeable, we do have too many CBs, but Thomas could be seen as cover for FB. Of the CBs on the books, I'd say WT is the most vulnerable to being shipped out but I wouldn't bank on it.

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Since Killer's return was unexpected and unforeseeable, we do have too many CBs, but Thomas could be seen as cover for FB. Of the CBs on the books, I'd say WT is the most vulnerable to being shipped out but I wouldn't bank on it.


Too many CBs ? Where do you get that stat from ? We've got Perry, Davies, Thomas, Lancashire and Svensson. All are experienced at Prem/CCC level. Lancashire has never played a single minute of league football and is injured (again), as is Davies. Svensson hasn't played any league football for well over 2 seasons. Wotton would be the next in line in an emergency but hasn't played CB very often in the CCC.


If the last 2 seasons have shown us anything it's that you need 5 or 6 players capable of playing CB. There will inevitably be times when we have 2 or 3 missing through injury and suspension at one time. I recall a couple of games in the Premiership when we had to resort to playing Dodd and Benali at CB because all our recognised CBs were injured or suspended.

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Bit of a surprise as the club statement was that he was anxious to get home to his wife and family, but maybe he needed some time to do his packing - and say goodbye to friends in Oceana..... Wonder if Mrs Viafara knows where he is......

That's what I thought! Didn't seem too keen to be recognised either

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I have a feeling that there still more high paid players on the books than the finances will allow :-(


Which leads me to think we might be the Arsenal of the CCC, but could also suffer the same fate, tailing off as a lack of depth in the squad starts to tell. Hope not..

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Rasiak and Skacel will not move for pay cuts & will sit out their contracts if need be - unless we come up with some kind of "pay off" scheme (although given our recent "cash now" decisions wrt Bale and Walcott I would assume this is unlikely.


This is the case, so we ought to find ways to use them whilst we have them.


I believe they are both on (total package) circa £15K pw. Which makes offloading to CC teams problematic.

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Rasiak and Skacel will not move for pay cuts & will sit out their contracts if need be - unless we come up with some kind of "pay off" scheme (although given our recent "cash now" decisions wrt Bale and Walcott I would assume this is unlikely.


This is the case, so we ought to find ways to use them whilst we have them.


I believe they are both on (total package) circa £15K pw. Which makes offloading to CC teams problematic.


I suppose if they are unlikely to get in the first team then we could do one of those loans where the loaned to team at least pay some their wages.

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Too many CBs ? Where do you get that stat from ? We've got Perry, Davies, Thomas, Lancashire and Svensson. All are experienced at Prem/CCC level. Lancashire has never played a single minute of league football and is injured (again), as is Davies. Svensson hasn't played any league football for well over 2 seasons. Wotton would be the next in line in an emergency but hasn't played CB very often in the CCC.


If the last 2 seasons have shown us anything it's that you need 5 or 6 players capable of playing CB. There will inevitably be times when we have 2 or 3 missing through injury and suspension at one time. I recall a couple of games in the Premiership when we had to resort to playing Dodd and Benali at CB because all our recognised CBs were injured or suspended.


Sadly, this is an all too true analysis of the situation. Add to Dodd and Benali as emergency centre backs the name of Chris Baird!


It is, however, quite noticable how Aaron Racine has suddenly appeared on the scene and was on the bench for the West Ham game ahead of Thomas! He is obviously highly thought of although only 16(?) - I have not seen him play but the reports have been positive. I don't think JP would hesitate to play him if we needed him. There will obviously be high hopes for Ollie Lancashire but one does have to wory about his injury record and with Michael Svensson its like waiting for a time bomb to go off - you just know his knee is so vulnerable. That said, Thomas is no right back and is not going to be a preferred centre back, he will be on good wages and will be worth a bit on the transfer market so I think his days are certainly numbered with us.

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Viafara has gone, although presumably SFC may get a fee if he signs for another club in Sth America.

Skacel move seems to have failed, possibly on his pay demand.

Rasiak and John - both actively in the squad although maybe neither is first choice, assumption is one would be allowed to leave if an offer is received.

Saganowski - has been little speculation about Saga leaving, and after being in Euro 2008 he should be good enough to be first choice in any CCC side, but seems not first choice for Saints, so would the club let him go?

Safri - another failed transfer candidate, any chance a move will be resurrected?

Euell - Another older player not first choice in the team, but is he worth anything to anyone else?

What are the prospects of these players leaving over the next 3 weeks?


Well i sincerely hope they all go - without wishing to be ungrateful (for what?), they are all over-paid and over-rated.

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Rasiak and Skacel will not move for pay cuts & will sit out their contracts if need be - unless we come up with some kind of "pay off" scheme (although given our recent "cash now" decisions wrt Bale and Walcott I would assume this is unlikely.


