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Weston Super Saint

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I consider that highly unlikely - both Redknapp being fired and Lowe re-employing him.


I think it's more likely than people consider....


Pompey 0 Man Utd 1

Chelsea 4 Pompey 0

Pompey 0 Fulham 1

Boro 2 Pompey 0

Pompey 0 Blackburn 1

man City 3 Pompey 1

Pompey 0 Newcastle 0



Only 1 point and one goal from their last 7 League matches.

and not scored at home since March


'Arry to be sacked in the morning.....

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Pompey had their mind on the FA Cup Final for most of that run.


New season, clean slate. Pompey lost to the two title challengers so far this season.


Early days.


Avram Grant was a guest in the director's box last night ;)


I don't know what that proves apart from they have fans that enjoy looking at the director's box almost as much as some of ours do :smt102

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Hence all his stuff about wanting to run the GB team for the next Olympics, for sure. I think he'll either go to Bournemouth or West Ham in place of Curbs. But like someone said, they've played Chelsea and Man U. Nice to see the gap being closer than for some time between us! And great to see my other detested clubs, Spurs and Derby, also winless. Long may it continue.

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Harry has not bought well this time round - sorry but Crouch didn't keep us up and I don't think he's good enough. I am hoping against hope for a Pompey flirt with relegation this time especially as their debt mountain seems to be finally catching up with them hur hur.:p

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In case no one noticed, there is no vacancy at Southampton.

Shouldn't get too excited either about Pompy losing two games, as Alpine has pointed out, it so happens, that like Saints, two of their less winnable matches happen to have come as their first two games in the fixture list.

But, if Redknapp were to leave Portsmouth, he'd have no problem getting another job. Like it or not, despite the way he lost interest in Saints, he is regarded by a large swathe of 'football people' as being an effective manager, but it would be a safe bet to say that hell will freeze over before SFC will employ him again in any capacity, and whoever is chairman.

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He came back didn't he???


There was no vacancy at Southampton when all of a sudden Sturrock disappeared...

Just as well Rupert did come back, because despite all the hype over the past couple of years, apart from SISU, no one else has wanted to run the club, so instead of abusing him, fans should be glad he's here, at least until someone better comes along.

As for Sturrock, Weston must be the only Saints fan still mourning his departure, and there weren't very many at the time who were sorry to see him go. Neither were there many who thought Wigley - who was, and still is, a respected coach, - would fail as a manager, but hindsight is great thing. What is sometimes forgotten, is that when Wigley failed, Lowe sacked him, not an easy decision, and he did it when there was still time for a new manager to strengthen the squad in the January window - which Redknapp did, but failed by ONE GOAL to keep the team up.

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Pompey had their mind on the FA Cup Final for most of that run.

New season, clean slate. Pompey lost to the two title challengers so far this season.

Early days.


Whilst oh so true Alpine, it's still funny. Their fans were talking about being a couple of players away from a Champions League outfit. Given the 4-0 thrashing at Chelsea and the most comfortable 1-0 you'll see in a long time, I'm happy! Well at least the most comfortable 1-0 you'll see in a long time unless you were at Derby ;-)

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Just as well Rupert did come back, because despite all the hype over the past couple of years, apart from SISU, no one else has wanted to run the club, so instead of abusing him, fans should be glad he's here, at least until someone better comes along.

As for Sturrock, Weston must be the only Saints fan still mourning his departure, and there weren't very many at the time who were sorry to see him go. Neither were there many who thought Wigley - who was, and still is, a respected coach, - would fail as a manager, but hindsight is great thing. What is sometimes forgotten, is that when Wigley failed, Lowe sacked him, not an easy decision, and he did it when there was still time for a new manager to strengthen the squad in the January window - which Redknapp did, but failed by ONE GOAL to keep the team up.


Oh dear.


Talk about stretching the truth to suit your own agenda.


So, no-one wanted to run the club eh? Wilde and Crouch were marched at gunpoint into the boardroom were they?