This is the case, so we ought to find ways to use them whilst we have them.


I believe they are both on (total package) circa £15K pw. Which makes offloading to CC teams problematic.

from my understanding, Rudi did not leave as whilst he was prepared to take a pay cut Ipswich will not pay agents fees.The clubs could not get a deal sorted on this issue as we would have had to pay the fees.I think he is hoping that the club decide to tear up the contract as Hertha do want him and of course he could have the fee due to us in wages, it may be a waiting game for him before we decide to unload to get rid of his wages, I think you will find he will be playing at Woking with the youngsters this week.

I beleive Bailey is correct about Thomas able to leave and JE can do so not because they are not rated but to rid us of more salaries.

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We will also have to remember that if they do, 'want away' then they have to prove that they are worth something, so they need to play, and play well. if Skacel starts banging them in, working his little socks off and peforming well, he would get his chance. As it is he is, in their terms, not worth THAT MUCH.

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Skacel - A very good player, but even I wont deny he is overpaid. Hence I can't see anyone matching his wage demands and think (and hope) he will stay.


Safri - I don't get the hold up. He wants out, they want him, we want rid of him. I hope it isn't just Lowe being greedy RE: transfer fee.


Rasiak and John - the two most likely to leave. Hopefully one stays.


Saga - Can't see him going. 4 goals last season will hardly have impressed Europes managers. Euro campaign was solid if unspectacular.


Euell - Nobody is going to want to match his wages. He is going nowhere sadly.


I agree with most of that. Although I don't think it's a bad thing that Euell will be staying, especially if one of John or Rasiak goes he will become a very handy squad player.

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The Ipswich offer featured a substantial pay cut (my understanding is to circa 4K pw)... on the basis of "that is what he is worth..."

Hadn't heard this before but would not be surprised. We could be stuck with Skacel, and I know some people will say thats fine and he can be put in the team, but in reality his place has been filled by Holmes and Surman, which makes Rudi an expensive squad player.

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I hope skacel stays - doesn't strike me as the type of player who won't try hard and I rate him a better fullback than Surman.


Can hardly blame him for not wanting to take a pay cut, not many would, but it's not a reflection on his professionalism. Personally I think the way JP wants to play is tailor made for him.

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Well i sincerely hope they all go - without wishing to be ungrateful (for what?), they are all over-paid and over-rated.


It is quite amusing that I was saying similar things about most of these players on a thread last summer. How I was shot down by the majority. :D

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Hadn't heard this before but would not be surprised. We could be stuck with Skacel, and I know some people will say thats fine and he can be put in the team, but in reality his place has been filled by Holmes and Surman, which makes Rudi an expensive squad player.


Rudi moving on would have been good for the wage bill but Holmes and Surman are not shoe-ins but do have possession of the left-sided positions at present. If Drew disappears up his own arse like he did for parts of last season, Skacel - and I still believe he'll be gone by the end of August - would probably come in to replace him. Competition for places would be healthy. Safri and John would probably be the best departures for us in terms of positions (well-stocked for CMs and as it stands for CFs) and wages. Would love to see Euell go but cannot see anyone wanting to take him, especially at the nonsensical wage we are paying him.

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It seems we are suffering from what is an old problem.


Going way back into the Jones era, we built up our squad, this carried on into the WGS days. We bought players in and never actually managed to get rid of any. At one time I recall we had a squad of about 40 players.

The current crop of overpaid numpties (last season's TSF post match buzz word) show that our OLD policy of bringing in "PL quality players" on big wages was even more wrong than it could have been. (No that is not praising our "new policy" just it SEEMS like we may have budgeted for the spending of transfer funds but didn't ACTUALLY think through how much these would cost in the long run, and whether the actual contracts were wise).


When you look at the actual transfer market this season, there have not been a lot of moves, deals are falling through, players are being re-valued (Andy Johnson to Fulham and Hull trying to buy anyone as examples).


It SEEMS as if a wave of common sense is drifting into football, people are worried or the banks aren't stumping up cash. Lots of "big talk" moves for players but a lot of others seem to be more careful.


I think we (and others) will start to be in trouble IF we can't move out players. But I also expect that as we get closer to deadline day, things will start to move.

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From Sagas website:

After EURO I did return to Southampton with expextation that I secure strong position in first eleven,but the clubgot a big financial problems and like to rid off all players with high wages contracts.Saga add:In this group I did find myself.The new manager make suggestion that it could be good if I leave the club.


More on http://www.saganowski.com.p


Today in polish newspaper I did find that Norway FC Brann Bergen looking to sign him.


Saganowski bliżej fiordów

Działacze norweskiego pierwszoligowego klubu piłkarskiego Brann Bergen przyznali, że pilnie poszukują nowego napastnika i są bardzo zainteresowani pozyskaniem Marka Saganowskiego.

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