For the record I don't mourn the loss of Sturrock, and as you are too dumb to figure out what I was alluding too, I'll try and make it a little more simple for you.... RL doesn't need to wait for a 'vacancy' before he appoints a new manager, never has and probably never will...

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Just as well Rupert did come back, because despite all the hype over the past couple of years, apart from SISU, no one else has wanted to run the club, so instead of abusing him, fans should be glad he's here, at least until someone better comes along.

As for Sturrock, Weston must be the only Saints fan still mourning his departure, and there weren't very many at the time who were sorry to see him go. Neither were there many who thought Wigley - who was, and still is, a respected coach, - would fail as a manager, but hindsight is great thing. What is sometimes forgotten, is that when Wigley failed, Lowe sacked him, not an easy decision, and he did it when there was still time for a new manager to strengthen the squad in the January window - which Redknapp did, but failed by ONE GOAL to keep the team up.


Quite a few fans were disapointed when Sturrock was sacked after 2 games of a season when he had been in place the end of previous season and all summer and bought players to the club.

Sturrock actually had a fairly good record as Saints manager. Maybe you missed away wins at Man Citeeh and wolves and home win versus liverpool. Some very good football was played in that period.

Most people with half a brain cell knew Wigley would fail and was the cheap option like Stuart gray but Woopert did not learn from his preious mistake. The 14 game Wigley period proved costly. Redknapp had enough time to save us even though he constantly repeated to the media that he didn't stand a chance.

Redknapp's strength as a manager is wheeling and dealing in the transfer market which he was not allowed to do with Saints apart from Quashie and had to get in loans.

Saints finished bottom of the league btw in the relegation season. Think you need to change your user name.

Edited by AndyNorthernSaints
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Quite a few fans were disapointed when Sturrock was sacked after 2 games of a season when he had been in place the end of previous season and all summer and bought players to the club.

Sturrock actually had a fairly good record as Saints manager. Maybe you missed away wins at Man Citeeh and wolves and home win versus liverpool. Some very good football was played in that period.

Most people with half a brain cell knew Wigley would fail and was the cheap option like Stuart gray but Woopert did not learn from his preious mistake. The 14 game Wigley period proved costly. Redknapp had enough time to save us even though he constantly repeated to the media that he didn't stand a chance.

Redknapp's strength as a manager is wheeling and dealing in the transfer market which he was not allowed to do with Saints apart from Quashie and had to get in loans.

Saints finished bottom of the league btw in the relegation season. Think you need to change your user name.

i will say it again


sturrock would have been a disaster..he has not had any sort of success, relative or not above league 1...

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Well Hoddle had a reasonable record with us, then what happened???


I guess past records can't really tell us how a manager will manage with a new squad, new directors, etc etc....

Um..I have seen Luggy manage first hand at this level


Funny how you say "look what happened" about hoddle yet luggy was poor at Wednesday and was sacked and you say "we will never know"..???????..He is very poor at Plymouth and will do well to last the season after buying 10 players...

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Um..I have seen Luggy manage first hand at this level


Funny how you say "look what happened" about hoddle yet luggy was poor at Wednesday and was sacked and you say "we will never know"..???????..He is very poor at Plymouth and will do well to last the season after buying 10 players...


Unlike WGS at Coventry ;)

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Unlike WGS at Coventry ;)

in that case...saying hoddle would have been bad here as he was not too great at wolves was just spite rather than fact???


if so, that is quite sad from fans considering how we took luggy from Plymouth....and before you say it..I live in plymouth and believe me, we did unsettle him, but fans on here will never admit that as it would make those who detest hoddle look very hypocritical

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in that case...saying hoddle would have been bad here as he was not too great at wolves was just spite rather than fact???


TBF I said Hoddle did OK for us, then was sh1t at Wolves.


I'm sure the Wolves fans were full of hope when he went there, after his achievements with us.


I was trying to highlight that just because a manager has succeeded at one club doesn't mean to say he will do the biz at another club with a different set up....


I agree that the way we stole Sturrock - and JP - is crap, especially after Lowe's comments about Spurts stealing Hoddle....

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